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superchunk said:
Jay520 said:

How can you say GT isn't comparable to Halo when GT sells only a tiny bit lower?

Was GT5 the turning point for PS3? Does it prove a jump in PS3 sales that carry forward similar to NSMBWii or Wii Fit?

Its a big title and I did say it was Sony's largest, but its not a Halo or Mario title. Its still a niche genre.

you seriously need to put the keyboard down for a second and read your post. GT is the only franchise i know of that sells 5 million  games with a demo. Go see how many PSP games sold over 3million games, and how many  First party games sells 10 million each generation on a sony console . Tell me how many 3rd place console have 10 million seller in their library.

GT is Sonys Halo, just  sell in reverse. huge in europe, ok everwhere else, while Halo is huge in the US and ok everywhere else.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)