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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which user base has the most skilled gamers Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft?

Are either "Microsoft Hard" or "Sony Hard" a phrase? Discounting what their most dedicated fans do during E3 presentations, of course.

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BasilZero said:
Chris Hu said:
BasilZero said:

I'm pretty sure they will in Kinect Sesame Street. I'm so afraid of getting my ass kicked in a video game LOL. Calm down dude, its just a video game, not real life.

No they they would uderly destoy you in Left 4 Dead and any other game in your gaming collection that they also played.

Btw your spell check is off, maybe the people you worship will get more achievement points if they tell you which words you misspelled. l0l

Honestly, Achievements =/= Skill, but if you want to believe that and dream about me getting my "ass kicked" by a bunch of no lifers, go ahead, whatever helps you sleep better at night bro.

Who says I worship these guys anyway that doesn't take away from the fact that they pretty much would kick your ass in almost every game.  Achievements=/=Skill only a guy that has zero achievement points would say something stupid like that.

Moderated and tree-trimmed,

-Mr Khan

Anyone who can finish old school NES games are the most skilled

PC for sure
FPS community
Starcraft and other RTS
League of Legends

Also anyone can plug their arcade stick in the PC if they really want to go there. The PC can host everything, and defenitely has the biggest vets out there. Only challenge from consoles is Fighting and FPS. Lots of skilled fighters at EVO alone and MLG hosts Halo and COD for FPS.

It's just that simple.

bertlsenix said:
Sony - Most asians.
Long time gamers that have a lot of experience.

Otherwise PC - Especially for shooters.There is no competition against FPS and Strategy Progamers there.
Neither Halo or CoD or any other console shooter from any console takes skill.

COD takes heaps of skill dude. ive played easily 2000+ hours of COD in my life and im still getting better. id crush you at COD cause im so much more skilled than you. you wouldn't stand a chance. probably wouldn't even get a kill on me no matter how long we played.

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Skill is mainly about practice, so I'd say the most skilled gamers are those who spend the most time playing video games. And from the demographics I'd expect Xbox gamers to spend the most time playing video games. The average Wii gamer is too casual. The average PS3 gamer on the other hand is too mature (26-35 years), most of them already have a job and many even a family, so there's not that much time left for gaming.
The average Xbox gamer on the other hand is a teenage boy who still goes to school and doesn't have a girlfriend but lots of time.

Probably Nintendo gamers, Pro Smashers are legit at other fighting games and if we can snake rainbow road in Mario Kart you better believe with can drift abuse in Mod nation. I am kidding.

It is a really tough question. The fighting game community mostly centers are the PS3, but then again fightsticks make it so they can really play on any system. Nintendo has their share of competitive games with Mario Kart, Smash, Pokemon, and Strikers. Old school Nintendo had tecmo bowl. Not to mention it was featured in the Wiz. PS3 and Xbox share a lot of multiplat shooters and fighters which are generally preferred to be played on PS3. Xbox has a handful of its own exclusive shooters and for some reason sport games are preferred on Xbox 360. It would be hard to tell. Unfortunately most pro gamers stick with a single genre so I don't think there really is a true best gamer. Nor would a competition like the TC suggest be feasible.

95% of gamers don't know they are noobs, the 5% who do won't be noobs for long

Check out my kickstarter project:

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Grew up playing since Coleco & Atari then Nintendo.

Most skilled gamers will have to be individuals who have played (hopefully beat)

Contra, Silver Surfer, Goldeneye 007 (OO-Agent including 007 unlocked), Battletoads, Ninja Gaiden etc..etc...

Achievement =/= skill
Just ask any Xbox hacker lol or World of Warcraft veteran specifically with PVP-Gladiator achievements. Bots vs competitive players is a seperate discussion however =( For example, plenty of people in WOW do amazing while raiding but when it comes to PVP a lot of them are horrible.

*Final verdict?...Nintendo

think-man said:
This thread is only going to attract bias results.

That's why I didn't include a poll, and hope most users state the reason why.

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

Mohasus said:

FPS - PC easily, there is a reason why console shooters are so slow.

Yeah, I think this demonstration settles the discussion. And right behind PC gamers, there's the Nintendo fan.

PC gamers and Nintendo fans are easily the most outcast of all kind of gamers, that leaves them without social life... ie, more time to play games and perfect their skills.