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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

Kantor said:

Clue for 19, let's see how little information trucks needs.

Tame horses. Two false endings.

The two false endings are when you choose Beauty or Sarah Jessica Parker instead of Princess as your main pony.

Signature goes here!

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#20: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
Last Year: 19

Super Smash Bros. had one of the greatest hype builders of all time: The Smash Bros. Dojo. Every night at midnight, Sakurai himself would reveal one more nugget of goodness for the hungry fans to consume. Some were small morsels (yay an item...) and some were MEGATONS! (SONIC THE HEDGEHOG ZOMG!!!). And despite the tidal wave of hype... Super Smash Bros. met it's insane expectations. Awesome new characters (Toon Link! Wario! Diddy Kong! Snake!), fantastic stages (including a stage builder), an even more-in-depth single player mode, and an amazing (amazing!) soundtrack allowed for Brawl to soar into the heavens. Okay, the game tripped up a little by including... tripping, but other than that this is my favorite Smash Bros. to date. Can't wait to see what they're up to next!

Hint for game #19:

Sumo Wrestling has never been so legendary!

Seems my guessing streak is over... damn you all!

Signature goes here!

Smeags said:
Hint for game #19:

Sumo Wrestling has never been so legendary!

Twilight Princess

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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TruckOSaurus said:
Seems my guessing streak is over... damn you all!

Smeags took a good ten times as many clues as you've had to guess it. Let me help you out.

Tame horses. Two false endings. Fictional locales in a real-world setting. Takes place near the end of an era.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Clue for #19....going to try to make this tough to keep Truck at bay :P

Inspired by The Sims?

SimCity? Animal Crossing?

Any number of games are inspired by the Sims.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Clue for #19....going to try to make this tough to keep Truck at bay :P

Inspired by The Sims?

SimCity? Animal Crossing?

Any number of games are inspired by the Sims.

It's kind of an indirect clue. A play on words.

Kantor said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Seems my guessing streak is over... damn you all!

Smeags took a good ten times as many clues as you've had to guess it. Let me help you out.

Tame horses. Two false endings. Fictional locales in a real-world setting. Takes place near the end of an era.

Red Dead Redemption?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

20th -

Justice for All started off weak, but became better through the game. The game however falls short on the soundtrack, prooving to be inferior to Ace Attorney 1. 

Justice for All is on this list for the same reasons as Ace Attorney 1, but it is just better in most ways.


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