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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

Kresnik said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Clue for #23:

The origin of cloud gaming?

Was wondering how long it was gonna be before this game would start sneaking into people's lists :P.

23 seems quite low actually.

(Just kidding!)

P.S. Thanks for introducing me to this gif, Smeags!


Don't worry! I will make it up to Final Fantasy fans with another FF game in the top 5.

I probably shouldn't have given that away...

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24) Mass Effect (PC / 2007 / RPG)

Mass Effect is my favourite new IP of this generation. I love the setting, the characters, the fusion of shooter and RPG gameplay, the music, and pretty much everything else about it. Although ME1 is actually my least favourite ME game, it has the best villains in the form of Saren Arterius and Sovereign, and although there aren't many squadmates, they are all fleshed out and excellent characters (perhaps with the exception of Ashley, who nobody likes). I didn't like the tendency of the inventory to get clogged with junk that you would have to convert into omni-gel, but I liked the fact that an inventory at least existed unlike in the later games in the series.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

24. Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)

SM3DL was the big game that the 3DS had been waiting for during its initial months on the market, and it more than delivered on the anticipation. We saw the return of the Tanooki suit, which has always been my favourite Mario powerup, and you definitely had the impression that there was a heavy emphasis on the use of that suit throughout the game, more so than in any previous Mario game. I will admit that the first part of SM3DL was a little easy, but that all changed once you unlocked the special worlds, as the difficulty level was increased there.


There's going to be a bit of a delay before i continue my list. My laptops GPU died the other day meaning i can't get to my list at the moment. And i can't remember what order i put the last 25 in. (and I don't want to make all those hard decisions again lol)

#23: Disney's Epic Mickey (2010)
Last Year: 27

I'm sure many of you have a game or two on your list that feels like developers were creating a video game just for you. Well, in my case, that game is Disney's Epic Mickey. I was fortunate enough to live close to Disneyland when I was growing up, so I would visit the Magic Kingdom as often as I could. It was a truly magical place, and it contains some of my favorite memories as a child. Epic Mickey somehow scooped all of those wonderful memories out of my brain and made a game about them, and I couldn't be happier playing it. The game is, gameplay wise, a homage to the action-platformers prevalent in the 5th generations, even complete with the wonky camera. But even despite its faults (as EM has the lowest Meta-Ranking out of my top 50), this game was a joy to play. It was all smiles, all the time.

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23. The Curse of Monkey Island (PC)

The Curse of Monkey Island is the third game in the MI series, but it's actually the first one I played, which is probably why I hold it in a slightly higher regard than the other games in the series, even though the first two are generally regarded as the better games. As ever, we follow the adventures of Guybrush Threepwood and his battles with the evil pirate LeChuck. This time, Guybrush has managed to turn his beloved Elaine into a gold statue thanks to a cursed diamond ring which he foolishly used to propose to her, and we go about trying to first turn her back, but then also get her back after she's unsurprisingly stolen after being left unattended.

22 has had a sequel in development for an extended period of time.


#23 - WipEout Pulse (PS2)

As guessed by no-one!  After losing my faith with the WipEout franchise a bit with the disappointing Fusion and the shift to PSP with Pure, it was nice to finally get a proper instalment again on home consoles with Pulse.  Though a port of a PSP game, it looked absolutely gorgeous and the mechanics felt hugely improved from the PS1 offering/Fusion.  It still offered that insane sense of speed; great ship to ship combat and the AWESOME zone mode which I still lose weeks of my life playing.  Hands down my favourite racing series ever, Pulse remains one of the most enjoyable entries.

Clue for my #22 - Play good or play evil.  Bloody blast shards EVERYWHERE.

Smeags said:

#23: Disney's Epic Mickey (2010)
Last Year: 27

I'm sure many of you have a game or two on your list that feels like developers were creating a video game just for you. Well, in my case, that game is Disney's Epic Mickey. I was fortunate enough to live close to Disneyland when I was growing up, so I would visit the Magic Kingdom as often as I could. It was a truly magical place, and it contains some of my favorite memories as a child. Epic Mickey somehow scooped all of those wonderful memories out of my brain and made a game about them, and I couldn't be happier playing it. The game is, gameplay wise, a homage to the action-platformers prevalent in the 5th generations, even complete with the wonky camera. But even despite its faults (as EM has the lowest Meta-Ranking out of my top 50), this game was a joy to play. It was all smiles, all the time.

Really good, really underrated game. A great tribute to the magic of Disney.

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Really good, really underrated game. A great tribute to the magic of Disney.

Agreed on all parts. It was a blast to play for sure. Oh, and the OST by James Dooley? Amazing.

Currently playing The Power of Two on the Wii U (Bummer it doesn't have pointer controls for Mickey... just for Oswald for some reason @_@). So far so good. ^_^

Kresnik said:

Clue for my #22 - Play good or play evil.  Bloody blast shards EVERYWHERE.

