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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

Mr Khan said:
Smeags said:
Smeags said:
Game #33:

This game features a god, the keepers of time and space, and a beaver.

It also features Obama with Snow.

And an evil Weasel.

Snowbama? What?

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl


Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, Bidoof, Abomasnow, and Weavile. :3

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34th -

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is my 34th. When I played it, it was played on the Wii VC. I really liked the possibilty of entering different dungeons in the different orders, which is what the more recent Zelda games have been lacking. LttP is certainly a game that everyone must play, as it is one of the best 2D Zelda games. I really liked the open world of the game and the amount of content it has to offer. This game has a very high replayability, which is not what consider many games having, as I finish most one time and then I'm done with the game.

There is not really any flaw with this game beside that with this game the good points are not anything mindblowing or amazing. It is mostly great.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

33th hint:
If you finish the level with anything lower than your maximum health, you will not score 100 points.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

milkyjoe said:

34. Championship Manager 97/98 (PC)

Omg, awesome.  You're a couple of years out from my favourite Championship Manager, which was 2 (I think that was 95/96 season).  I could literally spend days of my life on that game, and it was before they got too complicated for me (with managing youth teams, second teams, player demands etc.).  Lovely.  Excellent represent!

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#34 - Crash Team Racing (PS1)

As guessed by Milkyjoe (I think!).  Such a big part of my childhood, CTR combined what was an interesting a 'different' racing storyline adventure at the time with some of the most enjoyable and finely tuned karting mechanics I have seen to this day.  The weapons were fun yet still relating to Crash's universe; the characters were diverse with some great throwbacks to the older games and most of all it was just fun.  Particularly fun to play 2-player with my dad or 4-player with some friends :)

Clue for my #33 - A Gamecube port of an N64 game.  Shouldn't need more clues than this, but just for good measure: The first in a very, very successful new Nintendo franchise :)

#35. Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten (PS3)

The first game I played was Phantom Brave. I was skeptical at first, the game looked so crappy lol. But I loved the fact that it was sprite based, and I was hungry for a SRPG since no Fire Emblems has released in a while. I enjoyed it a lot, and I completely forgot about the game's looks. Next came Disgaea 3 when I bought a PS3, also enjoyed it a lot, the story was pretty awesome as well, but the one that gets the spot is Disgaea 4. I think it's mainly due to its improved visuals, now a bit more bearable. Disgaea 4 is pretty similar to Disgaea 3, bar the online functionality which I didn't care about. That's not to say I didn't love it, I DID! I was addicted to this game for a long time, I almost had to have an intervention cuz I was playing it instead of working on projects haha. The game is so deep, it really sucks up your time. I loved it :)

Kresnik said:

Omg, awesome.  You're a couple of years out from my favourite Championship Manager, which was 2 (I think that was 95/96 season).  I could literally spend days of my life on that game, and it was before they got too complicated for me (with managing youth teams, second teams, player demands etc.).  Lovely.  Excellent represent!

CM2 was my introduction to the series, so I know that one well as well. I seem to remember it had voice commentary unlike the later games.


#34. World of Goo (WiiWare - Also on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android, Cloud (OnLive))

This game was sooo much fun. I first noticed it when it got a bunch of good reviews from various gaming sites. I had never heard of it before, and I'd played anything like it. I think it was my first WiiWare title. The Wiimote controls were superb, the style was fantastic, MUSIC WAS EPIC! I was amazed when I found out only a couple of guys made this game. It was simply brilliant. I love love love it :3

"Hint" for my #33 lol: link

I just LOOOOVE that music *-* I don't care if I gave it away :D