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34th -

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is my 34th. When I played it, it was played on the Wii VC. I really liked the possibilty of entering different dungeons in the different orders, which is what the more recent Zelda games have been lacking. LttP is certainly a game that everyone must play, as it is one of the best 2D Zelda games. I really liked the open world of the game and the amount of content it has to offer. This game has a very high replayability, which is not what consider many games having, as I finish most one time and then I'm done with the game.

There is not really any flaw with this game beside that with this game the good points are not anything mindblowing or amazing. It is mostly great.

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3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David