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#35. Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten (PS3)

The first game I played was Phantom Brave. I was skeptical at first, the game looked so crappy lol. But I loved the fact that it was sprite based, and I was hungry for a SRPG since no Fire Emblems has released in a while. I enjoyed it a lot, and I completely forgot about the game's looks. Next came Disgaea 3 when I bought a PS3, also enjoyed it a lot, the story was pretty awesome as well, but the one that gets the spot is Disgaea 4. I think it's mainly due to its improved visuals, now a bit more bearable. Disgaea 4 is pretty similar to Disgaea 3, bar the online functionality which I didn't care about. That's not to say I didn't love it, I DID! I was addicted to this game for a long time, I almost had to have an intervention cuz I was playing it instead of working on projects haha. The game is so deep, it really sucks up your time. I loved it :)