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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Halo 4 will sell 7,793,000+ in 2012

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MoHasanie said:
man-bear-pig said:
Looks like it'll sell ~380k WW this week

Wow, its amazing that your sales predicitions made 2 months ago have been quite close to your estimates almost every week. How did you make such good estimates? 

He's fucking Don Mattrick.

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man-bear-pig said:
MoHasanie said:
man-bear-pig said:
Looks like it'll sell ~380k WW this week

Wow, its amazing that your sales predicitions made 2 months ago have been quite close to your estimates almost every week. How did you make such good estimates? 

If I told you I'd have to kill you.

haha, you should seriously consider a job at the sales department of 343. Have you already made predictions for Halo 5 and 6? :P


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

I dont care how many copies this games sells tbh. I will say that 343 have done a great job on this game. Pkayed it for the past 2 nights except tonight. Epic gameplay and awesome graphics. One of the best games of the year ( 2012)

357k by now with eu and us. i will lmao if mbp will be right in the end with his predictions ;)

102k in Europe this week!

That's a total of 305k so far this week from the US and EU!

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Last week it sold 86k in non-US&EU territories, so this week it should be just over it a WW total this week of just over 350k

Best Sellers of 2012 in Video Games on and was Halo 4

man-bear-pig said:
Last week it sold 86k in non-US&EU territories, so this week it should be just over it a WW total this week of just over 350k

holy sh!!!


How do you get sooo good at predictions???

Halo 4 got 357,000 this week. 


Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
man-bear-pig said:
Last week it sold 86k in non-US&EU territories, so this week it should be just over it a WW total this week of just over 350k

holy sh!!!


How do you get sooo good at predictions???

Halo 4 got 357,000 this week. 

This, also I liked more your old avatar (man-bear-pig) .

OP updated! 357k this week, giving it a WW total of 7.39m after 8 weeks on sale.

It'll get past 7.5m next I'll probably end up being about 280k off with my total prediction. The 1st week crippled me, but it's been holding fantastically well since then!