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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Halo 4 will sell 7,793,000+ in 2012

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OP updated.

Next week's projected sales are 395,200 (35% off this weeks)

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pezus said:
still over 500k behind your prediction. We'll see how well it holds on from now

The 1st week prediction fucked the whole thing up for me, it was a stab in the dark based on nothing but speculation.

It's holding up very well though and if it continues to out outperform my expectations by 30k-50k it should come close to 7.5m in 2012.

Even 7 million it a big milestone. Id be good with that

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


200k in the US this week. Global figures should be up soon

UK and Germany figures up.

49k this week in the UK (it sold 54k last week) and 10k in Germany (it sold 12k last week). Great holds in both markets! Next week figures should increase.

It's at 259k from USA, UK and Germany sales.

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Halo 4 sells 358k WW this week for a total of 5.52m after 4 weeks!

Also, it sold 2k more than I predicted it would this week

OP updated.

Climbing fast.

Your weekly sales are pretty close. I will tag. Need to make up some ground but who knows, You could have a nice week and get to the magic number.

spaceguy said:
Your weekly sales are pretty close. I will tag. Need to make up some ground but who knows, You could have a nice week and get to the magic number.

There's no way it'll sell what I originally predicted. I was 600k off in the 1st week, which fucked it up for me. It's outsold all of predictions in the 3 proceeding weeks though, so it should sell 7.2m+ in 2012