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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

DarkThanatos said:
RolStoppable said:
DarkThanatos said:
I dont like no lunches. And I'd rather lynch MBP then Stefl. Soo

vote MBP

What a scummy move to show up five minutes before the deadline.

In my defense- I was at a party and did not want to spend my time constantly on the thread. 15 mins before deadline I checked back, quickly read through, and voted accordingly. 

If you really wanted a no-lynch. Why didn't you change your vote to Stefl? That would have resulted in a no-lynch, and you were online for that. Can you explain why you didn't change your vote accordingly if you wanted a no lynch? 

You know that no lynch, I and MBP were tied before you cast your vote?

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zero129 said:
DarkThanatos said:
zero129 said:
Linkzmax said:
zero129 said:

Also MBP for his early vote. . From what i can tell he gave no other reason for this vote other then "Better just get rid of him now." . Yes lets get rid of the player in the first round of this game, who pretty much won the game for town last game??..

So Stefl shouldn't be lynched this DAY simply because of how he did last game?

And what if he is town Trucks mafia zero?, is it such a good idea to be weakening towns numbers keeping mafia strong for such a reason?.

zero129 said:

Imo Rol you also need to play proper and i dont mean that in a bad way, as all the random votes are not helping!.

Rol's quick changes in vote do not leave a lasting impact, but it's in no way improper. Why are you giving a suspect such advice/a demand anyway?

To the 1st part. "So Stefl shouldn't be lynched this DAY simply because of how he did last game?" "And what if he is mafia zero?, is it such a good idea to be keeping mafia strong for such a reason?."

Clearly not cos of that. But was that vote not too soon to cast?, i mean we dont know if he is mafia or not yet so why cast a vote with no good reason for doing so on a player who won it for town last game?. Sure he could be a mafia player this game but was that vote not a bit too soon to say no?.

to the 2nd. "Rol's quick changes in vote do not leave a lasting impact, but it's in no way improper. Why are you giving a suspect such advice/a demand anyway?"

Im not demanding anything. All im saying is going around placing random votes doesnt help anyone that was all i was saying. If your going to vote someone at least have a reason.

Casting a vote on someone will sometimes make them react. From their reaction you can learn a lot about them. Whether they are jumpy and nervous, or relaxed or just ignore it. All can help build the picture. Thats why I random vote

Random votes also help mafia to push the days on faster and see who they can get to follow them on a bandwagon so whats your point?.

My point is literally exactly what I said it was?!?! You any counter a point with an unrelated point.  My point is still very valid. People don't tend to get lynch based on someone random voting them, at least not what I have experienced, and common knowledge says that town won't just Juno on a bandwagon an lynch someone based on a nothing. So it doesn't make the day go quicker, it just shows people's reactions. 

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Stefl1504 said:
DarkThanatos said:
RolStoppable said:
DarkThanatos said:
I dont like no lunches. And I'd rather lynch MBP then Stefl. Soo

vote MBP

What a scummy move to show up five minutes before the deadline.

In my defense- I was at a party and did not want to spend my time constantly on the thread. 15 mins before deadline I checked back, quickly read through, and voted accordingly. 

If you really wanted a no-lynch. Why didn't you change your vote to Stefl? That would have resulted in a no-lynch, and you were online for that. Can you explain why you didn't change your vote accordingly if you wanted a no lynch? 

You know that no lynch, I and MBP were tied before you cast your vote?

Yes I knew you were tied for no-lynch. I didn't want a no-lynch. Out of the two of you, I'd rather keep you around, becauseMbP have me more scum vibe. I voted him. 

Rol however claimed he wanted a no-lynch. Yet when I voted MBP, he could have voted you to make it a tie and a no lunch. He didn't. Why? 

If he really wanted a no-lynch that would have wprked to stop the lynch.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

At least we have one - two confirmable townies now. (Masons)

DarkT, it is true... rol could've stopped the vote, but thinking back at last game, if I voted in the right way (which I only realised later on) I could've also possibly stopped a lynch. Sometimes there are just situations where you do not see an option (and I do believe that Rol wasn't that anti-lynch regarding MBP)

zero129 said:
last post sorry i didnt know it was night

This is not the first time you've made this mistake. It takes 2 seconds to flip through to the end and check if its night. 

Not to mention, responding to posts before you've read through and know all the information is a poor play anyway? You might end up voting someone who has been found town later on. You might be bringing up redundant points, or ones that have already been asked. You might end up posting after night has been called. Just stop doing it. If you want to cover each point, open up the quote in a new tab. 

Finally. When you quote someone, beneath the quote shows the lasts posts people have done! You WOULD have seen it was night. You are deliberately breaking the rules of the game. 

You should probably be mod killed because you did it only a couple of days ago in the last game as well. If not, then

Vote Zero  

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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Stefl1504 said:
At least we have one - two confirmable townies now. (Masons)

DarkT, it is true... rol could've stopped the vote, but thinking back at last game, if I voted in the right way (which I only realised later on) I could've also possibly stopped a lynch. Sometimes there are just situations where you do not see an option (and I do believe that Rol wasn't that anti-lynch regarding MBP)

That could definately be a reason yes, but he had just changed his vote to no-lynch. He would have been looking at the table and analysing players moves. He did that well last game with his last minute vote on FF to ensure that Linkz did not draw it by voting tabaha. It doesn't seem like a very likely thing Rol would do. 

That indeed leads me to think Rol just wasn't anti-MBP lynch. If so, why did he not voted MBP? To avoid suspicion on him if he flipped town? (As he did) or maybe because he knew it wasn't worth it, as town was definately going to loose a player tonight anyway. 

Then to say it was a scummy move, without doing anything to counter the supposed scumminess just makes me more suspicious of him. If he was scum, then he played it perfectly. Ensuring little suspicion was him, by not being the last to vote for someone, whilst still allowing scum to get a night kill without anyone being under suspicion. Then, when someone not scum votes another town, rather then blocking that, he let the other town die. Whilst simultaneous hiking up suspicion on a non-scum by saying it was a scummy move. 

On the flip side, he could have just overlooked his stopping of a lynch, and then just raised suspicion of what he thought was a scummy move. I find his unlikely though. 

I would probably be voting him If I didn't think zero should be either given a final warning, or lynched/ killed. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

HoS Rol
Think of it as a compliment that I think you are too good a player to overlook something obvious.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

DarkThanatos said:
zero129 said:
last post sorry i didnt know it was night

This is not the first time you've made this mistake. It takes 2 seconds to flip through to the end and check if its night. 

Not to mention, responding to posts before you've read through and know all the information is a poor play anyway? You might end up voting someone who has been found town later on. You might be bringing up redundant points, or ones that have already been asked. You might end up posting after night has been called. Just stop doing it. If you want to cover each point, open up the quote in a new tab. 

Finally. When you quote someone, beneath the quote shows the lasts posts people have done! You WOULD have seen it was night. You are deliberately breaking the rules of the game. 

You should probably be mod killed because you did it only a couple of days ago in the last game as well. If not, then

Vote Zero  

This is the third time now that you casts suspicion on someone following what somebody else has said.

And its funny you ignore FF who has done the same thing (and acctually admiting it).

My god your scum! Lynching you is my mission today.......but hey,  its not like anyone will listen to logic >_>

I hope Linkz is town this round.

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pezus said:
I can't believe MBP was the watcher...why did he not defend himself or give us tips so he would not be lynched?

Huh? I wasn't aware there was any other roles other than town and mafia...I thought the name roles we had were just to set the theme...are you telling me that we're supposed to do other stuff when we get our roles (besides being town and mafia)? Huh? Am I going crazy?

man-bear-pig said:
pezus said:
I can't believe MBP was the watcher...why did he not defend himself or give us tips so he would not be lynched?

Huh? I wasn't aware there was any other roles other than town and mafia...I thought the name roles we had were just to set the theme...are you telling me that we're supposed to do other stuff when we get our roles (besides being town and mafia)? Huh? Am I going crazy?

Your dead. Please stop posting anything releated to the game.

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