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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which of the big three consoles manufactures put the most big name devs out of business this gen?

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Jay520 said:
lilbroex said:
Jay520 said:
lilbroex said:
killerzX said:
Jay520 said:
There hasn't been many big name developers that closed in the first place. Most developers that shut down were no name developers.


there might be like 5 devs that shutdown, that actually produced quality games.

False. Hudson, Free Raidcal, Factor 5, THQ(A large amount of their susidiars), Tales Studio, Big Huge Games, Midway, Ignition, 3D Realms, Eidos(most of), Gamelab, Zipper Interactive and a bunch more.

Isn't taht comapny that exslusively made Starhawk for Sony going out of business now as well?

You're mentioning the studio that developed Starhawk, which only sold a few hundred-thousand units. That begs the question: Just what the Hell is a "big name" developer?

Studio's that make big titles that get advertising and market, as opposed to indie devs and simple devs like Shin'en and the guys who made Geometry Wars(though they went out of business too I think).

But Starhawk got virtually no marketing aside from internet marketing. Same goes for most of those developers you mentioned.

In any case though, of course the answer is going to be the HD consoles. Considering the massive number of "big name" HD developers in comparison to "big name" Wii developers, its guaranteed that there would be more HD developers to go out of business, regardless of power. There are so little Wii "big name" developers, that it really would be ridiculous if the Wii had more developers go out of business (or if the Wii had more developers in any category for that matter).

You are mistaken. The Wii had many big name devs and their games sold well for the most part.

Only two companies I think of went out of business developing for the NIntendo this gen. The company that made Trace Memory/Hotel Dusk and the company that made Cursed Moutain.

I can't remember the devs names, but I remember the big name games for the Wii.

Overlord Dark Legend, HOD Overkill, Madworld, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, No More Heroes, Red Stel, Red Steel 2, Goldeneye, Arc Rise Fantasia(blegh), Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles, Tatsunoku vs. Capcom, Shattered Memories,  Metroid Prime 3, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Other M, The Conduit(only the first one),  Oboro Murasmasa, (there second better selling game ever even though they claimed that Nintendo cost them sells...), Sonic Colors, Sonic Unleashed, NFS Nitro, Spyro Adventure: Skylanders to name a few

Any of those games that exceeded 500k made a profit. Well, maybe expect RS2.

lilbroex said:

This is the same story you posted before.

Lot of ports, plus games that are obviously cheaper to make than AC3 and Ghost Recon.

No proof at all that the WiiU is cheaper to develop for.

Barozi said:
lilbroex said:

This is the same story you posted before.

Lot of ports, plus games that are obviously cheaper to make than AC3 and Ghost Recon.

No proof at all that the WiiU is cheaper to develop for.

I posted others earlier in the thread. Even one from this site thats still on the front page.....

lilbroex said:
Barozi said:
lilbroex said:

This is the same story you posted before.

Lot of ports, plus games that are obviously cheaper to make than AC3 and Ghost Recon.

No proof at all that the WiiU is cheaper to develop for.

I posted others earlier in the thread. Even one from this site thats still on the front page.....

and I responded to that as well. The quote was different to what you said.

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Barozi said:
lilbroex said:
Barozi said:
lilbroex said:

This is the same story you posted before.

Lot of ports, plus games that are obviously cheaper to make than AC3 and Ghost Recon.

No proof at all that the WiiU is cheaper to develop for.

I posted others earlier in the thread. Even one from this site thats still on the front page.....

and I responded to that as well. The quote was different to what you said.

How was it diferent?

lilbroex said:

You are mistaken. The Wii had many big name devs and their games sold well for the most part.

Only two companies I think of went out of business developing for the NIntendo this gen. The company that made Trace Memory/Hotel Dusk and the company that made Cursed Moutain.

I can't remember the devs names, but I remember the big name games for the Wii.

Overlord Dark Legend, HOD Overkill, Madworld, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, No More Heroes, Red Stel, Red Steel 2, Goldeneye, Arc Rise Fantasia(blegh), Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles, Tatsunoku vs. Capcom, Shattered Memories,  Metroid Prime 3, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Other M, The Conduit(only the first one) Oboro Murasmasa, (there second better selling game ever even though they claimed that Nintendo cost them sells...) to name a few

Any of those games that exceeded 500k made a profit. Well, maybe expect RS2.

That doesn't negate my point at all. I never said the Wii didn't get many big name developers. The Wii did get some big name devs, but the number of big name Wii developers is infinitesimally low compared to the number of big name HD developers. By virtue of that fact alone, the chances of the Wii having more big name developers closures is virtually impossible. That goes the same for any question that compares the amount of developers on the Wii versus other companies.

The Wii U won't be any cheaper to develop for than any other platform. People often think that because coding for a system is simple, that it is all it takes to lower the costs.

Forgetting about the many designers, 3D render staff, Cinematic sequences (CG or not), music orchestras, voice actors, etc...

People now have years of experience with the PS3 and costs aren't what they were at the beginning of the gen, where they had to build engines and get used to the intricate architecture. And the 360 was easy to code for from the get-go.

It all depends on the nature of the project. Not the platform it's on.

Jay520 said:
lilbroex said:

You are mistaken. The Wii had many big name devs and their games sold well for the most part.

Only two companies I think of went out of business developing for the NIntendo this gen. The company that made Trace Memory/Hotel Dusk and the company that made Cursed Moutain.

I can't remember the devs names, but I remember the big name games for the Wii.

Overlord Dark Legend, HOD Overkill, Madworld, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, No More Heroes, Red Stel, Red Steel 2, Goldeneye, Arc Rise Fantasia(blegh), Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles, Tatsunoku vs. Capcom, Shattered Memories,  Metroid Prime 3, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Other M, The Conduit(only the first one) Oboro Murasmasa, (there second better selling game ever even though they claimed that Nintendo cost them sells...) to name a few

Any of those games that exceeded 500k made a profit. Well, maybe expect RS2.

That doesn't negate my point at all. I never said the Wii didn't get many big name developers. The Wii did get some big name devs, but the number of big name Wii developers is infinitesimally low compared to the number of big name HD developers. By virtue of that fact alone, the chances of the Wii having more big name developers close is virtually impossible.

"There are so little Wii "big name" developers,"

You certainly had me fooled then. They had a lot. There were only a few big name developed who "didn't" make games for the Wii that weren't exsclusive devs and the Wii had its own around the same number of exslusive devs itself.


I would say a lot of developers destroyed themselves.

For those who could not afford HD-development, there were alternative options...

This.  Same thing applies to small upstart movie studios that went nuts when they took a big gamble on a big buget movie that flopped and forced them to go out of business.