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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Today's topic: Homosexuality

RoryGamesFree said:

Why do you people care if someone is gay or not?

because some people are stupid homophobes, as others have said it's like asking why somoene cares if someone is black or not or jewish or not (as examples)

basically people who "care" are generally vermin.

Worst comparison ever. There is no point to discussing the causes of race because we already know the causes. There is no difference in opinion and a simple internet search can explain what causes different races. Homosexuality, on the other hand, is not even remotely close to a unanimously agreed upon explanation. There are many different ideas on the cause, and because there is no one solid explanation that reigns supreme, most of these ideas are valid, hence, a thread asking for different opinions is valid.. What's more important though is people get a chance to exchange different ideas with people to perhaps form a more well-rounded understanding of the situation.

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Some of you homophobes piss me off oh my god.

Pesmerga7551 said:

MOD's, sorry but I protest this pile of garbage. I've stayed silent for far to long and hate the path this community has turned on. Really I beg you (mods) to stop this nonsense. But when you read my trash, note that every vulgar and insulting word I spew is intentional, and actually carries no hate.

This site fucking sucks dick now (pun intended). Not only do people swear their asses off now, and insult each-other at all ends. It comes to a new low that bothers me so fucking much (yes my swearing is intentional). No one gives a damn on if you suck dick, or not. No one cares if you're a republicant, or a demotwat, or if you hate the government because you're uneducated. Like my generalization? They again are on purpose. Why in the blue hell are these topics even allowed to be on life-support on a gaming website. I used to love VGC, but it's a POS since the update. The site new/discussion is divided and with this, on the forums section that is alive with user responses, creative writing/thoughts, it's people talking about taking it from their boyfriend.... Or if you would abort a baby if you knew he would be gay. All this god damn nonsense fills a gaming forum. I get swearing and trolling/insults cause it's online and "fun". But even fucking IGN nukes stupid threads like this garbage. It has no place in a site like this. Like I said, just like politics and religion. These topics are brought up by hateful twats only looking to cause trouble in some form. Even if their apearance is non-confrontational at first glance.

For your information, I am straight and actually slightly homophobic. But guess what, I don't care what others do as long as they don't shove it down my throat. I am not gay and that is my choice. I don't make threads about it here (or anywhere for that matter). I love my gaming scene and I come here even though this place has gotten stale because of people pushing their BS agendas on the forums. They have forums for you homosexuals to talk about penises and where you like to stick them. They have forums about guys who like to torture women (sex slaves). Even forums for people who like to cut themselves open on other people. And all of that is fine, in their own respected enviroment. But Jesus-F-Christ.. This is a gaming forum! How do I stress this point? And even with those examples, people know sexual favoritism, politics, and religion are sore subjects that piss people off. So why the hell do you bring it up? STOP!

FYI: The reason we straight folks hate you homosexuals for the most part is because like this you have some god damn agenda for no reason. We get it! You're gay. FFS mate! Why do you people have the need to parade yourselves when you aren't special. You're like everyone else. Gay or straight. The only difference is you need to feel like you belong, and the rest of us don't because we're fine with whom we are. Like I said earlier, I am slightly homophoblic, and it's for a certain kind of gay person(s).


PS: And no VGC doesn't have a bigger community of gay users. Hate hearing that crap here. It's just this site has a nack of pushing these stupid threads to the fore-front and support them--unlike other smart communities in the gaming world that nuke/delete them on creation because they don't accomplish anything good. You mods are the problem. You are the center.


-Moderated by amp316

Did you go to my thread?

You might find it to your liking.

I m gay so.....


I see no problem being either a Homosexual or a Heterosexual (or Bisexual). I think the only people that find a problem in it are people that have a problem with their own sexuality, or they think all of the answers in the world are in a single book that is thousands of years old.

OP idk if you were looking for a reasonable discussion about this but if you were well .... This is the fucking Internet

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I care because I like to know who to play matchmaker with! It's awful when you fix up a girl that likes dudes, with a dude that like dudes. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Actually, I think it's becoming less and less a big deal in Western Society. Like left handedness used to be a big thing - they thought it came from the devil. Now it just means you want a different pair of scissors. I don't know why it became such a big deal anyway.

I think most people find sex kinda gross when they first learn about it. Either gay or strait, it's just a bit freaky for many when they learn 'the birds and the bees.' Some people just get stuck pondering the gay part and they hate it for themselves and took it out on others.

Now that we know must everything about everyone, society has to face that many people just turn out that way. It's always been, and always will be. It's no more contagious than left handedness - society's not going to collapse, nothing will change if we accept them so just let them be, and work on having your own happy life.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

Because Humans were made to hate something and some people choose that something to be gay people.

Not much of a problem for me, if there happy with it then its better then them being pissed off.
But in the back of my mind I know thats not how the human race has evolved we are not designed to work like that.
but im not gonna spit my dummy over it.


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Surely, it can't be a random occurrence that this thread got revived around the same time as the "Unit" thread was created?

I think it might make guys uncomfortable that there are guys that see them like how they see women.
I know that might make me uncomfortable if I ever met a gay person, and then I would feel bad for being uncomfortable and become even more uncomfortable.
I don't think I've ever spoken to a gay person, so I'm not 100% sure that's how I would react though :D