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Forums - General Discussion - If you knew your unborn child was going to be gay, would you abort him/her?

Kantor said:
Nem said:
Jay520 said:

One is followed Romans and the Greeks. 

The other is followed by Christians who are from almost all parts of the world.

Jay, you're evading the question. Its not about who follows them but where they came from. Who created the Roman/Greek Gods, wich we could agree arent real? And why is it different from the creation of the one followed by Christians for example?

To be fair, the idea of a single Creator who has mostly left everything alone for 2000-odd years is more believable than an entire family of bickering gods who throw lightning around and eat each other.

I don't believe it, but it's more believable.

Indeed. Wich is why it sticked and the different gods got dropped.

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Kantor said:

That's exactly what he's asking you.

What makes Yahweh any more real than Zeus or Ra or Odin?

I don't think Yahweh is real.

Nem said:

Oh jay... How do i know they arent real? Cause i know thunder is not the result of Zeus rage but of the interaction between particles in the atmosphere for example. Sorry im not really familiar with all the exact processes but its researched and proved. Wich is why we as humans can create a thunder ray aswell.

That actually leads to an interesting logical conclusion. We/humans are Zeus! If the roman gods were a creation of human imagination, why would the other one be real? Certainly something must prove it to not be the same as the Roman/Greek gods? Or you're saying we should believe in the same exact story with a different cover?

You say you are atheist, but you sure give the God story alot of credit/faith, despite obvious examples of the past.

Fair have proof that Zeus is not real.

Do you have similar proof (like proof that thunder isn't caused by a god) that can be applied to the Christian God? 

I never said we should believe in any gods.

I place no faith in no gods.

Jay520 said:
Nem said:

Oh jay... How do i know they arent real? Cause i know thunder is not the result of Zeus rage but of the interaction between particles in the atmosphere for example. Sorry im not really familiar with all the exact processes but its researched and proved. Wich is why we as humans can create a thunder ray aswell.

That actually leads to an interesting logical conclusion. We/humans are Zeus! If the roman gods were a creation of human imagination, why would the other one be real? Certainly something must prove it to not be the same as the Roman/Greek gods? Or you're saying we should believe in the same exact story with a different cover?

You say you are atheist, but you sure give the God story alot of credit/faith, despite obvious examples of the past.

Fair have proof that Zeus is not real.

Do you have similar proof (like proof that thunder isn't caused by a god) that can be applied to the Christian God? 

I never said we should believe in any gods.

I place no faith in no gods.

The theory of the genesis of life by the Christian god is entirely false, for one.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:

The theory of the genesis of life by the Christian god is entirely false, for one.

That could be valid proof. I wouldn't dispute it.

If you go back a few pages, you can see that I don't have a problem with the claim that God doesn't exist. I have a problem with Nem's logic to get to that point. He was saying earlier that because there is no proof of God, that proves that He doesn't exist. Now he's trying to prove how God is man-made.

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Jay520 said:
Nem said:

Oh jay... How do i know they arent real? Cause i know thunder is not the result of Zeus rage but of the interaction between particles in the atmosphere for example. Sorry im not really familiar with all the exact processes but its researched and proved. Wich is why we as humans can create a thunder ray aswell.

That actually leads to an interesting logical conclusion. We/humans are Zeus! If the roman gods were a creation of human imagination, why would the other one be real? Certainly something must prove it to not be the same as the Roman/Greek gods? Or you're saying we should believe in the same exact story with a different cover?

You say you are atheist, but you sure give the God story alot of credit/faith, despite obvious examples of the past.

Fair have proof that Zeus is not real.

Do you have similar proof (like proof that thunder isn't caused by a god) that can be applied to the Christian God? 

I never said we should believe in any gods.

I place no faith in no gods.

More than not beeing real, i gave you proof that he was a creation of human imagination. You are the one that has to prove to me why the Christian God is any different.

Also, there is scientific proof of what im saying in the video you couldnt watch, through experiments. I'm just entertaining the angle of going at it through past examples, wich you are so intent in ignoring.

Nem said:

More than not beeing real, i gave you proof that he was a creation of human imagination. You are the one that has to prove to me why the Christian God is any different.

Not really? You are the one making the claim that the Christian God is the same is Greek God (in the sense that they are both man-made), so the burden of proof is on yourself.

Jay520 said:
Nem said:

More than not beeing real, i gave you proof that he was a creation of human imagination. You are the one that has to prove to me why the Christian God is any different.

Not really? You are the one making the claim that the Christian God is the same is Greek God (in the sense that they are both man-made), so the burden of proof is on yourself.

I'm making the point that gods are the creation of the human brain. I do not say theres any difference between any gods. You do. You're just ignoring the conclusion. Why would it be any different for a christian god?

Also, watch the video to see more experimental proof.

Kantor said:
Jay520 said:
Nem said:

Oh jay... How do i know they arent real? Cause i know thunder is not the result of Zeus rage but of the interaction between particles in the atmosphere for example. Sorry im not really familiar with all the exact processes but its researched and proved. Wich is why we as humans can create a thunder ray aswell.

That actually leads to an interesting logical conclusion. We/humans are Zeus! If the roman gods were a creation of human imagination, why would the other one be real? Certainly something must prove it to not be the same as the Roman/Greek gods? Or you're saying we should believe in the same exact story with a different cover?

You say you are atheist, but you sure give the God story alot of credit/faith, despite obvious examples of the past.

Fair have proof that Zeus is not real.

Do you have similar proof (like proof that thunder isn't caused by a god) that can be applied to the Christian God? 

I never said we should believe in any gods.

I place no faith in no gods.

The theory of the genesis of life by the Christian god is entirely false, for one.

No. The interpretation of it by many Christians is wrong. Genesis is written in an easy way for people to understand. It is not litteral, though many Christians take it to be litteral and thus make themselfs look foolish to the rest of the world. If you read it in the forms of science being dumbed down for people who had very little education, because life at the time was focused on working hard to put food on the table it can not be easily dismissed.

 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. - The big bang. Heavens = Universe. Earth = Earth

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. - The creation of the Earths atmosphere

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. - The formation of the planet through volcanic eruption and water erosion and shifting crust which created valleys on the Earth so the whole thing isn't covered by water.

 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. - From single cells plant life began.

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. - Earth falls in orbit around the Sun, Moon falls in orbit around the earth.

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. - Evolution of animals from the water, to land, to air.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. - The evolution of humans.

Nem said:
Jay520 said:
Nem said:

More than not beeing real, i gave you proof that he was a creation of human imagination. You are the one that has to prove to me why the Christian God is any different.

Not really? You are the one making the claim that the Christian God is the same is Greek God (in the sense that they are both man-made), so the burden of proof is on yourself.

I'm making the point that gods are the creation of the human brain. I do not say theres any difference between any gods. You do. You're just ignoring the conclusion. Why would it be any different for a christian god?

Also, watch the video to see more experimental proof.

You made the point that the Greek God is a creation of the human brain. YOU made the conclusion that the Christian God is the same as the Greek God. But it's up to TYOU to connect the Greek God to the Christian God. If you don't, then I don't have to assume that there is any connection as all.