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Forums - Politics Discussion - Who won the debate? Biden or Ryan?


Who won the debate?

Vice President Joe Biden 218 52.03%
Congressman Paul Ryan 123 29.36%
Nobody/Tie 73 17.42%
killerzX said:

pretty good ad i think:

Around the Network
spaceguy said:
Joe Smoked Ryan. This will push the bump back in dems favor. The abortion question just won the woman in the middle.

abortion is perhaps the most evil thing a person can do. killing the most defensless among us.

killerzX said:
killerzX said:

pretty good ad i think:

i have to admit, that right there is a good ad for Romney.

killerzX said:
spaceguy said:
Joe Smoked Ryan. This will push the bump back in dems favor. The abortion question just won the woman in the middle.

abortion is perhaps the most evil thing a person can do. killing the most defensless among us.

So he is against abortion now?

Dang, that's cruel.  How do those doctors do it?  and so many times?

theprof00 said:
badgenome said:
theprof00 said:

Yeah, I thought he said he voted against the wars, but it's also possible he was just speaking about the rx and tax cuts now that I look at the transcript.
Either way, he should have clarified.

He voted for Part D, as well.


So it's worse then. I'll admit, it's pretty bad to point a finger at someone when you've done the same, but it wasn't really a huge point either.

I do think it's a pretty huge point. Biden says, "This recession was the Republicans' fault because of the debt they racked up with their senseless wars and their unpaid for Medicare expansion." When he actually voted for all of those things. And the debt caused a recession before, but it's not holding us back economically now even those it's larger than ever because...?

Biden is a fucking moron, and Ryan only has himself to blame for not throwing that back in his face.

Around the Network
killerzX said:
killerzX said:

pretty good ad i think:

I was laughing at the amount of bullshit Ryan was spewing, too..

chocoloco said:
thismeintiel said:
chocoloco said:
thismeintiel said:
 Sure, being aggressive and rude toward your opponent might get your base riled up, but it's not going to help with the Independents (which Obama is already losing) and the undecided voters.

Really, I think you are just stating what you want to believe. Independant since 18 and I will never vote Republican. Just vote for the best option that can win.

The thing that annoys me about debating on this forum is it only has men that tend to be right thinkers instead of left thinkers. I truly wish we had a better pool of thinking that involved more women that are more often left minded.

As for the woman thing, it's true single women often are more left minded.  However, once women get married and start raising children, they usually switch to being more right minded.  Though, among woman overall, the latest poll I saw had Obama and Romney tied.  Of course, since married women are more likely to vote, this is going to give Romney the edge among women in the end.

I do not care about what type of women are in which group. If what you said was true most women voters would vote Republican because most of the average female votersare not a young un-marriedwomen. Most of them are older and married or were married.

If what you said about independants was also true. Romney should be winning the popular vote. As there was a slight edge for Republicans over Dems nathionwide this year, yet Obama still leads the the popular vote in most cases. If most Independants really said they were voting Romney, than Romney should be winning all polls in the popular vote. Not happening.

Nah, if you look at the poll breakdowns, they usually poll a percentage of democrats that is about ten points higher than independents and republicans.  It is true that romney has lead independents since this election started, pretty much.  It just seems like either polling data is skewed or more people just think of themselves as democrats these days.

on that topic, is there a reason you dont think of yourself as a democrat? With such disdain for third party and republican options, it doesnt seem like you are very independently minded...

Honestly too... I don't get why people like Biden's position on Abortion.

I mean... he says his belief is the same as the Catholic Church's belief but he doesn't want to impose his views on others.

The Catholic Church's belief is that life begins at conception... and a baby is formed then.

So Joe Biden was essentially saying "I believe that abortion is the killing of babies, but I would never think to stop people from killing babies because of my own personal belief.

I swear, people like that and the "Fetus are babies, therefore I want no abortions except for rape and incest... because if your dad is a rapist it's totally fine to murder a baby... for some reason.

Either think it's not a baby and be Pro Choice, or think it's a baby and be pro life.

Don't say it's a baby then also say "the hell with baby killing in certain cases."

Kasz216 said:
chocoloco said:
thismeintiel said:
chocoloco said:
thismeintiel said:
 Sure, being aggressive and rude toward your opponent might get your base riled up, but it's not going to help with the Independents (which Obama is already losing) and the undecided voters.

Really, I think you are just stating what you want to believe. Independant since 18 and I will never vote Republican. Just vote for the best option that can win.

The thing that annoys me about debating on this forum is it only has men that tend to be right thinkers instead of left thinkers. I truly wish we had a better pool of thinking that involved more women that are more often left minded.

As for the woman thing, it's true single women often are more left minded.  However, once women get married and start raising children, they usually switch to being more right minded.  Though, among woman overall, the latest poll I saw had Obama and Romney tied.  Of course, since married women are more likely to vote, this is going to give Romney the edge among women in the end.

I do not care about what type of women are in which group. If what you said was true most women voters would vote Republican because most of the average female votersare not a young un-marriedwomen. Most of them are older and married or were married.

If what you said about independants was also true. Romney should be winning the popular vote. As there was a slight edge for Republicans over Dems nathionwide this year, yet Obama still leads the the popular vote in most cases. If most Independants really said they were voting Romney, than Romney should be winning all polls in the popular vote. Not happening.

Actually, Romney has been leading the popular vote in most cases recently.


Currently we're set for another Bush V Gore thing, unless the state or national polling is off.

It will be fun, in that case, if we get Republicans bitching about "why do we need the Electoral College anymore" after kissing the EC in 2000.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:
chocoloco said:
thismeintiel said:
chocoloco said:
thismeintiel said:
 Sure, being aggressive and rude toward your opponent might get your base riled up, but it's not going to help with the Independents (which Obama is already losing) and the undecided voters.

Really, I think you are just stating what you want to believe. Independant since 18 and I will never vote Republican. Just vote for the best option that can win.

The thing that annoys me about debating on this forum is it only has men that tend to be right thinkers instead of left thinkers. I truly wish we had a better pool of thinking that involved more women that are more often left minded.

As for the woman thing, it's true single women often are more left minded.  However, once women get married and start raising children, they usually switch to being more right minded.  Though, among woman overall, the latest poll I saw had Obama and Romney tied.  Of course, since married women are more likely to vote, this is going to give Romney the edge among women in the end.

I do not care about what type of women are in which group. If what you said was true most women voters would vote Republican because most of the average female votersare not a young un-marriedwomen. Most of them are older and married or were married.

If what you said about independants was also true. Romney should be winning the popular vote. As there was a slight edge for Republicans over Dems nathionwide this year, yet Obama still leads the the popular vote in most cases. If most Independants really said they were voting Romney, than Romney should be winning all polls in the popular vote. Not happening.

Actually, Romney has been leading the popular vote in most cases recently.


Currently we're set for another Bush V Gore thing, unless the state or national polling is off.

It will be fun, in that case, if we get Republicans bitching about "why do we need the Electoral College anymore" after kissing the EC in 2000.

It's the outcome i want to see most.  Just to see both sides flip on the issue.