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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kevin Butler Mario Kart Commercial leads to Sony Suing him

Sounds fine to me, if they're suing then his contract must have something to do with it which makes a lot of sense.


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Ajescent said:
Kasz216 said:
deskpro2k3 said:
kowenicki said:
deskpro2k3 said:
Nsanity said:
deskpro2k3 said:

To answer your vague question about my second sentence... it was a hypothetical suggestion, so take a min think about it.

As I stated before this is not an isolated case. Coca Cola terminated Ronaldinho sponsorship contract (a Brazilian soccer star) after he showed up at a press conference drinking a can of Pepsi. This is the same concept.

Very different. He was still being paid, probably millions, to promote Coke. Also Coke didn't sue him, they just stopped paying him by terminating his sponsorship. That's reasonable considering. What Sony appears to be doing is very far from reasonable. 

We don't know the contract they have with him. They wont sue without a good reason.

I'm guessing you aren't familiar with the history of Sony Lawsuits.

They've sued hobbiests for teaching their robot dogs to dance.

Which vastly increased their robot dogs sales.


Also, they're contract is related.  They're sueing for copyright infringement... likely on Kevin Butler.   In otherwords, they're saying his acting goofy = kevin butler.

Imagine if George Clooney couldn't act like a handsome ladies man after his first movie.

How come everyone ignored the point I made about Robert Downey JR wearing an Ironman like costume to promote something DC related without talking to Marvel first?

Clooney's face is his own, Ironman's suit, is Marvel's there's a difference here.

But Lambert wasn't wearing a "Kevin Butler" suit for Bridgestone Wii, just his own face! Should he undergo plastic surgery and totally change his peculiar acting style to work for anybody else but Sony?
Sorry, I surely defend Sony about silly accusation on Move, as motion controls were first invented in research centres not owned by or exclusively working for console producers, not at Ninty, but this case, even if it had enough legal bases, is a PR suicide.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

I'm still wondering why Sony stopped using Kevin Butler in the first place...

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

nintendo will get flo from progressive


Wow, this must be an excuse to hate on Sony, or what? Really, this is pretty standard, and they are primaily taking this action to stop the ad dead in its track before another one airs or causes more "damage". While Kevin Butler being the property of Sony is one issue, the most pressing issue is that Jerry Lambert most likely is legally not allowed to make ads featuring any competitor's hardware (possibly even software) for a specified period of time. This is called a non-compete clause, and is designed to protect the trade secrets, or in this case advertising secrets, of the employer

Sony has a whole legal team and crew of lawyers, and they would have looked over the whole contract before making this move. Clearly Lambert is still restricted by his contract. This would include working with the competition in anyway, meaning no telling them his advertising strategies or creating characters for them, etc. Sony may come across as a bully, but not taking legal action encourages this shady business practice. I trust Nintendo or Microsoft would do the same. Jerry Lambert just made a stupid decision. If he didn't like the terms of his contract, then he shouldn't have signed it.

Around the Network
IvorEvilen said:
Wow, this must be an excuse to hate on Sony, or what? Really, this is pretty standard, and they are primaily taking this action to stop the ad dead in its track before another one airs or causes more "damage". While Kevin Butler being the property of Sony is one issue, the most pressing issue is that Jerry Lambert most likely is legally not allowed to make ads featuring any competitor's hardware (possibly even software) for a specified period of time. This is called a non-compete clause, and is designed to protect the trade secrets, or in this case advertising secrets, of the employer

Sony has a whole legal team and crew of lawyers, and they would have looked over the whole contract before making this move. Clearly Lambert is still restricted by his contract. This would include working with the competition in anyway, meaning no telling them his advertising strategies or creating characters for them, etc. Sony may come across as a bully, but not taking legal action encourages this shady business practice. I trust Nintendo or Microsoft would do the same. Jerry Lambert just made a stupid decision. If he didn't like the terms of his contract, then he shouldn't have signed it.

I was starting to think I was the only one who didn't think this was all Sony.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

deskpro2k3 said:
Nsanity said:
deskpro2k3 said:

they have the right to sue. think about the fans as well

To answer your vague question about my second sentence... it was a hypothetical suggestion, so take a min think about it.

As I stated before this is not an isolated case. Coca Cola terminated Ronaldinho sponsorship contract (a Brazilian soccer star) after he showed up at a press conference drinking a can of Pepsi. it was a $750,000 sponsorship deal, and to see him with a can of pepsi in the press conference was embarrassing.  This is the same concept.

That comparison is so ridiculous and so invalid, it doesn't even deserve a response.

Right or wrong, and I think it's wrong, it's bad PR.

They just burned a character that was loved by fans and was the face of the brand for so many years.
Kevin Butler will now be known as the poor actor who has been sued by greedy Sony.

Next (s) "Top 10 evil things in video games" already have a nice spot for this case.

Ajescent said:
amp316 said:
This is just surreal. It would be like the Chicago White Sox suing John Cusack if he decided to play Chicago Cubs 3rd baseman Ron Santo in a movie because he played Buck Weaver in Eight Men Out.

No....not even close...

Buck Weaver and Ron Santo are both real people thus can't be claimed as "IPs"
The White Sox can't sue for infringment because they didn't make the film, they could sue if the film represented them in a way they didn't like.

Additional point to consider:

If Bridgestone did nothing wrong, why did they re-release the advert without JL inside it? Unless I'm mistaken, there was no court order to do so, no? One could argue that's an admission of guilt of some kind. no?

Someone who was desperate for a point in an argument could use to to argue an admission of guilt, maybe that lawer guy off the Simpsons for example. Any normal person would simply interpret it as an oversight and using common sense to avoid any unnessasary potential hassle down the line.

This is indeed a duplicate thread. And the arguments are getting a little personal for my liking


Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.