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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware + Software Up! Week Ending September 29th! Vita hits 3 million... or not!

Wow, great SW week in Europe and very good in USA too, very good boost for PS3 and good for XB360, 3DS, PSV, PSP and Wii. Only DS, despite a small SW boost, had a HW drop. Good week for PC SW too, although this last WoW expansion had a far weaker launch week than previous ones... Time for Blizzard to start getting worried?

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Around the Network
Mmmfishtacos said:
ManUtdFan said:
pezus said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
jonnybmk said:

3DS okay.

Vita still toilet surfing.


And by the way, it's called freaking soccer - NOT football. Football is a termed reserved for the NFL in the US. We wanted the term, we took the term. It's ours now. You get soccer. Capish?

95% of the world population gets it right. You just happen to be in the 5% that gets it wrong. It's not your fault, really...

But anyway, football was called football before handegg litterally copied the word. True story, look it up. You copied it and copied it badly at that (hint: foot + ball, not hand + egg). And now you're in your tiny minority. Capish?

Hipster Americans...

I've never understood why Americans don't just simply call it 'handball'. The ball is actually kicked even less than in rugby. 

It's kinda of confusing, just Google it. Something about both rugby and football starting from soccer and the communication lag between country's back in the day.

Actually American football got its name and rules because it was played by Scottish settlers that walked on their hands to save their shoes, while the use of egg-shaped balls was established because they got defective balls for free from true football balls producers.

True story.  O-)

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

pezus said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
Wow, great SW week in Europe and very good in USA too, very good boost for PS3 and good for XB360, 3DS, PSV, PSP and Wii. Only DS, despite a small SW boost, had a HW drop. Good week for PC SW too, although this last WoW expansion had a far weaker launch week than previous ones... Time for Blizzard to start getting worried?

Don't see why they would worry. It sold 2.7m compared to 3.3m for Cataclysm iirc. I do wonder when they'll announce a new MMO though...

Where did you find that number? VGC's WW numbers aren't up yet, and USA and Europe numbers for 1st week are a lot lower than Cataclysm ones:

                                     USA                               Europe

Cataclysm                  677,626                            583,285

Pandaria                    245,523                            304,367

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Global SW is up !

4.7m for FIFA 13 !

We need the real lbp vita number

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Around the Network
pezus said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
pezus said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
Wow, great SW week in Europe and very good in USA too, very good boost for PS3 and good for XB360, 3DS, PSV, PSP and Wii. Only DS, despite a small SW boost, had a HW drop. Good week for PC SW too, although this last WoW expansion had a far weaker launch week than previous ones... Time for Blizzard to start getting worried?

Don't see why they would worry. It sold 2.7m compared to 3.3m for Cataclysm iirc. I do wonder when they'll announce a new MMO though...

Where did you find that number? VGC's WW numbers aren't up yet, and USA and Europe numbers for 1st week are a lot lower than Cataclysm ones:

                                     USA                               Europe

Cataclysm                  677,626                            583,285

Pandaria                    245,523                            304,367

Source is Blizzard ;o. Digital sales are probably the cause here

I imagined you meant that, but as VGC doesn't track them yet, old and new game numbers are comparable, and unless digital sales skyrocketed for Pandaria, compared to Cataclysm, if the ratio physical:digital didn't change very much, then Pandaria first week sales, despite very good compared to the vast majority of the other games, can be considered quite meh for WoW standards.
Comparing Blizzard numbers you quoted actually suggests a big boost (almost 300k, not so big per se, but big if physical and total sales dropped, instead) in digital sales, as unless VGC is horribly wrong, physical first week sales dropped by almost 900k (and more than 50%!) from previous title.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

pezus said:
I can't believe the PS3 version alone is so close to 3m! That is just amazing

practically advertised like playstation exclusive so no surprise

FIFA 13 for the PS3 is already the third best selling retail game of the year, beating out NSMB2 and Mass Effect 3. Another moderate-sized week should temporarily push it to #1 of the year! Not bad at all.

Love and tolerate.

Alby_da_Wolf said:
pezus said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
pezus said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
Wow, great SW week in Europe and very good in USA too, very good boost for PS3 and good for XB360, 3DS, PSV, PSP and Wii. Only DS, despite a small SW boost, had a HW drop. Good week for PC SW too, although this last WoW expansion had a far weaker launch week than previous ones... Time for Blizzard to start getting worried?

Don't see why they would worry. It sold 2.7m compared to 3.3m for Cataclysm iirc. I do wonder when they'll announce a new MMO though...

Where did you find that number? VGC's WW numbers aren't up yet, and USA and Europe numbers for 1st week are a lot lower than Cataclysm ones:

                                     USA                               Europe

Cataclysm                  677,626                            583,285

Pandaria                    245,523                            304,367

Source is Blizzard ;o. Digital sales are probably the cause here

I imagined you meant that, but as VGC doesn't track them yet, old and new game numbers are comparable, and unless digital sales skyrocketed for Pandaria, compared to Cataclysm, if the ratio physical:digital didn't change very much, then Pandaria first week sales, despite very good compared to the vast majority of the other games, can be considered quite meh for WoW standards.
Comparing Blizzard numbers you quoted actually suggests a big boost (almost 300k, not so big per se, but big if physical and total sales dropped, instead) in digital sales, as unless VGC is horribly wrong, physical first week sales dropped by almost 900k (and more than 50%!) from previous title.

I think 4 reasons can explain this.

1: Digital sales increased I would say like a 30:70 ratio to 40:60 rate or better

2:VGC sux at tracking PC games, I mean look at original WoW which must have sold at least 15m retail.

3:The number blizz gave out is shipped so in reality 2.2m-2.5m ie 500k-200k on shelves.

4: I mean it did do less then cata by .6m so it is expected to do worse comparably, that combined with the other reasons would suggest low retail sales.

Where are the actual DoA5 360 numbers?? For a game that had the mainline series exclusive to Xbox for some years I would believe it would be at least close to PS3 numbers, or did 360 players really only just bought Borderlands 2