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Alby_da_Wolf said:
pezus said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
pezus said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
Wow, great SW week in Europe and very good in USA too, very good boost for PS3 and good for XB360, 3DS, PSV, PSP and Wii. Only DS, despite a small SW boost, had a HW drop. Good week for PC SW too, although this last WoW expansion had a far weaker launch week than previous ones... Time for Blizzard to start getting worried?

Don't see why they would worry. It sold 2.7m compared to 3.3m for Cataclysm iirc. I do wonder when they'll announce a new MMO though...

Where did you find that number? VGC's WW numbers aren't up yet, and USA and Europe numbers for 1st week are a lot lower than Cataclysm ones:

                                     USA                               Europe

Cataclysm                  677,626                            583,285

Pandaria                    245,523                            304,367

Source is Blizzard ;o. Digital sales are probably the cause here

I imagined you meant that, but as VGC doesn't track them yet, old and new game numbers are comparable, and unless digital sales skyrocketed for Pandaria, compared to Cataclysm, if the ratio physical:digital didn't change very much, then Pandaria first week sales, despite very good compared to the vast majority of the other games, can be considered quite meh for WoW standards.
Comparing Blizzard numbers you quoted actually suggests a big boost (almost 300k, not so big per se, but big if physical and total sales dropped, instead) in digital sales, as unless VGC is horribly wrong, physical first week sales dropped by almost 900k (and more than 50%!) from previous title.

I think 4 reasons can explain this.

1: Digital sales increased I would say like a 30:70 ratio to 40:60 rate or better

2:VGC sux at tracking PC games, I mean look at original WoW which must have sold at least 15m retail.

3:The number blizz gave out is shipped so in reality 2.2m-2.5m ie 500k-200k on shelves.

4: I mean it did do less then cata by .6m so it is expected to do worse comparably, that combined with the other reasons would suggest low retail sales.