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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: The PS Vita will sell under 20m units

VicViper said:
DS and PSP numbers are inflated also.

I can't even imagine the amount of sales that came due to piracy.
The day this happens for either 3DS or Vita numbers will soar

That's a good point.

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S.Peelman said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
I just have to say this is by far the worst prediction I've even seen. And based on what? Current sales? Without a price cut and a true holiday, (if you think December in japan is a true holiday you need to do some research.) I feel that in the end the vita will surprise many of you, 60 + is my guess of what i can see right now. I have faith, mostly in Sony's previous numbers, 100 million PS1's 140 PS2's, 64 million PS3's, 75 million PSP's. Sony has and excellent track record, better than both Nintendo and MS.

No and not really.

The Vita would take like 15 years to reach 60m, even if it's sales straighten out a bit. Again, all is probably going to be decided after the holidays, but as it stands Vita is not going to sell in the same ballpark as the 3DS.

Second, the thread is not about this, so let's leave it after the following. Sure, Playstation made quite a name for itself and it's brand has definitely been cemented among 'the greats', they do not have a 'better track record' than Nintendo. Ignoring the fact that the NES's marketshare was greater than the PS2's in their respective generations and the fact that the size of the market increased, the following is the real standings of either company's top selling devices:

PS2: 154 / DS: 153

PS1: 102 / GameBoy: 119

PSP: 75 / Wii: 97

PS3: 67 / GBA: 82

I'm not denying the Playstation brand made some stellar victories and pulled some impressive feats, this is only a black/white comparison. Of the top 5 best sold consoles though, 3 are Nintendo and 2 are Playstation: #1 and #4 (soon probably #2 and #5). Just to get this common misconception out of the way .

PS2 150 +/ Game cube 21

PS1 100 +/ 64 34

PSP 75/ DS 153

PS3 67/ Wii 96

 Handhelds have always been Nintendo wild card. Nintendo had two consecutive bad home console generations. So far you really can't say Sony s had a bad system yet. And that's why I say Sony has a better track record than the other two.  Also the 140 million ps2 is a pretty old number, it should be reaching past 150 by now.  People said that the ps3 could never catch the 360 nearly 10 million head start and it's looking to pass it soon. So I wouldn't make comments saying it would take 15 years to reach 60. Sony is also capable of turning a struggling console around, Which we haven't seen from the other two. Besides it hasn't had a full year. The bigger games are starting to come out, holiday is coming up, and if all else fails it should receive a price cut by mid year 2013. One way or another they'll sale 10 million of these a year, at least for a few years. It's sad most people aren't even giving it a chance, most haters bash it with out ever picking one up. Even if you never play a single game on it, it's worth the 250 dollar asking price.

edit to fix wii and PS2 numbers, PS1 numbers are lower than they should be, but i cant find the latest data for PS1.

Mmmfishtacos said:

PS2 140/ Game cube 21

PS1 100/ 64 34

PSP 75/ DS 153

PS3 67/ Wii 90

 Handhelds have always been Nintendo wild card. Nintendo had two consecutive bad home console generations. So far you really can't say Sony s had a bad system yet. And that's why I say Sony has a better track record than the other two.  Also the 140 million ps2 is a pretty old number, it should be reaching past 150 by now.  People said that the ps3 could never catch the 360 nearly 10 million head start and it's looking to pass it soon. So I wouldn't make comments saying it would take 15 years to reach 60. Sony is also capable of turning a struggling console around, Which we haven't seen from the other two. Besides it hasn't had a full year. The bigger games are starting to come out, holiday is coming up, and if all else fails it should receive a price cut by mid year 2013. One way or another they'll sale 10 million of these a year, at least for a few years. It's sad most people aren't even giving it a chance, most haters bash it with out ever picking one up. Even if you never play a single game on it, it's worth the 250 dollar asking price.

Your Wii numbers are way off (PS1 and PS2 seems in the low side, too)

There's no way the Vita will sell under 20 million, in my humble opinion. Why do I think so?

1) Sony will stubbornly continue to support it no matter how badly it sells, due to the amount they invested in its development, and pride. They simply won't drop it at a sub-20 million number of units sold, they'll keep pushing where other companies would throw in the towel.

2) Price seems to be an issue at the moment, but a high price conveys the impression of a "premium" product, so that when it does finally drop in price, people feel like they are getting an expensive item for a good price; the PS3 continues to benefit from this today.

3) Games like COD and Assassin's Creed will help it appeal to the Western market.

4) At some point, they'll make a Monster Hunter game for it, and every man, woman, child, dog, cat, fish, and bedside lamp in Japan will run out and buy one.

This is coming from me.

Vita wont do that bad.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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I have had one (WIFI/3G), sold one, bought another one (WIFI) and I dont think its going to do that bad, at worst it will sell between 30 and 40 mil, but I still believe it has promise.

Just a nice person :)

Keep the thread civil, guys. My locking finger is itchy...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

One thing tho about the upcoming saving graces for the vita, Assassin's creed liberations is getting released on the same day as Assassin's Creed 3 on the Ps3 and Xbox360 now they've said a load of times that the majority of the vita user base are all Ps3 owners, but.... if you were going there for launch and you had both systems, surely you would pick up Assassin's creed 3 on the home system instead? or are they thinking that people will shell out over 100euros for both games, I really see Liberations has a chance to be horribly overshadowed by its big brother.

Surely they should see this coming but I guess you can't really expect ubisoft to go nuts and offer both games in a cross buy situation given they aren't just ports and it would be 2 games for the price of one.

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ganoncrotch said:
One thing tho about the upcoming saving graces for the vita, Assassin's creed liberations is getting released on the same day as Assassin's Creed 3 on the Ps3 and Xbox360 now they've said a load of times that the majority of the vita user base are all Ps3 owners, but.... if you were going there for launch and you had both systems, surely you would pick up Assassin's creed 3 on the home system instead? or are they thinking that people will shell out over 100euros for both games, I really see Liberations has a chance to be horribly overshadowed by its big brother.

Surely they should see this coming but I guess you can't really expect ubisoft to go nuts and offer both games in a cross buy situation given they aren't just ports and it would be 2 games for the price of one.

I have to agree with this. The vita version should come out two weeks before or after the ps3 version. But i still think it will do well and have legs to carry it. It's nice that the story's intertwine and maybe this is why they wanted it to come out at the same time. Maybe a discount coupon should come inside the PS3 version for the vita game.

halil23 said:
If you wanna show your Sony hate, might as well make it 5mil then you're good to go... >_>

it's coming up on 3million now, there are probably more than 5/10million fully/semi fabricated already too, I mean casings and buttons already molded and ready to be put together and PSBs already pressed, anything below the 10m mark just can't happen since sony will have them made they could literally offer them free with boxes of cereal to not have to pay to store the things :D

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at