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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why PS4 won't be cutting edge, and neither will Xbox3 - or Why Nintendo might win next gen


Is my reasoning sound?

Hellz yeah! Spot on 265 33.42%
I never thought of it like that.... 69 8.70%
So it's the mental institution next for you? 101 12.74%
So very, very wrong 266 33.54%
I'm a pussy with no opinion 88 11.10%

After years of hyping their consoles power and promoting the need of consoles to be super powerful this will be going against the very ideology that they (MS, Sony) themselves created.

They just can't do a u-turn. Many graphic whores and power monkeys will be turned off by MS consoles if they are not powerful enough. The very same people that treat the wii u with contempt because of it's lack of ooomph.

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justinian said:
After years of hyping their consoles power and promoting the need of consoles to be super powerful this will be going against the very ideology that they (MS, Sony) themselves created.

They just can't do a u-turn. Many graphic whores and power monkeys will be turned off by MS consoles if they are not powerful enough. The very same people that treat the wii u with contempt because of it's lack of ooomph.

Yes and that is a good thing console players don't know much about technology because it will likely not be a huge leap.  They will definitely look much better but not as significant as last gen to this gen.  The main obstacle is to keep prices down and if they go powerful you are looking at a $600+ machine


JayWood2010 said:

I see what you are saying and all but unless sony and microsoft really tried then they will make a pretty decent jump over the WiiU. It wont be as big as the wii vs ps360 but it will still be different. Let me put it this way. let's say hypothetically the Wii is a 2 in power. Well then the 360 would be a 5 and the ps3 a 5.5. Does that sound about correct? Ok now let's move on to the WiiU. Likely itll be pushing a 7 by the end of its life so that is 1.5 more powerful. Well if that is true then ps4 would likely an 8-9 as well as the 720. Why because both of them with current technology will probably be at least a 1.5x increase.

Scrap all that for a second though. The one thing you did get spot on was the Sony and Kinect issues. Sony PS1 and PS2 were pretty weak in power but were very successful. PS3 had a different strategy and was pretty much a failure until it's later years. Now they are financially unstable and have dropped down to AA status along with the strong yen. Likely this will cause them to cut on hardware. Kinect 2.0 will be bundled most likely and yes that will keep it's hardware from going up too much as well which is why I think we won't see as big of a leap as we did this gen.

Do you realize that with the xbox360/ PS3 being  5/ 5.5 and nextbox/PS4 being 9 that would make them not even twice as powerful as the current consoles?

My take (which I'm sure will be proven wrong) is something like this:

Wii = 1     WiiU = 7

Xbox360/PS3 = 5     nextbox/PS4 = 20

Instead of the nextbox and PS4 being 5 times more powerful than a WiiU, like in the Wii era, they will  be 3 times more powerful than a WiiU and 4 times the PS360 , which is still a lot but not as much as before, making developments for all consoles more likely (likely, not probable).

Even more, if they decide to include some kind of gadget (like Kinect 2.0 or whatever they come up with) the console could end being a 15 in power (to avoid excessive loses), making them "only" twice as powerful as a WiiU.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JayWood2010 said:

I see what you are saying and all but unless sony and microsoft really tried then they will make a pretty decent jump over the WiiU. It wont be as big as the wii vs ps360 but it will still be different. Let me put it this way. let's say hypothetically the Wii is a 2 in power. Well then the 360 would be a 5 and the ps3 a 5.5. Does that sound about correct? Ok now let's move on to the WiiU. Likely itll be pushing a 7 by the end of its life so that is 1.5 more powerful. Well if that is true then ps4 would likely an 8-9 as well as the 720. Why because both of them with current technology will probably be at least a 1.5x increase.

Scrap all that for a second though. The one thing you did get spot on was the Sony and Kinect issues. Sony PS1 and PS2 were pretty weak in power but were very successful. PS3 had a different strategy and was pretty much a failure until it's later years. Now they are financially unstable and have dropped down to AA status along with the strong yen. Likely this will cause them to cut on hardware. Kinect 2.0 will be bundled most likely and yes that will keep it's hardware from going up too much as well which is why I think we won't see as big of a leap as we did this gen.

Alrighty then... I don't quite know what to reply to here :p But going by your numbers there (Wii:2, PS360: 5, Wii U: 7, PS720: 8-9) I think it's safe to say that Wii U will receive pretty decent ports when next gen is in full swing. I mean, just take a look at the 6th gen. PS2 were the number "2" - as Wii was this last gen. But that didn't mean PS2 got crappy ports of GC games, now did it? I think this gen will be something similar to that.

Now when 3rd party games isn't exclusive I don't think consoles from Sony and MS can ever be close to power next to a Nintendo console again. Just take a look at PS3 and Xbox360; they are VERY close sales wise, and there's really only 2 things that differentiate them from each other: 1st party games and Blu ray. Had Wii been more on par with these two systems I'm sure we would have seen a situation closer to PS1 and PS2 dominance.

MS can go all out with super specs and Kinect 2.0 for the x3ox, but can Sony do the same for PS4? I don't think we'll see a console over $400 next gen, and to squeeze enough power into that box blowing Wii U out of the waters...? It'll be enough to look better than Wii U, but will it be enough hinder good ports?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

JEMC said:
JayWood2010 said:

I see what you are saying and all but unless sony and microsoft really tried then they will make a pretty decent jump over the WiiU. It wont be as big as the wii vs ps360 but it will still be different. Let me put it this way. let's say hypothetically the Wii is a 2 in power. Well then the 360 would be a 5 and the ps3 a 5.5. Does that sound about correct? Ok now let's move on to the WiiU. Likely itll be pushing a 7 by the end of its life so that is 1.5 more powerful. Well if that is true then ps4 would likely an 8-9 as well as the 720. Why because both of them with current technology will probably be at least a 1.5x increase.

Scrap all that for a second though. The one thing you did get spot on was the Sony and Kinect issues. Sony PS1 and PS2 were pretty weak in power but were very successful. PS3 had a different strategy and was pretty much a failure until it's later years. Now they are financially unstable and have dropped down to AA status along with the strong yen. Likely this will cause them to cut on hardware. Kinect 2.0 will be bundled most likely and yes that will keep it's hardware from going up too much as well which is why I think we won't see as big of a leap as we did this gen.

Do you realize that with the xbox360/ PS3 being  5/ 5.5 and nextbox/PS4 being 9 that would make them not even twice as powerful as the current consoles?

My take (which I'm sure will be proven wrong) is something like this:

Wii = 1     WiiU = 7

Xbox360/PS3 = 5     nextbox/PS4 = 20

Instead of the nextbox and PS4 being 5 times more powerful than a WiiU, like in the Wii era, they will  be 3 times more powerful than a WiiU and 4 times the PS360 , which is still a lot but not as much as before, making developments for all consoles more likely (likely, not probable).

Even more, if they decide to include some kind of gadget (like Kinect 2.0 or whatever they come up with) the console could end being a 15 in power (to avoid excessive loses), making them "only" twice as powerful as a WiiU.

lol I was just using hypothetical numbers and yes I was aware that it wasn't even 2 times as powerful.  I said 1.5 I believe.  Likely both the NeXbox/PS4 will be around 4x as powerful though.  I Don't see them going more than that.  If we are being realistic with a $400-$500 console then 4x would be about right.  Why because we know microsoft will most likely bundling kinect 2.0 which will be at least $100 stand alone device. So I'd say you are pretty close with your number 20 for a guess.  Sony has the biggest opportunity of maximizing power but at the same time the have the least chance so they will be the ones I think that will be surprising the most either way.  


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DanneSandin said:
JayWood2010 said:

I see what you are saying and all but unless sony and microsoft really tried then they will make a pretty decent jump over the WiiU. It wont be as big as the wii vs ps360 but it will still be different. Let me put it this way. let's say hypothetically the Wii is a 2 in power. Well then the 360 would be a 5 and the ps3 a 5.5. Does that sound about correct? Ok now let's move on to the WiiU. Likely itll be pushing a 7 by the end of its life so that is 1.5 more powerful. Well if that is true then ps4 would likely an 8-9 as well as the 720. Why because both of them with current technology will probably be at least a 1.5x increase.

Scrap all that for a second though. The one thing you did get spot on was the Sony and Kinect issues. Sony PS1 and PS2 were pretty weak in power but were very successful. PS3 had a different strategy and was pretty much a failure until it's later years. Now they are financially unstable and have dropped down to AA status along with the strong yen. Likely this will cause them to cut on hardware. Kinect 2.0 will be bundled most likely and yes that will keep it's hardware from going up too much as well which is why I think we won't see as big of a leap as we did this gen.

Alrighty then... I don't quite know what to reply to here :p But going by your numbers there (Wii:2, PS360: 5, Wii U: 7, PS720: 8-9) I think it's safe to say that Wii U will receive pretty decent ports when next gen is in full swing. I mean, just take a look at the 6th gen. PS2 were the number "2" - as Wii was this last gen. But that didn't mean PS2 got crappy ports of GC games, now did it? I think this gen will be something similar to that.

Now when 3rd party games isn't exclusive I don't think consoles from Sony and MS can ever be close to power next to a Nintendo console again. Just take a look at PS3 and Xbox360; they are VERY close sales wise, and there's really only 2 things that differentiate them from each other: 1st party games and Blu ray. Had Wii been more on par with these two systems I'm sure we would have seen a situation closer to PS1 and PS2 dominance.

MS can go all out with super specs and Kinect 2.0 for the x3ox, but can Sony do the same for PS4? I don't think we'll see a console over $400 next gen, and to squeeze enough power into that box blowing Wii U out of the waters...? It'll be enough to look better than Wii U, but will it be enough hinder good ports?

I was just using hypothetical numbers so sorry if they were a little confusing.  I do believe the Nexbox and PS4 will be about 4x as powerful putting them both close to a 20 with the WiiU at around 7-9.  The WiiU's biggest opstacle is going to be it's slow ram. It won't be as noticeable though as the Wii vs X360/PS4 is what I was getting at. Most games won't even utilize the power of each console.  Ports won't be an issue for the WiiU as it still looks nice.  It would basically be like playing on PC.  What I mean is you have Ultra High Settings to low settings.  The WiiU would be more on par with the mid to low settings compared to the other 2.  Not bad though because the Wii wasn't even able to play a lot of these games.


JayWood2010 said:
DanneSandin said:
JayWood2010 said:

I see what you are saying and all but unless sony and microsoft really tried then they will make a pretty decent jump over the WiiU. It wont be as big as the wii vs ps360 but it will still be different. Let me put it this way. let's say hypothetically the Wii is a 2 in power. Well then the 360 would be a 5 and the ps3 a 5.5. Does that sound about correct? Ok now let's move on to the WiiU. Likely itll be pushing a 7 by the end of its life so that is 1.5 more powerful. Well if that is true then ps4 would likely an 8-9 as well as the 720. Why because both of them with current technology will probably be at least a 1.5x increase.

Scrap all that for a second though. The one thing you did get spot on was the Sony and Kinect issues. Sony PS1 and PS2 were pretty weak in power but were very successful. PS3 had a different strategy and was pretty much a failure until it's later years. Now they are financially unstable and have dropped down to AA status along with the strong yen. Likely this will cause them to cut on hardware. Kinect 2.0 will be bundled most likely and yes that will keep it's hardware from going up too much as well which is why I think we won't see as big of a leap as we did this gen.

Alrighty then... I don't quite know what to reply to here :p But going by your numbers there (Wii:2, PS360: 5, Wii U: 7, PS720: 8-9) I think it's safe to say that Wii U will receive pretty decent ports when next gen is in full swing. I mean, just take a look at the 6th gen. PS2 were the number "2" - as Wii was this last gen. But that didn't mean PS2 got crappy ports of GC games, now did it? I think this gen will be something similar to that.

Now when 3rd party games isn't exclusive I don't think consoles from Sony and MS can ever be close to power next to a Nintendo console again. Just take a look at PS3 and Xbox360; they are VERY close sales wise, and there's really only 2 things that differentiate them from each other: 1st party games and Blu ray. Had Wii been more on par with these two systems I'm sure we would have seen a situation closer to PS1 and PS2 dominance.

MS can go all out with super specs and Kinect 2.0 for the x3ox, but can Sony do the same for PS4? I don't think we'll see a console over $400 next gen, and to squeeze enough power into that box blowing Wii U out of the waters...? It'll be enough to look better than Wii U, but will it be enough hinder good ports?

I was just using hypothetical numbers so sorry if they were a little confusing.  I do believe the Nexbox and PS4 will be about 4x as powerful putting them both close to a 20 with the WiiU at around 7-9.  The WiiU's biggest opstacle is going to be it's slow ram. It won't be as noticeable though as the Wii vs X360/PS4 is what I was getting at. Most games won't even utilize the power of each console.  Ports won't be an issue for the WiiU as it still looks nice.  It would basically be like playing on PC.  What I mean is you have Ultra High Settings to low settings.  The WiiU would be more on par with the mid to low settings compared to the other 2.  Not bad though because the Wii wasn't even able to play a lot of these games.

That is pretty much all that needs to be said.  I will say that is what sums up the next gen Wii-U, PS4 & Xbox 720.

That is why I say it MIGHT not receive games like Metro or Elder scrolls. BUT it WILL definitely receive MUCH MORE 3rd party ports. The ones that WONT be ported WONT matter much since Nintendo's 1st party will eclipse.

KeptoKnight said:
JayWood2010 said:
DanneSandin said:
JayWood2010 said:

I see what you are saying and all but unless sony and microsoft really tried then they will make a pretty decent jump over the WiiU. It wont be as big as the wii vs ps360 but it will still be different. Let me put it this way. let's say hypothetically the Wii is a 2 in power. Well then the 360 would be a 5 and the ps3 a 5.5. Does that sound about correct? Ok now let's move on to the WiiU. Likely itll be pushing a 7 by the end of its life so that is 1.5 more powerful. Well if that is true then ps4 would likely an 8-9 as well as the 720. Why because both of them with current technology will probably be at least a 1.5x increase.

Scrap all that for a second though. The one thing you did get spot on was the Sony and Kinect issues. Sony PS1 and PS2 were pretty weak in power but were very successful. PS3 had a different strategy and was pretty much a failure until it's later years. Now they are financially unstable and have dropped down to AA status along with the strong yen. Likely this will cause them to cut on hardware. Kinect 2.0 will be bundled most likely and yes that will keep it's hardware from going up too much as well which is why I think we won't see as big of a leap as we did this gen.

Alrighty then... I don't quite know what to reply to here :p But going by your numbers there (Wii:2, PS360: 5, Wii U: 7, PS720: 8-9) I think it's safe to say that Wii U will receive pretty decent ports when next gen is in full swing. I mean, just take a look at the 6th gen. PS2 were the number "2" - as Wii was this last gen. But that didn't mean PS2 got crappy ports of GC games, now did it? I think this gen will be something similar to that.

Now when 3rd party games isn't exclusive I don't think consoles from Sony and MS can ever be close to power next to a Nintendo console again. Just take a look at PS3 and Xbox360; they are VERY close sales wise, and there's really only 2 things that differentiate them from each other: 1st party games and Blu ray. Had Wii been more on par with these two systems I'm sure we would have seen a situation closer to PS1 and PS2 dominance.

MS can go all out with super specs and Kinect 2.0 for the x3ox, but can Sony do the same for PS4? I don't think we'll see a console over $400 next gen, and to squeeze enough power into that box blowing Wii U out of the waters...? It'll be enough to look better than Wii U, but will it be enough hinder good ports?

I was just using hypothetical numbers so sorry if they were a little confusing.  I do believe the Nexbox and PS4 will be about 4x as powerful putting them both close to a 20 with the WiiU at around 7-9.  The WiiU's biggest opstacle is going to be it's slow ram. It won't be as noticeable though as the Wii vs X360/PS4 is what I was getting at. Most games won't even utilize the power of each console.  Ports won't be an issue for the WiiU as it still looks nice.  It would basically be like playing on PC.  What I mean is you have Ultra High Settings to low settings.  The WiiU would be more on par with the mid to low settings compared to the other 2.  Not bad though because the Wii wasn't even able to play a lot of these games.

That is pretty much all that needs to be said.  I will say that is what sums up the next gen Wii-U, PS4 & Xbox 720.

That is why I say it MIGHT not receive games like Metro or Elder scrolls. BUT it WILL definitely receive MUCH MORE 3rd party ports. The ones that WONT be ported WONT matter much since Nintendo's 1st party will eclipse.

Yeah i probably should have stated that the first time around, but you know I got to make things a lil confusing :P


JEMC said:

Do you realize that with the xbox360/ PS3 being  5/ 5.5 and nextbox/PS4 being 9 that would make them not even twice as powerful as the current consoles?

My take (which I'm sure will be proven wrong) is something like this:

Wii = 1     WiiU = 7

Xbox360/PS3 = 5     nextbox/PS4 = 20

Instead of the nextbox and PS4 being 5 times more powerful than a WiiU, like in the Wii era, they will  be 3 times more powerful than a WiiU and 4 times the PS360 , which is still a lot but not as much as before, making developments for all consoles more likely (likely, not probable).

Even more, if they decide to include some kind of gadget (like Kinect 2.0 or whatever they come up with) the console could end being a 15 in power (to avoid excessive loses), making them "only" twice as powerful as a WiiU.

Everyone here is forgetting the casual 720 or the xbox TV or whatever it is called. I think they'll release a casual 720 with kinect 2.0, a core by itself and a core with kinect 2.0 for people with to much money! :D It should cater for everyone's needs and price ranges some what well.

If rumors are to be believed an they're going to offer a subscription based sale offering I doubt cost won't matter as much for M$ either. They can afford to sell at a loss.


Rich bastards.

ironmanDX said:
JEMC said:

Do you realize that with the xbox360/ PS3 being  5/ 5.5 and nextbox/PS4 being 9 that would make them not even twice as powerful as the current consoles?

My take (which I'm sure will be proven wrong) is something like this:

Wii = 1     WiiU = 7

Xbox360/PS3 = 5     nextbox/PS4 = 20

Instead of the nextbox and PS4 being 5 times more powerful than a WiiU, like in the Wii era, they will  be 3 times more powerful than a WiiU and 4 times the PS360 , which is still a lot but not as much as before, making developments for all consoles more likely (likely, not probable).

Even more, if they decide to include some kind of gadget (like Kinect 2.0 or whatever they come up with) the console could end being a 15 in power (to avoid excessive loses), making them "only" twice as powerful as a WiiU.

Everyone here is forgetting the casual 720 or the xbox TV or whatever it is called. I think they'll release a casual 720 with kinect 2.0, a core by itself and a core with kinect 2.0 for people with to much money! :D It should cater for everyone's needs and price ranges some what well.

If rumors are to be believed an they're going to offer a subscription based sale offering I doubt cost won't matter as much for M$ either. They can afford to sell at a loss.


Rich bastards.

That is true.  I forgot all about the subscription model.  This will also likely replace xbox live's subsciption model.  Of course you will still be paying for live but it will be hidden fees.