ironmanDX said:
JEMC said:
Do you realize that with the xbox360/ PS3 being 5/ 5.5 and nextbox/PS4 being 9 that would make them not even twice as powerful as the current consoles?
My take (which I'm sure will be proven wrong) is something like this:
Wii = 1 WiiU = 7
Xbox360/PS3 = 5 nextbox/PS4 = 20
Instead of the nextbox and PS4 being 5 times more powerful than a WiiU, like in the Wii era, they will be 3 times more powerful than a WiiU and 4 times the PS360 , which is still a lot but not as much as before, making developments for all consoles more likely (likely, not probable).
Even more, if they decide to include some kind of gadget (like Kinect 2.0 or whatever they come up with) the console could end being a 15 in power (to avoid excessive loses), making them "only" twice as powerful as a WiiU.
Everyone here is forgetting the casual 720 or the xbox TV or whatever it is called. I think they'll release a casual 720 with kinect 2.0, a core by itself and a core with kinect 2.0 for people with to much money! :D It should cater for everyone's needs and price ranges some what well.
If rumors are to be believed an they're going to offer a subscription based sale offering I doubt cost won't matter as much for M$ either. They can afford to sell at a loss.
Rich bastards.
That is true. I forgot all about the subscription model. This will also likely replace xbox live's subsciption model. Of course you will still be paying for live but it will be hidden fees.