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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why PS4 won't be cutting edge, and neither will Xbox3 - or Why Nintendo might win next gen


Is my reasoning sound?

Hellz yeah! Spot on 265 33.42%
I never thought of it like that.... 69 8.70%
So it's the mental institution next for you? 101 12.74%
So very, very wrong 266 33.54%
I'm a pussy with no opinion 88 11.10%
brendude13 said:
HappySqurriel said:
brendude13 said:

The Vita does not have top of the line hardware. I would say SONY did learn their lesson, before the 3DS dropped its price the $249 price point of the Vita was praised.

The PS-Vita's price was praised by the same people who thought $600 was reasonable for a PS3 and $250 was too much for a Wii ...

Essentially, people who look at these in terms of value as hardware rather than value as a system.

Is that unreasonable?

Yes ...

Packaging $5000 worth of high end PC components into a $1000 game console may be an amazing value on hardware but it is still a moronically expensive game console. In contrast, selling $200 worth of components packaged into a $250 console may be an awful deal on hardware but it is a good price for a console.

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HappySqurriel said:
brendude13 said:
HappySqurriel said:
brendude13 said:

The Vita does not have top of the line hardware. I would say SONY did learn their lesson, before the 3DS dropped its price the $249 price point of the Vita was praised.

The PS-Vita's price was praised by the same people who thought $600 was reasonable for a PS3 and $250 was too much for a Wii ...

Essentially, people who look at these in terms of value as hardware rather than value as a system.

Is that unreasonable?

Yes ...

Packaging $5000 worth of high end PC components into a $1000 game console may be an amazing value on hardware but it is still a moronically expensive game console. In contrast, selling $200 worth of components packaged into a $250 console may be an awful deal on hardware but it is a good price for a console.

I don't see how it is, if people want more power then they can pay for it. $600 dollars for a games console is pretty ridiculous, but a $100 premium for much more advanced hardware isn't exactly bad value as a system.

Anyway, that doesn't even apply to the Vita so I don't know why you bought it up, $250 is a reasonable price for a handheld.

Nintendo fans listen and take wii u wii u wii u wii u = sucks take it stop saying Nintendo wii u is the best f******** next generation console please stop making me laughing none stop

-moderated by amp316-

brendude13 said:
HappySqurriel said:
brendude13 said:
HappySqurriel said:
brendude13 said:

The Vita does not have top of the line hardware. I would say SONY did learn their lesson, before the 3DS dropped its price the $249 price point of the Vita was praised.

The PS-Vita's price was praised by the same people who thought $600 was reasonable for a PS3 and $250 was too much for a Wii ...

Essentially, people who look at these in terms of value as hardware rather than value as a system.

Is that unreasonable?

Yes ...

Packaging $5000 worth of high end PC components into a $1000 game console may be an amazing value on hardware but it is still a moronically expensive game console. In contrast, selling $200 worth of components packaged into a $250 console may be an awful deal on hardware but it is a good price for a console.

I don't see how it is, if people want more power then they can pay for it. $600 dollars for a games console is pretty ridiculous, but a $100 premium for much more advanced hardware isn't exactly bad value as a system.

Anyway, that doesn't even apply to the Vita so I don't know why you bought it up, $250 is a reasonable price for a handheld.

The numbers I used were extreme to demonstrate my point ...

To the average consumer a home console is worth somewhere in the $200 to $400 range, and a handheld gaming system is worth somewhere in the $125 to $200 range; and the relative value each system provides is measured in the comparison between the two system's software libraries.

At any price level you will find people willing to pay for a system, but you probably won't get the masses to buy a handheld system for $250 even if it is amazingly advanced compared to its competition.

Hahahaha funniest thread in a long time. Please OP change your name to Nostradamus.

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osed125 said:
usrevenge said:

but your wrong. I know this is a nintendo fan forum, but the ps4/xbox will be away ahead of the wiiu. the only way it won't happen is if MS and sony both decide to put out much weaker consoles then the norm at the same time. all indications point to at least Sony haveing a large upgrade in power,  MS is a toss up ( will they basically make a kinect box 2.0 or will it be a true successor)

@bold How do you know that? Give some reasons as to why you think that.

And what indications have Sony shown? other than Jack Tretton's PR talk

Because Sony never puts out a comparitivly weak console.
the only reason MS might is the complete shift in focus from gamers for gamers to kinect/family.  every rumor/estimate/leak about both companies console is indicating that they will be a large leap in graphical capabilities, yes they are all rumors but if you look at history almost every console infor was leaked somewhere on the internet, so one of the rumors are most likely true

also MS and Sony know that if they hold back graphic wise they will lose more competition to PC, which Sony definitly doesn't want, and MS wants to stop as well.

it's common sense, I Will never understand why this forum is so fanboyish.

usrevenge said:

Because Sony never puts out a comparitivly weak console.
the only reason MS might is the complete shift in focus from gamers for gamers to kinect/family.  every rumor/estimate/leak about both companies console is indicating that they will be a large leap in graphical capabilities, yes they are all rumors but if you look at history almost every console infor was leaked somewhere on the internet, so one of the rumors are most likely true

also MS and Sony know that if they hold back graphic wise they will lose more competition to PC, which Sony definitly doesn't want, and MS wants to stop as well.

it's common sense, I Will never understand why this forum is so fanboyish.

I agree to this to some degree, but both companies know they will never compete directly to the PC (unless they make a $1000 machine) and most people aren't willing to spent that much money into a gaming console (specially the casuals), as long as either of both companies makes the "most powerful console", they will attract those people, kinda like the PS3 this gen which some people bought just because it was the most powerful of the 3, some of them not even interested in Sony's exclusives.

Nintendo and PC gamer

HappySqurriel said:
brendude13 said:

The Vita does not have top of the line hardware. I would say SONY did learn their lesson, before the 3DS dropped its price the $249 price point of the Vita was praised.

The PS-Vita's price was praised by the same people who thought $600 was reasonable for a PS3 and $250 was too much for a Wii ...

Essentially, people who look at these in terms of value as hardware rather than value as a system.

so you have no idea what your talking about, right, now that we got that out the way....

the 250 price was praised becasue before that was announced, given the hardware it was assumed the Vita was going to be at minim 350-400 dollars for the  non 3G model 400 to 500 for the 3G model

it wasn't just the most power handheld gaming console out it was the most powerful handheld out period, beating cell phones and tables alike, so when Sony announced it was only going to be 250 and seeing the 3ds also at 250 people were overly estatic NO ONE thought the 600 dollar price was reasonable, they brought it anyway becasue the ps3 was a new console.

The nextbox will be a powerful system no doubt. I agree that the PS4 wont be a significant leap. I think Microsoft might win the next gen. They have got the money that Sony can only dream of at the moment.

freebs2 said:
DanneSandin said:

The rumor has it that xbox3 will come bundled with Kinect 2.0, so that's gotta be more expansive than the version we got today. As I stated in the OP, I believe 3rd party developers would make games for WiiStation (if they're similar in power) and therefore not utilizing Xbox3's ful capacity.

You could be right but it depends on how much the newest game engines and tools are scalable. Also why should Ps4 and WiiU be similar in power? WiiU it's not a big genertion jump for Ps3 and 360 owners, in terms of graphics at least. I understand Sony can't probably afford to sell on loss anymore but the ps4 needs to be significantly more powerfull than WiiU otherwise, ps3 owners won't see a generation gap to justify the console upgrade.

Imo a possible sceario is Ps4 launching between 399$ and 499$ by the end of 2013 (by that time the WiiU could likely be sold at profit for 249$ and 299$). Supposing the ps4 won't have a tablet-pad but a reagular controller, this should be enough to make the console more powerfull than WiiU by a significant margin and still selling on profit. I think the paragon between Ps4 and WiiU is fair enough since both will have to face the same exchange rates porblem.

Also you're making an assumption when you implicitly say, developers will want to create an equivalent port of their games on every possible platform. This has happened this gen because market shares were more or less equally split. But you can't know if same thing is going to happen next-gen. During Ps2/GC/Xbox days, the ps2 got the most of 3rd party exclusives, and that's obviously not because the games couldn't be ported on GC and Xbox but simply because the Ps2 was a dominant console. Now let's say, to make another assumption, microsoft will go aggressive next-gen and will launch a cutting-edge xbox3 for a similar price to the (not cutting edge but tecnically superior to WiiU) Ps4. In this case the Xbox3 could have tha chance to gather both ex-360 users and ex-ps3 users and become a new dominant console, hence it could give 3rd parties a reason to fully utilize xbox3 capacity.


Crono141 is right you know; the economy won't allow a system launching at $499. I'd say that no system will launch above $399.99 and be successful in the coming years.

And if you read the OP you'll see why Sony won't be able to launch a console for more than $399. And regarding your comment on engines and their scaleability; apparently UE4 will be very scaleble; in fact, so much that it'll be supported by smartphones... So, WiiU will probably have that one as well. And yes, PS3 owners are gonna want a generation leap to purchase a new system. But it's not gonna be anything like the leap from PS2 to PS3. Wasn't PS1 to PS2 a generation leap as well? Yes, it was - and that's the kind of leap we'll see nect gen.

I'm assuming that all 3 consoles will get equel 3rd party support because of the costs of developing games nowadays. We all know it cost a shit load making games this past gen for PS360, and it's this reason that's making your "PS2 exclusive 3rd party support" invalid. Back then, having 3rd party exclisives worked - it was of the business had worked for 2 decades. But that business model fell through when development costs rose through the roof this gen. Nowadays there's only a handful of 3rd party games that's exclusive. Tekken, Sonic, Dragons Dogma, Skyrim, Madden, Fifa, Batman - they're all multiplat. That's how things work these days.

But yes, if X3ox is HUGE (in the same way PS2 was huge) then they'll probably get exclusive 3rd party games. But if it's huge like Wii was, they ain't getting shit (just like Wii). If it becomes a media hub for families and only gets 2 games per consoles each year it ain't gonna get 3 party games.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.