brendude13 said:
HappySqurriel said:
brendude13 said:
The Vita does not have top of the line hardware. I would say SONY did learn their lesson, before the 3DS dropped its price the $249 price point of the Vita was praised.
The PS-Vita's price was praised by the same people who thought $600 was reasonable for a PS3 and $250 was too much for a Wii ...
Essentially, people who look at these in terms of value as hardware rather than value as a system.
Is that unreasonable?
Yes ...
Packaging $5000 worth of high end PC components into a $1000 game console may be an amazing value on hardware but it is still a moronically expensive game console. In contrast, selling $200 worth of components packaged into a $250 console may be an awful deal on hardware but it is a good price for a console.