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Forums - Politics Discussion - Romney doesn't care about 47% of americans

Mr Khan said:

Whoever that is is doing a bad job of being clever.

The understanding, here, is that society is capable of being just as oppressive as the state is, and so the state needs to work to stamp out societal oppression, without itself being unduly oppressive.

Unduly oppressive is exactly what it is at the moment by subsidizing irresponsibility and punishing responsibility, taking from the productive class and giving it to a growing class of perpetual moochers, by squeezing out competitors in schooling and dooming kids to lives as future moochers by giving them an insufficient education.

All for our own good, you say! Well, it's good for someone, all right.

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HappySqurriel said:
kaneada said:

1) Yeah and has religious indoctrination and education rates been tested against that? Availablity of birthcontrol does not mean that women have been educated on its existence, proper use, or that the education they recieved teaches that birth control is effective. Also consider the steep incline in population since the 1960's...that is going to inflate that number of 'poor choices.'

2) I lived in a primarily rural area for 14 years. I can tell you most of my friends were preganant before they left high school. None of them on birth control, most of them because their familes were either A) poor, B) highly religous and against birth control and or, C) completely unapproachable about sex and its reprecutions. Even worse, half were married before they could even go to college. Despite the non-availablity (either from lack of money or denial of permission) these women were still having sex and producing children they could not afford. So a good percetage of that number can be attributed to ignorance and or education.

3) Now you want to talk about me and my wife, both of which have had multiple sexual partners (mine being right around 20 and hers being damn near 100) both practicing safe sex either through use of condoms, birth control...I'm 31, she's 27, there are no children between us either from previous sexual relationships or the current ones...Now living in a major metropolitan area, most of the working professionals are around my age or younger...most don't have kids or if they do they were planned. Most of the girls are highly sexual and do not have comitted relationships. The reason? They simply don't have time, they are too busy working, but becuase sex is pleasureable, so they have their 'friends', a very loose term for whoever is cute, decent in bed, and they met at club wherever.

4) Get out of town a little bit (about 20 miles west) its an area high concentrated by Mexican familes, of which have meager incomes, non-skilled workers, who are mostly catholic...every single one of them have kids (between 3-5 on average.) Point being, your statistics may be accurate, but either they don't or you aren't addressing all the factors which may be because you didn't consider them or because you don't want to consider them.

Correlation is not causation.

1) I'm certain that more people are using birth control effectively today than before birth control was widely available. Beyond that, the vast majority of statistics are controlled for population growth and are done as a percentage or a rate per 100000.

2) Ignorance plays a big part of it, but it could be argued that these young girls (and young boys) are ignorant of the consequences of their actions. I'm certain that in the 1940s few daughters were told that sex is no big deal ...

3) There have been several studies done on the relationship between the number of pre-marital sexual partners and divorce rates and there is a direct correlation between the two. From what I remember (off the top of my head) if one partner had 20 or more sexual partners the divorce rate is (something like) 80% after 10 years. The most often cited reason for this is infidelity ...

4) How many of those Mexican families have children to unwed mothers?


I'm not saying that people shouldn't have pre-marital sex, but the elimination of consequences for poor decisions to encourage treating sex as a recreational activity has many demonstrated negative consequences. Diseases that were once relatively well controlled (like syphilis) are becomming drug resistent because the is a growing population of morons who believe that there are no consequences for (often unprotected) sex with strangers

1) I'm not sure what you're getting at here. If you mean that moderate people apply it more effectively, you're probably right, but there has been a huge surge in abstinance education over the last serveral years. Some of those practices flat out discount methods of birthcontrol as being effective and condemn others. These women are the most likely to contribute to the welfare problem in this society.

2)You can't blame the government for the ignorance of its children. That is an educational failure that is more on the parents than on the system itself. While I maintain that cultural and religous influence play huge parts here, those are communal and not established by the our state and or federal government. Essentially, you're argument only strengthens mine.

3)Where were we discussing divorce rates in this? This is about contraceptives and female choice.

4)What does it matter? Once again this discussion is about female choice and contraceptives, marriage is not a factor here. The only thing I aimed to show here was that people who are not properly educated on contraception or who are told its taboo (huge in the Catholic church) tend to have more kids they can't afford and that the cost per child is more expensive from a welfare perspective then providing contraception. Actually I would say that these married familes might actually be doing more damage then single women.

Also you're still not demonstrating how contraception eliminates consequences...people who use contraception properly don't have kids, and have about the same, if not lower rate, of STD's...As it stands (given details of my sexual history above) I've not so much as had a case of the crabs in the 16 years or so I've been sexually active. I can verify this too because when I was not married, I had myself tested on a regular basis...

If anything you are demonstrating that contraception and education are effective tools. Healthy sexual actiivity also has many demonstrated postive effects as well, which are well documented...

P.S. Out of my many partners over the years...I've yet to cheat on anyone.

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.

badgenome said:
steverhcp02 said:
Also in one of the republican debates when Gingrich said he wanted to make the tax rate on capital gains 0% to which Mitt respnoded saying if that were true hed pay 0% taxes, which means........he currently pays 0% or little INCOME TAXES. Which is exactly the people he cant convince to take control of their lives or personal responsibility. Interesting.

How do you figure that? The rate on capital gains isn't currently 0%, except in the case of long term investments for people in the very lowest tax bracket. Otherwise you're paying anywhere from 10-35% on cap gains.

In case you're confused, the cap gains tax is an income tax. It's just taxed at a different rate.

Im not confused at all. Romney is saying poor people who receive assistance fromt he government and end up paying no income tax after deductions are freeloaders who dont take responsibility for their lives. He used a blanket term saying "47% pay no income tax" then lumped all those people into the aforementioned categories of not taking responisbility for their lives.


So what Im saying is, these people obviously dont have capital gains which are taxed, cause theyre poor right? So in essence if it werent for Romneys cap gains, which he admitted in the debate are his entirety of taxes, hed pay no other federal taxes after deductions.

So the only reason Romney pays taxes are because his wealth of money, is making him more money. If it werent for that hed pay no other taxes.


steverhcp02 said:

Im not confused at all. Romney is saying poor people who receive assistance fromt he government and end up paying no income tax after deductions are freeloaders who dont take responsibility for their lives. He used a blanket term saying "47% pay no income tax" then lumped all those people into the aforementioned categories of not taking responisbility for their lives.


So what Im saying is, these people obviously dont have capital gains which are taxed, cause theyre poor right? So in essence if it werent for Romneys cap gains, which he admitted in the debate are his entirety of taxes, hed pay no other federal taxes after deductions.

So the only reason Romney pays taxes are because his wealth of money, is making him more money. If it werent for that hed pay no other taxes.


Yes, basically all his income is from investments. He'd be essentially retired if he hadn't been running for president for about a decade now. So if there were no cap gains tax, he'd pay no taxes. But there is, so he does. What does any of this have to do with anything at all?

badgenome said:
steverhcp02 said:

Im not confused at all. Romney is saying poor people who receive assistance fromt he government and end up paying no income tax after deductions are freeloaders who dont take responsibility for their lives. He used a blanket term saying "47% pay no income tax" then lumped all those people into the aforementioned categories of not taking responisbility for their lives.


So what Im saying is, these people obviously dont have capital gains which are taxed, cause theyre poor right? So in essence if it werent for Romneys cap gains, which he admitted in the debate are his entirety of taxes, hed pay no other federal taxes after deductions.

So the only reason Romney pays taxes are because his wealth of money, is making him more money. If it werent for that hed pay no other taxes.


Yes, basically all his income is from investments. He'd be essentially retired if he hadn't been running for president for about a decade now. So if there were no cap gains tax, he'd pay no taxes. But there is, so he does. What does any of this have to do with anything at all?

It just shows that his generalization of "people who pay no income tax" is off base because only the slightest change to his money making him money would put him in that category.

The same as how veterans, unemployed, struggling families, wounded soldiers, elderly etc. may all pay no income tax and to say they have no motivation and/or indifference to their situations so theyre all voting for obama cause theyre lazy etc, is an awful thing to feel if youre going to be president.

So my idea here is generalizing people who are weak and lower than you, holding contempt for them and then asking them to be their boss and in control of their livelihoods when you display such an arrogance to the finite variables involved with their situations and conditions is utterly ridiclous.

Its one more example of romneys horrid world view, kicking balls down the road for foreign poloicy because it "cant get done", this 47% comment about how everyone with assistance or no income tax are leechers and not down on their luck good people. these views are not appropriate for the presidency. Great for a business man, thats why he was successful, he could divide lives, profit then run on a generally small scale with little consequence generally speaking. He cant do those things as president. 

Its sort of pointless discussing this because he simply wont win, but its fun to digress from time to time, i suppose.

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steverhcp02 said:

It just shows that his generalization of "people who pay no income tax" is off base because only the slightest change to his money making him money would put him in that category.

The same as how veterans, unemployed, struggling families, wounded soldiers, elderly etc. may all pay no income tax and to say they have no motivation and/or indifference to their situations so theyre all voting for obama cause theyre lazy etc, is an awful thing to feel if youre going to be president.

So my idea here is generalizing people who are weak and lower than you, holding contempt for them and then asking them to be their boss and in control of their livelihoods when you display such an arrogance to the finite variables involved with their situations and conditions is utterly ridiclous.

Its one more example of romneys horrid world view, kicking balls down the road for foreign poloicy because it "cant get done", this 47% comment about how everyone with assistance or no income tax are leechers and not down on their luck good people. these views are not appropriate for the presidency. Great for a business man, thats why he was successful, he could divide lives, profit then run on a generally small scale with little consequence generally speaking. He cant do those things as president. 

Its sort of pointless discussing this because he simply wont win, but its fun to digress from time to time, i suppose.

Taxing his primary source of income at 0% is the "slightest change"? Okay...

This is just silliness. You previously claimed he's not paying anything in income taxes. The only reason you would do that is because you don't understand that capital gains is a form of income. Admit you were wrong and move on.

It's hilarious that he's such a horrible candidate (and he is terribly lame, IMO) and he's still neck and neck with Obama despite so much of the media outright campaigning for Obama yet again. Says a lot about what a shitty fucking president O has been, I guess.

Edit: And the idea that the president is the boss of us and should be controlling our lives made me hurl. The citizenry is the boss, not the other way around.

kaneada said:

1) I'm not sure what you're getting at here. If you mean that moderate people apply it more effectively, you're probably right, but there has been a huge surge in abstinance education over the last serveral years. Some of those practices flat out discount methods of birthcontrol as being effective and condemn others. These women are the most likely to contribute to the welfare problem in this society.

2)You can't blame the government for the ignorance of its children. That is an educational failure that is more on the parents than on the system itself. While I maintain that cultural and religous influence play huge parts here, those are communal and not established by the our state and or federal government. Essentially, you're argument only strengthens mine.

3)Where were we discussing divorce rates in this? This is about contraceptives and female choice.

4)What does it matter? Once again this discussion is about female choice and contraceptives, marriage is not a factor here. The only thing I aimed to show here was that people who are not properly educated on contraception or who are told its taboo (huge in the Catholic church) tend to have more kids they can't afford and that the cost per child is more expensive from a welfare perspective then providing contraception. Actually I would say that these married familes might actually be doing more damage then single women.

Also you're still not demonstrating how contraception eliminates consequences...people who use contraception properly don't have kids, and have about the same, if not lower rate, of STD's...As it stands (given details of my sexual history above) I've not so much as had a case of the crabs in the 16 years or so I've been sexually active. I can verify this too because when I was not married, I had myself tested on a regular basis...

If anything you are demonstrating that contraception and education are effective tools. Healthy sexual actiivity also has many demonstrated postive effects as well, which are well documented...

P.S. Out of my many partners over the years...I've yet to cheat on anyone.

You're making the assumption that I'm against birth control or sex education, I'm actually for both. Being that using multiple forms of birth control can cost less than $1 a day for most people I'm against the government paying for it, and I believe that sex education should encourage people who are in a position where they can't "afford" to have children to abstain.

Where the government subsidizes poor decisions is by enforcing discriminatory child support laws and by paying welfare to single mothers. There was a recent news story of a ex-con who fathered 30 children with 11 different women who were all on welfare. The reason this kind of situation can exist is because the government has gotten involved with eliminating the risk of making poor decisions. If these women had to work, or were forced to live with relatives because they were unwilling or unable to work, it is likely that they would have never had children with this man; and even if they did it is likely that they would have had no more than 1.

HappySqurriel said:
kaneada said:

1) I'm not sure what you're getting at here. If you mean that moderate people apply it more effectively, you're probably right, but there has been a huge surge in abstinance education over the last serveral years. Some of those practices flat out discount methods of birthcontrol as being effective and condemn others. These women are the most likely to contribute to the welfare problem in this society.

2)You can't blame the government for the ignorance of its children. That is an educational failure that is more on the parents than on the system itself. While I maintain that cultural and religous influence play huge parts here, those are communal and not established by the our state and or federal government. Essentially, you're argument only strengthens mine.

3)Where were we discussing divorce rates in this? This is about contraceptives and female choice.

4)What does it matter? Once again this discussion is about female choice and contraceptives, marriage is not a factor here. The only thing I aimed to show here was that people who are not properly educated on contraception or who are told its taboo (huge in the Catholic church) tend to have more kids they can't afford and that the cost per child is more expensive from a welfare perspective then providing contraception. Actually I would say that these married familes might actually be doing more damage then single women.

Also you're still not demonstrating how contraception eliminates consequences...people who use contraception properly don't have kids, and have about the same, if not lower rate, of STD's...As it stands (given details of my sexual history above) I've not so much as had a case of the crabs in the 16 years or so I've been sexually active. I can verify this too because when I was not married, I had myself tested on a regular basis...

If anything you are demonstrating that contraception and education are effective tools. Healthy sexual actiivity also has many demonstrated postive effects as well, which are well documented...

P.S. Out of my many partners over the years...I've yet to cheat on anyone.

You're making the assumption that I'm against birth control or sex education, I'm actually for both. Being that using multiple forms of birth control can cost less than $1 a day for most people I'm against the government paying for it, and I believe that sex education should encourage people who are in a position where they can't "afford" to have children to abstain.

Where the government subsidizes poor decisions is by enforcing discriminatory child support laws and by paying welfare to single mothers. There was a recent news story of a ex-con who fathered 30 children with 11 different women who were all on welfare. The reason this kind of situation can exist is because the government has gotten involved with eliminating the risk of making poor decisions. If these women had to work, or were forced to live with relatives because they were unwilling or unable to work, it is likely that they would have never had children with this man; and even if they did it is likely that they would have had no more than 1.

I never said you claim is that you are against government subsidized birth control and you've made a couple of comments about abortion which I won't go into in the interest of keeping this fun (which it is by the me through a really long afternoon of testing SQL scripts so thanks for that.)

My only claim here, or at least my core claim, is that government subsidized birth control is cheaper than welfare in all cases...which I'm pretty sure is true...I would obviously, like most people, prefer a system where everyone worked and everyone paid... but that being said, it can be minimized, but not eliminated. There will always be a percetage of people that will be dependent on some kind of support from the government...some of it is necessary...

On the dude with 30 children...WHHUUUUTTTTT!!!! However, ultimately in this situation, the outcome you're suggesting is ultimately unknowable by any reasonable standard. Once again I point to my past in the sticks...stupid people are a product of their environment, not their governmen...

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.

Romney is right of course. Basically half of this country is supporting the other half, and it's only going to keep growing as more and more of the "boomer" generation retires and less and less college kids are able to secure jobs outside of McDonalds and Walmart.

Turns out all those people chanting "we are the 99%!" at Occupy Wall Street protests are actually the 47%.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

NightDragon83 said:
Romney is right of course. Basically half of this country is supporting the other half, and it's only going to keep growing as more and more of the "boomer" generation retires and less and less college kids are able to secure jobs outside of McDonalds and Walmart.

Turns out all those people chanting "we are the 99%!" at Occupy Wall Street protests are actually the 47%.

They'll have to give us the jobs eventually. And then boy are we ever going to screw them over.

They know who *they* are.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.