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Forums - Politics Discussion - Romney doesn't care about 47% of americans

Mr Khan said:
badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:

Romania's as fucked up as it is because Caucescu decided to ban all birth control in an effort to get a bigger labor force. It didn't help things.

Also, i can't believe anyone's suggesting that needy children should be tossed off of welfare to prevent the births of more needy children. That's just heartless.

Because welfare is the only way to take care of the needy. You really need to read Bastiat.

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain."

I can think of a lot of reasons why Romania's fucked up. A long dead dictator banning birth control isn't in the top 10.

Whoever that is is doing a bad job of being clever.

The understanding, here, is that society is capable of being just as oppressive as the state is, and so the state needs to work to stamp out societal oppression, without itself being unduly oppressive.

Wait, you don't know who Bastiat is? Damn girl, Google "The Law"

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SamuelRSmith said:
Mr Khan said:
badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:

Romania's as fucked up as it is because Caucescu decided to ban all birth control in an effort to get a bigger labor force. It didn't help things.

Also, i can't believe anyone's suggesting that needy children should be tossed off of welfare to prevent the births of more needy children. That's just heartless.

Because welfare is the only way to take care of the needy. You really need to read Bastiat.

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain."

I can think of a lot of reasons why Romania's fucked up. A long dead dictator banning birth control isn't in the top 10.

Whoever that is is doing a bad job of being clever.

The understanding, here, is that society is capable of being just as oppressive as the state is, and so the state needs to work to stamp out societal oppression, without itself being unduly oppressive.

Wait, you don't know who Bastiat is? Damn girl, Google "The Law"

Could be worth a look. Misguided views on socialism aside, there are some virtues to that sort of viewpoint.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:

You both know it wouldn't work like that.

See: Romania.

I don't understand. Are you saying that Romania - a country in which half the population receives some form of welfare, and worse, a country which produced sapphi_snake - is an example of what happens after you dismantle a welfare state? Because I'm not seeing it.

Hahaha, love the sapphi reference !

He does not care for only 47%. But he cares for the 53% that will vote for him. It appears very clear Romney only cares about Romney. He really does not care for anyone who is not in the top 1% of society. The top 1% have the wealth and power and contribute heavily towards political campaign funding.

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
He does not care for only 47%. But he cares for the 53% that will vote for him. I find that hard to believe. Romney only cares about Romney.

He also cares about his tan when he's speaking to latinos.

Signature goes here!

Around the Network
Mr Khan said:
NightDragon83 said:
Romney is right of course. Basically half of this country is supporting the other half, and it's only going to keep growing as more and more of the "boomer" generation retires and less and less college kids are able to secure jobs outside of McDonalds and Walmart.

Turns out all those people chanting "we are the 99%!" at Occupy Wall Street protests are actually the 47%.

They'll have to give us the jobs eventually. And then boy are we ever going to screw them over.

They know who *they* are.

@ nightdragon83 - That's a product of trickle down econonmics failing...that system is irrelevant...its does help some, but it improverishes more.


@ Mr. Kahn - "They" are the middle don't exist becuase consumers have to consume in smaller quantities...the middle class as the largest percentage of consumers and was built that way by design...without consumers, there is no demand...without demand, there are no jobs...

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.

badgenome said:
pokoko said:
Oh, um, I mean .. Liberal Media! Liberal Media! He didn't actually say that! It was photo-shopped! This shouldn't be covered by any writers because it's not fair!

Cover it, by all means. But some sense of proportion would be nice. The country is on an unsustainable fiscal path, the world is burning down around our ears, and all the media ever fixates on is Romney's latest real or imagined gaffe. Vetting a would be president is important and all, but there is a guy who has that job right now and he's never held to account for anything.

As for what Romney said, it's hard to imagine why it's even controversial in light of things like Julia. The whole DNC was one big ode to free abortions, for crying out loud. The Democrats seem pretty comfortable with their strategy of encouraging dependency, so why get bent out of shape if someone points it out?

The entire campaign is now focused on Romney.  Romney can make a case for why he needs to replace Obama, and need to do it.  The 47% is a big part of this campaign, and he pretty much said he is writing off half the American population with it, those who don't paytaxes.  Call it a carrying on of the Swiftboat strategy of 2004, and it is.  The issue is over how people are doing economically, and the focus is on Romney.  That is where it is now, and Romney needs to capitalize.  The GOP actually needs to find this also.

When a swiftboat comes into play, then it is about the challenger and FULLY about the challenger, as it is now.

killerzX said:
so what did he say that was so controversial or incorrect?
am i missing something, that seemed like a true statement to me.
well i guess it is dishonest because its actually 49%. lol

And when looked at further, it doesn't do much to work politically.  Look at who doesn't pay taxes.  Secondarily, look at why more people on the lower end don't pay taxes.  Do you seriously think the average person is going to vote for tax cuts on the top end, when they themselves don't get any?  So, end result was that Republican administrations pased stuff like the Earned Income Tax Credit that took working lower classes of the income tax payroll, so the upper end could get tax cuts.

I have seen how you post on here, and I can say honestly you would LOVE to cut taxes more on the upper end, and also you don't like the fact the lower end doesn't pay any taxes.  So, do feel free to go ahead and argue for how you want the taxes cut even further for the upper end, and raised on these lower end "moochers".  Go ahead and do it.  I will also ignore sales taxes, taxes for social security, medicare, uneploymnent insurance, and sales taxes also, and just say the only taxes paid are income taxes.  So, go ahead and argue this point.   You are free to talk about more taxes on the upper end as "punishing success" to, while on the lower end speak of it as "putting skin into the game".

Kasz216 said:

Oh... and you can tell how young the reporter is that they can't think of any rough stretches that politicians have had past the second Bush election.

I mean... Dukakis and his stretch with the tank? Mondale's entire run? Bob Dole... being Dole

In this case, one might argue that.  But, the parallels here are that a Mass. flip-flopper is running against a sitting president that is not having things going well, and Romney is facing swiftboating.  This election does have overtones connected to the 2004 race actually.

kaneada said:
WiiBox3 said:

That was supposed to make sense?

There are the two sides to the Nelson quote worth noting.  First, people are blind to how much they are connected to what having the government does, and as seen with that quote, miss it.  The second side is the government really doesn't do anything to help people up.  Unless you find your own inspiration, develop your own drive, take risks, the government won't do it for you.  You would be lucky to find anyone along the way who actually will.  I am a person who has actually seen both sides of this and understand both of these.