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Mr Khan said:
NightDragon83 said:
Romney is right of course. Basically half of this country is supporting the other half, and it's only going to keep growing as more and more of the "boomer" generation retires and less and less college kids are able to secure jobs outside of McDonalds and Walmart.

Turns out all those people chanting "we are the 99%!" at Occupy Wall Street protests are actually the 47%.

They'll have to give us the jobs eventually. And then boy are we ever going to screw them over.

They know who *they* are.

@ nightdragon83 - That's a product of trickle down econonmics failing...that system is irrelevant...its does help some, but it improverishes more.


@ Mr. Kahn - "They" are the middle don't exist becuase consumers have to consume in smaller quantities...the middle class as the largest percentage of consumers and was built that way by design...without consumers, there is no demand...without demand, there are no jobs...

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