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Forums - General Discussion - Jesus Christ of Nazareth loves you!

Jesus made an awful carpenter... He got nailed to the wood. He would be fired if you walked into your home and found your carpenter like this. Instead, he has been made a God...

For the Record, I am Christian.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

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sethnintendo said:

Jesus was nice for what he stood for considering a decent amount of his teachings were against the money making practices of the church, helping the poor, sick, etc. He also stated that you didn't have to go to church to worship. I am not christian anymore but I believe worshiping anyone you want to is a lot more respectful in nature than going to some building with gold lining and stained glass windows.

Considering that the church is supposed to be a collection of people, and Jesus said where two or three are gathered in his name, there shall he be, it only makes sense that Jesus told people to "go to church".  Now, this in NO way means the only way for people to do Christian things is to meet in a building and do a formal church service.  But, I would say there is too much American individualism around Christianity, particularly among those who speak the loudest.  Too much Protestant mentality of "One man, one Bible + Jesus = Church".

Pretty much Jesus is in favor of people with different gifts to come together and do his will.  Romans 12, and other texts, also speak to this to.

Every god from every made up religion loves you. Don't be so one sided show the others love.

Political and Religious threads really need to be locked off in their own little world and not seen in the hot topics. Or better yet, go to a religion forum site. There's tons of them. This is not the place to discuss you're particular excuse for why we don't have answers for everything in the world yet. I am sick and tired of sifting through all of this bull crap to try and get to the game information.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

Evolution is a scientic theory, which is same as saying scientific fact. Look up the definition of scientific theory. Some people think theory means hypothesis.

"Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge. This is significantly different from the word "theory" in common usage, which implies that something is unproven or speculative."

"From the American Association for the Advancement of Science:
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world. The theory of biological evolution is more than "just a theory." It is as factual an explanation of the universe as the atomic theory of matter or the germ theory of disease. Our understanding of gravity is still a work in progress. But the phenomenon of gravity, like evolution, is an accepted fact."

Evolution HAS been proven to be FACT, and there is no doubt about it, period. Christ died a few thousand years ago, could he love us if he's dead? I do believe Christ existed, but he was just one prophet, out of the multitude of prophets over the ages. 

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justinian said:
setsunatenshi said:
justinian said:

Just because I take the line of other scientists that don't believe evolution to be exact I am spreading false information.

I am not saying evolution is true or false. I myself believe it to be true, but I would not say it is true any more than God exist.

Evolution is split between scientists who either take it as fact, theory or otherwise.

The media highlights those that find "proof" for it and ignore the ones that argue against this "proof".

The origins of modern man have many different theories and changes everyday. In some ways so do evolution.

My argument is that there is no absolute certainty. Not that it is nonsense.

I am partial to the statement below.

Evolutionary biologist Kirk J. Fitzhurgh wrote, "'Evolution' cannot be both a theory and a fact. Theories are concepts stating cause–effect relations...One might argue that it is conceivable to speak of 'evolution' as a fact by way of it being the subject of reference in explanatory hypotheses...In the strictest sense then, 'evolution' cannot be regarded as a fact even in the context of hypotheses since the causal points of reference continue to be organisms, and no amount of confirming instances for those hypotheses will transform them into facts...While evolution is not a fact, it is also not a single theory, but a set of theories applied to a variety of causal questions...An emphasis on associating 'evolution' with 'fact' presents the misguided connotation that science seeks certainty."

You believe what you want, I choose to believe what I want. 

could you provide me a reliable link for that quote? i promise i'll look into the veracity of it. In the meantime please read carefuly what I wrote previously.

I get the feeling you're confusing 2 separate things 'Evolution' and 'The theory of evolution by natural selection'. There were several theories for evolution that were shown as wrong due to our increased knowledge regarding DNA for example.

one final thing before i look into your quote, you don't get to chose what you believe i think. You are compelled to believe what the evidence presents to be the reality. In this case you are unable to dismiss evolution as a fact because we can see it happening everyday (how do you think you have so many variations of dogs for example?) and in order to deny evolution you must present some different theory that explains the visible facts of evolution. Unless you present a better theory to explain them you are forced to accept the best explanation for the time being

1) Unfortunately I cannot. It was from Zoological Scripta: Fact, Theory, Test and Evolution. I am sure you can find it somewhere online . I didn't make it up. Kirk. J Fitxhurgh is curator of the LA Natural History museum and researches evolution theories, etc.

2) I disagree, I think you get to choose what you believe. If a person chooses to believe in the reality of God, aliens or ghost it is entirely up to them whether they have "found evidence" of such things or not. 

3) Do we see signs of evolution everyday?

National Academy of Sciences: “The creation of a new species from a pre-existing species generally requires thousands of years, so over a lifetime a single human usually can witness only a tiny part of the speciation process. Yet even that glimpse of evolution at work powerfully confirms our ideas about the history and mechanisms of evolution. For example, many closely related species have been identified that split from a common ancestor very recently in evolutionary terms. 

Justinian note:  I assume that the above is what you are refering (apologises if I misunderstood).

 Critics, however, point out that the issue is not whether mutation and natural selection can produce minor changes; it’s whether these mechanisms can create new tissues, organs, limbs or body plans.

Biologist Keith Stewart Thomson, of Oxford University, points out that “no one has satisfactorily demonstrated a mechanism at the population genetic level by which innumerable very small … changes could accumulate rapidly to produce large changes: a process for the origin of the magnificently improbable from the ineffably trivial” (emphasis in original).

Again, do not gt me wrong. I am NOT RUBBISHING EVOLUTION. I am simply with those scientists that need more evidence.

@pezus. I don't recall saying that the scientists were 50/50 in their interpretation of evolution. The history of science itself shows the majority is not always right, as during the 70s about the lack of geological activity on planets or moons in our solar system.

to your points...

1- Sorry, not acceptable. If you're quoting someone, unless you're making it up in your head, you must have read such quote somewhere. And since you just posted it right here it must mean you extracted it from somewhere. Unless you keep a diary on your pc with random quotes to use in arguments, the 'i'm sure you can find it on the internet' is not a valid response. I'm not saying you're lying, but surely you extracted it from somewhere and I'd love to see it's from either a book the man wrote or some reliable news source (not a creationist website).

2- The word choice implies that you have no information whatsoever on a certain claim which would make it a virtual coin toss wether you believe something or not. In the real world there are no such coin tosses so you can't actually chose what you believe. You see (i hope) tons of facts confirming one claim or the other and either you get convinced of something or you don't. Chosing your own beliefs seems like you're actually shutting yourself down to what reality is. Imagine someone 'chosing' to believe pigs can fly when there's no evidence to even 1 case of this happening.

3- Again, please provide me the link for this quote, it seems absolutely taken out of context and/or totally made up. I assure you there's no debate in the scientific community wether evolution does or does not happen. And this is not a discussion, this is a fact.


1 last thing, please check raygun's post above. It's basically repeating my first point in this discussion.

Please don't take this as a win/lose discussion. It's just to get you better informed. This way you won't have to 'chose' your beliefs. They will be a consequence of the information you'll possess.

pezus said:
happydolphin said:
pezus said:
Player1x3 said:



My dear Player1x3, this topic is not about god. I don't care if you don't believe in him, just make another thread for it if you wish to express your belief that loudly.

You probs didn't watch the R/atheism not-funny vid. It's nice to tell people what to do when he was actually addressing a post made by another user.

@that video. Notice how many times the words hate, stupid and I don't care came up. Reflexions are real.

I watched the video. It's about a reddit channel, and not even accurate lol

It's highly accurate lol !

novasonic said:
Political and Religious threads really need to be locked off in their own little world and not seen in the hot topics. Or better yet, go to a religion forum site. There's tons of them. This is not the place to discuss you're particular excuse for why we don't have answers for everything in the world yet. I am sick and tired of sifting through all of this bull crap to try and get to the game information.

They could go with a religion and metaphysics forum on here, for posts like this, and other related topics.

pezus said:
Player1x3 said:
pezus said:
happydolphin said:
pezus said:
Player1x3 said:



My dear Player1x3, this topic is not about god. I don't care if you don't believe in him, just make another thread for it if you wish to express your belief that loudly.

You probs didn't watch the R/atheism not-funny vid. It's nice to tell people what to do when he was actually addressing a post made by another user.

@that video. Notice how many times the words hate, stupid and I don't care came up. Reflexions are real.

I watched the video. It's about a reddit channel, and not even accurate lol

It's highly accurate lol !

It's about as accurate as the generalizations made by the characters in the video itself. There are some posts like that, but many promote intelligent discussion.

For reddit atheists/atheism its highly accurate. Not completly of course and there are generalizations, but its still pretty correct 

bannedagain said:
Evolutioned happed. Don't be mad because Christainity is going to be a thing of the past. Intelligence is the future, not stupidity and ignorance. If you can't understand this, then just say so. Why does man always make up god when he can't understand something? One question of logic. If god is perfect, knows everything that has or will ever happen. Why would you even need a test(Gospel)? If you say he does need it, then he is not perfect. Perfection comes with high expectations. This is a major flaw in the story among many. It does not make Logical sense. Religion is about feelings, not common sense. It feels better to have a answer. It's also about fear because with out the fear of hell most wouldn't believe. This is the tool of brainwash. There are 4,000 religions in the world, yours is not right and neither is any of the other made up stories. God far surpaces the stories of man, if he exists.
The new testament was not put together until about 200 years after jesus. Before that it was a cult and succeeded because it didn't charge poor people. It was word of mouth and the time it was put together there was 1000's of stories. The rich that gave to the cause put it together and they became the bishops. It also only even seen the light of day because of Constantine. Learn your facts, if I have to teach you about your own religion maybe you shouldn't believe in something you don't even understand or know. Have a good day. Hope all you learned something. Go to your local museum and learn about evolution. Evolution is a fact in the same way that our sun is the center of our solar system. People who deny are the same as the people who locked up Galileo Galilei. Intelligence is a issue in your religion and it's because it proves you wrong. Oh yea lets not forget the virgin birth story was told before Jesus, it just failed before.

Christianity will continue to evolve.  It's gonna be around for a long long time.