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bannedagain said:
Evolutioned happed. Don't be mad because Christainity is going to be a thing of the past. Intelligence is the future, not stupidity and ignorance. If you can't understand this, then just say so. Why does man always make up god when he can't understand something? One question of logic. If god is perfect, knows everything that has or will ever happen. Why would you even need a test(Gospel)? If you say he does need it, then he is not perfect. Perfection comes with high expectations. This is a major flaw in the story among many. It does not make Logical sense. Religion is about feelings, not common sense. It feels better to have a answer. It's also about fear because with out the fear of hell most wouldn't believe. This is the tool of brainwash. There are 4,000 religions in the world, yours is not right and neither is any of the other made up stories. God far surpaces the stories of man, if he exists.
The new testament was not put together until about 200 years after jesus. Before that it was a cult and succeeded because it didn't charge poor people. It was word of mouth and the time it was put together there was 1000's of stories. The rich that gave to the cause put it together and they became the bishops. It also only even seen the light of day because of Constantine. Learn your facts, if I have to teach you about your own religion maybe you shouldn't believe in something you don't even understand or know. Have a good day. Hope all you learned something. Go to your local museum and learn about evolution. Evolution is a fact in the same way that our sun is the center of our solar system. People who deny are the same as the people who locked up Galileo Galilei. Intelligence is a issue in your religion and it's because it proves you wrong. Oh yea lets not forget the virgin birth story was told before Jesus, it just failed before.

Christianity will continue to evolve.  It's gonna be around for a long long time.