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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Capcom: The Next Gen Doesn't Start With Wii U

lilbroex said:

What suspicions and what is wrong? I'm stating a simple fact of what goes on in this subforum. People who rarely ever make post much less threads in this section rush to make threads about bad news. Its been like that for a while now.

The same applies to good news as well. What's your point?

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MDMAlliance said:

Not entirely sure if you were saying that to me or to dengle.

To you. I agree with you and disagree with him.

happydolphin said:
MDMAlliance said:

Not entirely sure if you were saying that to me or to dengle.

To you. I agree with you and disagree with him.

Oh, okay.  The whole back and forth made me unsure.

-  "Although Nintendo will release the new game console Wii U and the market will be continue to be invigorated by the increase of DLC, time is required before the next generation console cycle begins in earnest."

I think it's quite easy to infer that this guy is just talking about Capcom's priorities. Obviously, the Wii U is a next generation console. But Capcom may not necessarily focus on next-generation development just when the Wii U releases. This is true for most 3rd Parties. The majority of 3rd Party Developers that do make Wii U games are simply making ports from 7th generation consoles (Arkham City, Assassin's Creed 3, Black Ops 2, etc). For about a year or two after the Wii U releases, developers will probably still be focused on the 7th generation consoles. I don't expect developers to make the shift into games focused on 8th generation hardware until the X720 and/or the PS4 releases.

- "The company has stated that it wishes to move away from the current development model - which involves big budget games with long production periods - to a setup which will see smaller teams working on more titles, and consequently 'more sequels". 

I like the sound of this. 

So wait, i can release an 8 bit console in 2015 and call it a ''next generation'' simply because it was released that year? Wow, i guess Polystation, Vii and PocketStation are all next gen consoles, huh?

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Player1x3 said:
So wait, i can release an 8 bit console in 2015 and call it a ''next generation'' simply because it was released that year? Wow, i guess Polystation, Vii and PocketStation are all next gen consoles, huh?

In any practical terms, I think a new generation corresponds to a shift in software support.

pezus said:

I don't

All it means is sequels will take less time to produce. Isn't that always better than more expensive, and longer-to-develop games? 

@ pezus

Im not falling for that one, you guys arent getting anything from me lol

happydolphin said:
Flanneryaug said:
The Wii U is next gen because it is the first console in a new generation of consoles. Better graphics don't mean next gen.

What makes it a new generation, simply because its coming out after the Wii and is made by Nintendo? Then the 3DO was what gen 4?

I think you guys don't realize that the chronological definition fails without the idea of technological disparity injected into it.

The 3DO was a 5th generation console.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Roma said:
happydolphin said:
I've posted this before and got shat on all over by Rol and Viper. The Wii was not even considered next gen by its own leader (Hiroshi Yamauchi), so this is no surprise to me.

Gens are rooted in the concept of technical advancements requiring changes to a console, things that could not be done before. That isn't the case for the WiiU, wasn't the case for the Wii.

how do you know what WiiU can do? did any other console before Wii have motion controls?

PS2, it was the eyetoy