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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Capcom: The Next Gen Doesn't Start With Wii U

Wow. This industry must be collapsing if even a site dedicated to Nintendo is concern trolling about graphics.

Capcom is talking about smaller teams and faster dev cycles here. Do they sound like they're waiting for more powerful consoles?

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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GhaudePhaede010 said:

I will keep this one shorter. Nintendo showed that interface is as viable an option for generational leaps as graphics and processing. They nailed this point home even further by releasing, "old" hardware with technological innovation expressly on interface. That is a generational leap. It is NOT a traditional generational leap, but it ABSOLUTELY is a generational leap. You are arguing it is not a generational leap despite them proving so to both Sony, Microsoft, themselves, and every one of the 95+ million buyers.

What they put on display was that you can add all the power you want, but a generational leap can now be defined distinctly in TWO SEPERATE ways (if necessary). That is where we differ on opinion. You see generational as something tied to graphics, but as I put on display, new ways to interact (even with those new graphics) are just as much generational leaps. Nintendo took this to thee extreme, but they nailed that point home this console generation.

I understand all your points. The concepts you're discussing are not related to anything that was bound by technological limitations. The ideas are all that was missing. But as we know from the motion controls of the Wii, a new console was not required for them, since Nintendo was going to tack them onto the gamecube, and Sony and MS have both successfully tacked them on to their consoles.

Once again, at the root, gens find their purpose in the need to upgrade a piece of tech due to advancements that were not possible before, for more reasons than "we haven't started R&D yet", if you know what I mean. Not a complex topic, to be sure.

They mean in terms of games. Same happened when the 360 released, the gen didn't really kickstart till late 2006/2007

lilbroex said:

How does a person with a nonexistent profile make a thread?

I did it... I copied and pasted it, then posted it - and got logged out from the forum for some strange reason... But it's kinda cool that I've been a member since 1969 apparently ;) You call yourself a hard core gamer? weeeell, back in my days..... ;)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

The Wii U is next gen because it is the first console in a new generation of consoles. Better graphics don't mean next gen.

Nintendo Network ID: Flanneryaug

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Flanneryaug said:
The Wii U is next gen because it is the first console in a new generation of consoles. Better graphics don't mean next gen.

What makes it a new generation, simply because its coming out after the Wii and is made by Nintendo? Then the 3DO was what gen 4?

I think you guys don't realize that the chronological definition fails without the idea of technological disparity injected into it.

the_dengle said:
I though it started with the 3DS

I got a kick out of this, despite the fact that it's technically correct. It's hard to think of 3DS games as corresponding to PS4 games. Like... New Super 2 is an eighth-gen platformer. Weird.

The 3DS is a "next-gen console," yes.  However, it's not in "correspondance" to PS4/720/WiiU due to the fact that generations of gaming are separated by home console and handheld console.  They tend to start at different times and feature different kinds of games.

MDMAlliance said:
the_dengle said:
I though it started with the 3DS

I got a kick out of this, despite the fact that it's technically correct. It's hard to think of 3DS games as corresponding to PS4 games. Like... New Super 2 is an eighth-gen platformer. Weird.

The 3DS is a "next-gen console," yes.  However, it's not in "correspondance" to PS4/720/WiiU due to the fact that generations of gaming are separated by home console and handheld console.  They tend to start at different times and feature different kinds of games.

If we were to go by his approach, might as well compare home computer architecture generations to Supercomputer architecture generations.

happydolphin said:
MDMAlliance said:
the_dengle said:
I though it started with the 3DS

I got a kick out of this, despite the fact that it's technically correct. It's hard to think of 3DS games as corresponding to PS4 games. Like... New Super 2 is an eighth-gen platformer. Weird.

The 3DS is a "next-gen console," yes.  However, it's not in "correspondance" to PS4/720/WiiU due to the fact that generations of gaming are separated by home console and handheld console.  They tend to start at different times and feature different kinds of games.

If we were to go by his approach, might as well compare home computer architecture generations to Supercomputer architecture generations.

Not entirely sure if you were saying that to me or to dengle.

famousringo said:
Wow. This industry must be collapsing if even a site dedicated to Nintendo is concern trolling about graphics.

Capcom is talking about smaller teams and faster dev cycles here. Do they sound like they're waiting for more powerful consoles?

Yes, the next generation must be a "quantum leap."

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.