piggychan said:
Played a little of TLS and Xenoblade earlier too. I didn't think it sounded anything like medevil britain, voices sounded too common to me but I was surprised this and Xenoblade uses British actors for the voices.
Both these games also made me worry, they both worked but the sound they make when spinning inside the wii had me thinking about the early days when games were breaking the 360 DVD drive for spinning too fast and data accessing too much..
I just got the wii a few weeks ago after spending 6 years with the 360 and decided to take the plunge with Nintendo again since the gamecube and DS days.. I got far too much gaming to catch up on and currently playing AC:CF and Monhun Tri.
Dunno what the other territories got but this is the limited edition UK release.

I didn't know there was a difference from modern and medevil British in terms of accents. In terms of Dialogue yes, but my only point was that the british accents (at least for North American gamers) did make the setting more believable.
Wii is a good secondary system to play. I got mine a year and a half ago and I play it just as much as I play the 360. Only games I beat so far are Last Story and XenoBlade, but can you ever beat games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros (Never got around to campaign?
Why are these games giving people issues with their Wii's? I have had no issues with mine at all, nor any of my Nintendo consoles.
For people in USA and Canada, we didn't get as detailed of a limited edition, but our limited edition came as a free upgrade for pre-ordering the game. We got the limited edition soundtrack (in a paper sleeve though), an artbook (but ours is wider, maybe less pages?), and instead of a steel case, our copies came in a paper make shift book. So you open the book at get and artbook and the regular plastic case, and the music CD comes separatly.