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Forums - General Discussion - Syrian Rebels execute pro Assad supporters in public

Kenology said:
2Rare2Die said:
Damm right fuck Syria... savages like the criminals in Somalia during the whole black hawk down crisis.. why help these clowns.

The Somali's were trying to kick the Yankees out.  There's nothing savage about defending your homeland and the Americans got what they deserved.

really? Do u hate america or something... i dont agree with sticking (America) our noses in places it shouldnt have or trying to help countries that in my opinion dont deserve help.. but ur fucked up i guess american dead bodies being jumped on by little kids and being broadcasted on the ten o clock news is ur defiinition of a good world. and plz we were helping the people from terror of warlords that plague the country today and giving food and supplies that they steal from the people. glad were not helping the african conteinent anymore after that and to boot why we couldnt give a shit about the whole tutis and hutu killings after the somalia crisis

Buying a PS4 nuff said.

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FattyDingDong said:

Rebels kidnapped the man and then started shooting him. It's all in the video.  But i warn you it's disturbing. 

The reason why I am posting this is because I am sick and tired of my country(US) supporting these terrorists.  I am not saying that Assad is an innocent angel. But Christians are better of living under Assad than radical sunni Islamists. We should stop funding and supporting these murderers.

Video below.  

I love how Main Scream Media loves to support and sanitize these idiots who are terrorizng the Syrian citizenry.  They're nothing more than terrorists who are financed and armed by US, British, French and their GCC lapdog monarchies. 

Granted, Assad is no saint at all, but whenever they care so much that someone's removed from power it's because they have an ulterior motive. It's puzzling how folks refuse to see past the Western smoke screen, like the whole Libya situation never happened.

Why are literally ALL civilian casualties blamed entirely on gov't forces?

Why was only Assad's forces responsible for adhering to a so-called "peace plan" but the "Free" Syrian Army was never held accountable for refusing to?

Why did all negotiations for peace always involve Assad stepping down as a precondition?

Why is FSA given unbridled legitimacy by the West when the real and peaceful Syrian opposition unanimously condemns them?

The only difference between this and the Libya situation is Russia and China refusing to abstain this time and blocking the NATO carpet bombing campaign at the UNSC.  That neo-con skank Hilary Clinton is trying in every which way to escalate the conflict and find a way for US forces to get involved   And western stooges like Erdogan and the rest of their sunni monarch clients will learn soon enough that the US NEVER has friends... only interests.  They'll use them for as long as it is convenient to and then throw them under the bus.  Happens all the time.

P. A. T. H. E. T. I. C.

That's the word that describes both of these videos.

leatherhat said:
Kenology said:
2Rare2Die said:
Damm right fuck Syria... savages like the criminals in Somalia during the whole black hawk down crisis.. why help these clowns.

The Somali's were trying to kick the Yankees out.  There's nothing savage about defending your homeland and the Americans got what they deserved.

Haha. Might want to learn some history. The UN (not just the us) was there to provide humanitarian aid and kill or capture warlords who were stockpiling said aid forthemselves. Now don't get me wrong, I would have let them starve before I let an American die- but don't try to pretend that the somalia warlords were somehow in the right here. 

The Somali's need to sort it out themselves - which is exactly what happened in 2006.  The Americans don't need to involve themselves in every conflict.  I know very well what happened there.... believe me.

2Rare2Die said:

really? Do u hate america or something... i dont agree with sticking (America) our noses in places it shouldnt have or trying to help countries that in my opinion dont deserve help.. but ur fucked up i guess american dead bodies being jumped on by little kids and being broadcasted on the ten o clock news is ur defiinition of a good world. and plz we were helping the people from terror of warlords that plague the country today and giving food and supplies that they steal from the people. glad were not helping the african conteinent anymore after that and to boot why we couldnt give a shit about the whole tutis and hutu killings after the somalia crisis

I don't hate anyone!

But all I'm saying is if you want to be the world's police, things like this are going to happen.  We need peace in the world and, like MLK said decades ago, the US is the greatest pervayor of violence on this earth.  Nothing has changed.  Like I said to leatherhat, the Somali's took care of the warlords themselves.

And America is VERY involved in Africa and it's hardly ever in a "helping" capacity.  Check out AFRICOM and all the military alliances the the US is involved in on the Continent.  US has been DEEPLY involved and it never stopped since they were kicked out of Somalia. 

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This is fucked up...I can't believe the UK government just agreed to give them £5,000,000 worth of weapons...

I can confirm that countless years of playing games where I kill other humans has not desensitized me one ounce when it comes to seeing it in real life.

Thats... why? Why do this?

An american soldier burns the koran... Protests and outcry ensues.

Jihadists innocently kill christians... No one responds.

Doesnt the islamic religion also teach love and peace.


Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:

Doesnt the islamic religion also teach love and peace.

It's not just Islam.  You have evil people who practice all religions, including Christianity.

fuck this shit

I don't care what the reasons are...but seriously F THIS

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