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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 failure rates are reportedly down to PS3 levels, just as the generation comes to a close

S.T.A.G.E. said:
smroadkill15 said:
No one is denying the 360 had a very high failure rate, everyone accepts that as a fact. So why do you keep pushing it STAGE? We got it the first time you said it, no need to repeat it 5 more times.

Because some people want to argue about the PS2 failure rate as if it was anywhere on the 360's level. It was bad for its time, but compared to the 360 it was nothing.

Well I'm not disagreeing with you mainly because I have no idea what the failure rate was, but it probably wasn't on the level the 360 was at.

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zero129 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
zero129 said:
S.T.A.G.E i cant believe you are even trying to deny the huge problems the PS2 had with the Lasers. Trust me it was a lot higher then the 10% you seem to think it is. Id even go as far as to say its well up there with the RROD or not to far behind it. But Sony done nothing to fix your PS2 once it broke atleast MS did.

And lol buy the press etc ye guys are so funny.

Im not denying the PS2 had problems. But the PS2 problems were only a small fraction of the overall 360 percentage of issues. You're trying to equate them when techically there is no true comparison to how vast the issue of the RROD was.

And your trying to downplay how vast the PS2 Issues where even if your not denying them stright out (And i know you would try doing that too if you could).

I believe the 360 failure rates went  down below the 50% with the Falcon release in 2007 and came down to about the same as PS3 with the Jasper revision in 2008.  As i can not find anything that says them models have mass falure rates and its mostly only launch 360's where the failure rate comes in, so that makes your whole point of the 360 only coming down to PS3 Failure rate levels now mute.

MS didnt buy out the media when the RROD thing was going on, it was all over the media and trust me the media didnt try to colour it up.

If anything it turned people away from the 360 and slowed sales down, the mass outrage from the press is what made MS extend the warranty to 3 years.

MS only survived by Making revisions to the 360 so fast and fixing the problem (Something Sony never did with the laser problems of the PS2 and the PS2 slim where the problem got worse instead of better), and extending the warranty to 3 years (Something else Sony wouldnt do for the PS2 problems). They also got alot of great Excusives and had a lot of games at first, something the PS3 along with its high Price was missing for the first few years of its life.

and looking at some of your other comments earlier in this thread im shocked you didnt get a ban or a warning mostly for this "Only in America could a crappy product be so high on the charts just for two exclusive games and a annual multiplat as well"

The falcon and the Jasper 360's never fixed the problem. We can go on forever about this.

DigitalDevilSummoner said:
I don't want to hate here, but i will.

As we all know the 360 fail rate was due to the fact that Microsoft rushed it to the market, in order to make it available before the PS3.

But let me ask you, isn't that all MS is capable of ? Monopolizing the market ! They always win when they play alone and they always strive to undermine everyone else, no matter how sneaky the tactic, in order to be the only one in the market. MS fears competition.

They of course had for a big part, the press* and the, let me put it kindly, somewhat gullible US market on their side.

*press: those people who hate Nintendo

Wrong the 360 was rushed into the market because of a bad business deal with Nvidia.  Nvidia screwed over Microsoft with the price of their GPU.  Also Nvidia stoped production of the Xbox's GPU in August 2005 which meant MS could not make any more new X-Box's after that.

zero129 said:
 Trust me it was a lot higher then the 10% you seem to think it is. 

I was around when the PS2 came out, so unless you have something solid, it would be your word against mine. I'm saying this cause a lot of the 360 defence is base on tu quo que and frankly it's boring.


zero129 said:

MS didnt buy out the media when the RROD thing was going on, it was all over the media and trust me the media didnt try to colour it up.

I do beg to disagree. The way many sites were covering the issue was to point out Microsoft's awesome extended guarantee and amazing tech service and how passionately they trying to solve the problem.


The reason I find this issue really upsetting is not because of sale numbers, the 360 going ahead of the ps3, microsoft constantly trying to monopolize the market with their every product and crap like that but because i know just like  everyone else knows, if this happened to nintendo or sony it would be GAME OVER.

Chris Hu said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
I don't want to hate here, but i will.

As we all know the 360 fail rate was due to the fact that Microsoft rushed it to the market, in order to make it available before the PS3.

But let me ask you, isn't that all MS is capable of ? Monopolizing the market ! They always win when they play alone and they always strive to undermine everyone else, no matter how sneaky the tactic, in order to be the only one in the market. MS fears competition.

They of course had for a big part, the press* and the, let me put it kindly, somewhat gullible US market on their side.

*press: those people who hate Nintendo

Wrong the 360 was rushed into the market because of a bad business deal with Nvidia.  Nvidia screwed over Microsoft with the price of their GPU.  Also Nvidia stoped production of the Xbox's GPU in August 2005 which meant MS could not make any more new X-Box's after that.

Read this. Microsoft intentionally sold faulty hardware to get the console to launch a year before Sony. They got the third parties behind them but they knowingly fucked the consumers. They knew if they segmented Sonys market by having all the same third party games they could weaken Sony and they did, but their risk didnt go unnoticed. I posted something earlier where the manufacturing places admitted to faulty hardware.

Around the Network
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
zero129 said:
 Trust me it was a lot higher then the 10% you seem to think it is. 

I was around when the PS2 came out, so unless you have something solid, it would be your word against mine. I'm saying this cause a lot of the 360 defence is base on tu quo que and frankly it's boring.


zero129 said:

MS didnt buy out the media when the RROD thing was going on, it was all over the media and trust me the media didnt try to colour it up.

I do beg to disagree. The way many sites were covering the issue was to point out Microsoft's awesome extended guarantee and amazing tech service and how passionately they trying to solve the problem.


The reason I find this issue really upsetting is not because of sale numbers, the 360 going ahead of the ps3, microsoft constantly trying to monopolize the market with their every product and crap like that but because i know just like  everyone else knows, if this happened to nintendo or sony it would be GAME OVER.

LOL Everyone who reads a paper knows Microsoft doesn't respect their consumers, they barely listen to their shareholders, and have a monopolistic mentality.

@ People breaking stuff.

I really don't get how you break all your stuff.

I have never ever once had a console, both home and handheld, and even a PC or Mac, die on me. Ever. I still have all the consoles I've bought, with the oldest hailing from the Second Generation. The only major ones I don't have are PS2 and 360.
Almost every single one of them are played fairly regularly still, and work just as perfectly as when they were brand new. Whether that's my NES or my PS3 60GB fat.

Why people?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Chris Hu said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
I don't want to hate here, but i will.

As we all know the 360 fail rate was due to the fact that Microsoft rushed it to the market, in order to make it available before the PS3.

But let me ask you, isn't that all MS is capable of ? Monopolizing the market ! They always win when they play alone and they always strive to undermine everyone else, no matter how sneaky the tactic, in order to be the only one in the market. MS fears competition.

They of course had for a big part, the press* and the, let me put it kindly, somewhat gullible US market on their side.

*press: those people who hate Nintendo

Wrong the 360 was rushed into the market because of a bad business deal with Nvidia.  Nvidia screwed over Microsoft with the price of their GPU.  Also Nvidia stoped production of the Xbox's GPU in August 2005 which meant MS could not make any more new X-Box's after that.

Read this. Microsoft intentionally sold faulty hardware to get the console to launch a year before Sony. They got the third parties behind them but they knowingly fucked the consumers. They knew if they segmented Sonys market by having all the same third party games they could weaken Sony and they did, but their risk didnt go unnoticed. I posted something earlier where the manufacturing places admitted to faulty hardware.

Did you even read what I said.  If Nvidia and MS had a good business relationship the 360 would have been powered by a Nvidia GPU and it would have been %100 percent backwards compatible and the console itself would have launched at least six month later since the original X-box would have been manufactured beyond August of 2005.  The original X-Box and the 360 would have co-existed for at least a year also.  The faulty hardware of the first batch of 360's is largely due to the rush job MS had to do because of the bad business deal with Nvidia.  They weren't afraid of Sony the only company that was afraid of Sony when it came to a console launch was Sega that's why the Dreamcast launched more then a year ahead of the PS2.  Also that's not the first time Sega was afraid of the competion that's why the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive launch more then two years ahead of the SNES.

Chris Hu said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Chris Hu said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
I don't want to hate here, but i will.

As we all know the 360 fail rate was due to the fact that Microsoft rushed it to the market, in order to make it available before the PS3.

But let me ask you, isn't that all MS is capable of ? Monopolizing the market ! They always win when they play alone and they always strive to undermine everyone else, no matter how sneaky the tactic, in order to be the only one in the market. MS fears competition.

They of course had for a big part, the press* and the, let me put it kindly, somewhat gullible US market on their side.

*press: those people who hate Nintendo

Wrong the 360 was rushed into the market because of a bad business deal with Nvidia.  Nvidia screwed over Microsoft with the price of their GPU.  Also Nvidia stoped production of the Xbox's GPU in August 2005 which meant MS could not make any more new X-Box's after that.

Read this. Microsoft intentionally sold faulty hardware to get the console to launch a year before Sony. They got the third parties behind them but they knowingly fucked the consumers. They knew if they segmented Sonys market by having all the same third party games they could weaken Sony and they did, but their risk didnt go unnoticed. I posted something earlier where the manufacturing places admitted to faulty hardware.

Did you even read what I said.  If Nvidia and MS had a good business relationship the 360 would have been powered by a Nvidia GPU and it would have been %100 percent backwards compatible and the console itself would have launched at least six month later since the original X-box would have been manufactured beyond August of 2005.  The original X-Box and the 360 would have co-existed for at least a year also.  The faulty hardware of the first batch of 360's is largely due to the rush job MS had to do because of the bad business deal with Nvidia.  They weren't afraid of Sony the only company that was afraid of Sony when it came to a console launch was Sega that's why the Dreamcast launched more then a year ahead of the PS2.  Also that's not the first time Sega was afraid of the competion that's why the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive launch more then two years ahead of the SNES.

Read this article. You're not listening. Microsoft KNEW ahead of time they had faulty hardware, it doesnt matter how many deals they made they had to launch the 360 a year ahead of Sony.


S.T.A.G.E. said:
Chris Hu said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Chris Hu said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
I don't want to hate here, but i will.

As we all know the 360 fail rate was due to the fact that Microsoft rushed it to the market, in order to make it available before the PS3.

But let me ask you, isn't that all MS is capable of ? Monopolizing the market ! They always win when they play alone and they always strive to undermine everyone else, no matter how sneaky the tactic, in order to be the only one in the market. MS fears competition.

They of course had for a big part, the press* and the, let me put it kindly, somewhat gullible US market on their side.

*press: those people who hate Nintendo

Wrong the 360 was rushed into the market because of a bad business deal with Nvidia.  Nvidia screwed over Microsoft with the price of their GPU.  Also Nvidia stoped production of the Xbox's GPU in August 2005 which meant MS could not make any more new X-Box's after that.

Read this. Microsoft intentionally sold faulty hardware to get the console to launch a year before Sony. They got the third parties behind them but they knowingly fucked the consumers. They knew if they segmented Sonys market by having all the same third party games they could weaken Sony and they did, but their risk didnt go unnoticed. I posted something earlier where the manufacturing places admitted to faulty hardware.

Did you even read what I said.  If Nvidia and MS had a good business relationship the 360 would have been powered by a Nvidia GPU and it would have been %100 percent backwards compatible and the console itself would have launched at least six month later since the original X-box would have been manufactured beyond August of 2005.  The original X-Box and the 360 would have co-existed for at least a year also.  The faulty hardware of the first batch of 360's is largely due to the rush job MS had to do because of the bad business deal with Nvidia.  They weren't afraid of Sony the only company that was afraid of Sony when it came to a console launch was Sega that's why the Dreamcast launched more then a year ahead of the PS2.  Also that's not the first time Sega was afraid of the competion that's why the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive launch more then two years ahead of the SNES.

Read this article. You're not listening. Microsoft KNEW ahead of time they had faulty hardware, it doesnt matter how many deals they made they had to launch the 360 a year ahead of Sony.


Read what I said again Nvidia stopped manufacturing the GPU for the original 360 on August of 2005 of course they had to lauch the 360 early or they would have no consoles to sell for a long time.   Again if the relationship with Nvidia would have been great the 360 would have launched at least six month later with a Nvidia GPU instead of a AMD/ATI GPU I guess you can't understand the words that are comming out of my mouth.  Also Microsoft wasn't afraid of Sony last gen or the original X-Box wouldn't have launched a year and a half after the PS2 not even Nindento was afraid of Sony the Gamecube launched just two month before the original X-Box.