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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 failure rates are reportedly down to PS3 levels, just as the generation comes to a close

It continued for the life of the console and was actually worse on the Slim consoles S.T.A.G.E, I know this for a fact having worked in a console repair centre.

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slowmo said:
It continued for the life of the console and was actually worse on the Slim consoles S.T.A.G.E, I know this for a fact having worked in a console repair centre.

I know plenty of people who have worked in console repair centers from Play N Trade to mom and pop places and in all of them they would agree the 360 is by far the worst designed console of all time. Pre 360 slim consoles cannot be sold to Gamestop (All models). THEY WILL NOT TAKE THEM. It's not worth it to keep fixing a faulty product. The PS2 was never turned away like that after ten years on the market for any model slim or fat. I used to go into Play N Trade and see stacks of dead 360's in various branches.

+-60% in 2009 wow, wonder how much it was prior to 2009.

I don't want to hate here, but i will.

As we all know the 360 fail rate was due to the fact that Microsoft rushed it to the market, in order to make it available before the PS3.

But let me ask you, isn't that all MS is capable of ? Monopolizing the market ! They always win when they play alone and they always strive to undermine everyone else, no matter how sneaky the tactic, in order to be the only one in the market. MS fears competition.

They of course had for a big part, the press* and the, let me put it kindly, somewhat gullible US market on their side.

*press: those people who hate Nintendo

DigitalDevilSummoner said:
I don't want to hate here, but i will.

As we all know the 360 fail rate was due to the fact that Microsoft rushed it to the market, in order to make it available before the PS3.

But let me ask you, isn't that all MS is capable of ? Monopolizing the market ! They always win when they play alone and they always strive to undermine everyone else, no matter how sneaky the tactic, in order to be the only one in the market. MS fears competition.

They of course had for a big part, the press* and the, let me put it kindly, somewhat gullible US market on their side.

*press: those people who hate Nintendo

Well yeah, even the media knows that outside of America by now the 360 isn't exactly seen as the best. If you win over America you've won the war. Overdoing consumption is in the culture.

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It's good to see levels fall so much, I remember when my 360 Elite broke on me, I bought it from a friend about 3 months beforehand, I think he had it about 8 months before me, but it was still sad to see it die, luckily my current one is still going strong :)

zero129 said:
S.T.A.G.E i cant believe you are even trying to deny the huge problems the PS2 had with the Lasers. Trust me it was a lot higher then the 10% you seem to think it is. Id even go as far as to say its well up there with the RROD or not to far behind it. But Sony done nothing to fix your PS2 once it broke atleast MS did.

And lol buy the press etc ye guys are so funny.

Im not denying the PS2 had problems. But the PS2 problems were only a small fraction of the overall 360 percentage of issues. You're trying to equate them when techically there is no true comparison to how vast the issue of the RROD was.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
ZaneWane said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
slowmo said:
The console was as reliable as the PS3 in 2009, but feel free to ignore the fact a consumer survey would inevitably lag behind. I notice you dont call out Sony on the PS2 and their extremely high laser failure rates. Lets not forget nobody has had to buy a replacement 360 since the extended warranty was announced. Sony of course did nothing about the PS2 hardware issues ripping off the consumer (myself included). In fact Ive had 2 PS2 fail, a car stereo, a phone and a Dvd player but you keep praising Sony who didnt help me once with those failures. I have 3 360's and only one has had the RROD, admittedly after around 5 months of 8hours a day usage. It was of course fixed within 2 weeks and has been fine ever since. This is why people feel fine about the 360 scenario.

The PS2 failure rate at its height was between 2001 and 2003 and in the end based on sales it wouldn't have been over 10% of overall userbase. Most of those were disc read errors that were fixed under warranty. It didnt last seven years. You're looking for reasons. This is not an argument, just a personal matter of distate. You're arguing failure rate that in the end most likely wasnt 1/10th of the userbase to a failure rate that at one time was 50% of the overall userbase and in some countries even worse than that. It is on another level.


Read this:

Microsoft risked the console in a desperate attempt to undercut Sony. That is why you witnessed a historic failure rate.

just stop 

And?...If Microsoft lost a class action lawsuit over the 360's RROD the settlement would've been far larger.

but wont change fact playstaion 2 had high failure rate

No one is denying the 360 had a very high failure rate, everyone accepts that as a fact. So why do you keep pushing it STAGE? We got it the first time you said it, no need to repeat it 5 more times.

smroadkill15 said:
No one is denying the 360 had a very high failure rate, everyone accepts that as a fact. So why do you keep pushing it STAGE? We got it the first time you said it, no need to repeat it 5 more times.

Because some people want to argue about the PS2 failure rate as if it was anywhere on the 360's level. It was bad for its time, but compared to the 360 it was nothing.