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zero129 said:
 Trust me it was a lot higher then the 10% you seem to think it is. 

I was around when the PS2 came out, so unless you have something solid, it would be your word against mine. I'm saying this cause a lot of the 360 defence is base on tu quo que and frankly it's boring.


zero129 said:

MS didnt buy out the media when the RROD thing was going on, it was all over the media and trust me the media didnt try to colour it up.

I do beg to disagree. The way many sites were covering the issue was to point out Microsoft's awesome extended guarantee and amazing tech service and how passionately they trying to solve the problem.


The reason I find this issue really upsetting is not because of sale numbers, the 360 going ahead of the ps3, microsoft constantly trying to monopolize the market with their every product and crap like that but because i know just like  everyone else knows, if this happened to nintendo or sony it would be GAME OVER.