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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - PlayStation All-Stars’ Developers Want Super Mario To Join Sony’s Brawler

I was actually thinking there might be a friendly thread here when i read the title but the arrticle and op himself crushed.

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UnitSmiley said:
Someone at the comic con panel asked Omar and Chan what character from either Nintendo or Microsoft they would like to see in PSASBR if they could take anyone and they both said Mario. That's it. It was a joke/nonserious question and it got a light hearted response back.


lol these butthurt reactions are laugh worthy. I swear man...


and copy every aspect? LOLOLOL sounds like someone don't know much about the game :)

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But yeah, just a joke.
Anyway the more i look at the gameplay, detail and some charcter looks. Th more dissapointing it becomes for me.
A shame really.

BasilZero said:
JWeinCom said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
'LMAO. I guess that just ripping off every aspect of the game isn't enough. They want the actual characters too'

hardly, Brawlers arnt owned by Nintendo or even started with them.

Brawlers weren't started by Nintendo, but Superbot has lifted the aesthetics and a good deal of the gameplay mechanics directly from Smash. 

You can say that pretty much to every single game that is coming out these days especially fighters.


Games copy elements from each other, not sure why people make a big fuss over it especially for this game.


@topic - Sounds more like a compliment, that they acknowledge Mario as a iconic figure in the gaming industry. Although there is no way they would be able to put Mario in the game, I would take it as a compliment, not as a statment or a cry to get him in the game. l0l at people who get upset cause of this.

Actually, I don't think you can say that about every game coming out today.  That's a cop out that gives developers an excuse to get lazy and quit innovating.  Check out games like Kid Icarus Uprising, or Ghost Trick and Catherine from last year.  These games were chock full of originality.  They took very sparingly from other games, while adding an incredible amount of novelty.

Look at a game like Rayman Origins.  Nobody looks at Rayman and says "OMG IT'S A MARIO CLONE".  That's because it isn't.  Rayman Origins uses its own unique art style, different game mechanics, unique level design, and tons of unique quirks and personality.

Take a look at Smash Brothers itself.  One of the reasons Smash Brothers took off, besides its powerful license, was because it was so unique.  Sure, it featured characters punching and kicking each other like any other fighter, but it featured a simplified control scheme that allowed players to easily get into the action, unique mechanics that eschewed the typical life bars, a unique aesthetic, etc.

Then we have Playstation All-Stars.  Its visual style is a clear imitation of Smash Brothers, and by all accounts its controls are very similar.  Despite the nice idea of combining two different worlds for each stage, the overall level design is very similar.  The main difference between the games thus far seems to be the method of knocking out your opponent.  The jury is out on whether this will be a positive or a negative change.

Maybe Sony Smash will be a great game, and if Sony fans enjoy it, than good for them.  However, it's a bit discouraging to see one of the biggest companies in gaming settling for a derivative title instead of working to create something innovative and unique.

Why have people been blowing this out of proportion? Fan asked a question, and the dude answered it. Simple as that. And if you're creating a game, wouldn't you want the biggest character in gaming to be included if given the chance?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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Another misinterpreted interview. All because one person wanted to prove that PASBR is copy of SSBB.

Mr Khan said:
In a perfect world, Smash Bros x PS All Stars would already exist.

20 years from now it probably will like how mario and sonic are now in the same game ( the olymics)

Mr Khan said:
In a perfect world, Smash Bros x PS All Stars would already exist.

That would be interesting.

JWeinCom said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
'LMAO. I guess that just ripping off every aspect of the game isn't enough. They want the actual characters too'

hardly, Brawlers arnt owned by Nintendo or even started with them.

Brawlers weren't started by Nintendo, but Superbot has lifted the aesthetics and a good deal of the gameplay mechanics directly from Smash. 

I wish they borrowed more from smash because all the gameplay I have seen looks extremely bland, slow paced, and lacks soul. One thing I have to give them high marks for is the mixed stages. That is a brilliant idea and really looking from gameplay videos, the one thing I believe they did exceptionally well on.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

JWeinCom said:

  However, it's a bit discouraging to see one of the biggest companies in gaming settling for a derivative title instead of working to create something innovative and unique.

i see this statment getting thrown around a lot in the context of nintendo but i can't really take it seriously when the highlight of their show was mario games that have changed very little over the course of 20 years and pikmin that again seems to be more of the same