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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - SSBB officially delayed till March 9th (NA)

this is bullshit just what the hell do they plan on doing to it in 3 weeks?

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NinjaguyDan said:
They may have repositioned it to coincide with a large shipment of consoles.

Now that is an interesting thought.  Afterall, they did have all those wii-rain checks to catch up on, and if its a system seller (which it is) it would kind of suck to have this system seller game out there with no systems to go with it.

Still, though I have my system; so just put the game out for sale already!!!

BenKenobi88 said:

It's typical Nintendo. They are incapable of setting realistic release dates for themselves. Instead they announce a target they're never going to make and delay and delay. They can get away with it because they're the most important company in the videogames industry. That doesn't stop them being ******* though.

And here I had been blaming 3rd parties for dropping online for coming games like Bomberman and Worms. No, everyones worst fears are being confirmed. Nintendo still hasn't figured out online. We can say goodbye to Wiiware for a while. Don't expect MarioKart until Christmas, and Animal Crossing will be lucky to hit in 2009. I don't even care about online, and I had been an apologist for Nintendo, no longer.

I know this is only a couple weeks, but by my calculations that makes 6 delays comprising 15 months. And a good chuck of those are onlne realated.

And unfortunately, once again, see my sig.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt

man this really sucks my most anticipated game gets delayed 1 month

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Around the Network
BenKenobi88 said:

it most likely is cause of online problems,in the update they did say if you play from america with a guy in japan it would have alot of slowdowns maybe there trying to fix that

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

This is crapolla!




There are no consoles to be had, they had to delay to not piss off any new potential buyers. Once they can stock pile a bit, they will release Brawl in North America. Not that big of a deal, there are so many great games on the Wii to play right now. An extra few weeks won't matter in the long run.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.


Whipped this up quick

I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You?

Mega Man 9 Challenges: 74%

Waltz Tango Jitterbug Bust a move Headbanging
Bunny Hop Mr. Trigger Happy Double Trouble Mr. Perfect Invincible
Almost Invincible No Coffee Break Air Shoes Mega Diet Encore
Peacekeeper Conservationist Farewell To Arms Gamer's Day Daily Dose
Whomp Wiley! Truly Addicted! Truly Hardcore! Conqueror Vanquisher
Destroyer World Warrior Trusty Sidearm Pack Rat Valued Customer
Shop A Holic Last Man Standing Survivor Hard Rock Heavy Metal
Speed Metal Fantastic 9 Fully Unloaded Blue Bomber Eco Fighter
Marathon Fight Quick Draw G Quick Draw C Quick Draw S Quick Draw H
Quick Draw J Quick Draw P Quick Draw T Quick Draw M Quick Draw X

^ha and it got delayed exactly 28 days right?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"