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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony PS3 Are You Impressed Yet?

Michael-5 said:

I don't think PS3 sales will surpass 360 sales by the time the successor consoles roll in, and definatly not before Wii U if it even passes 360 at all, but anyway....


I'm not impressed with PS3, and before anyone flips out, here is why. Compare PS3's exclusive lineup with PS1' and PS2's... It's a joke. Nevermind all the HD multiplatform games, what happened to all the niche titles and JRPG's? IMO 360 has better shooters and Nintendo has better action games. I've always loved my PS1 and PS2 for the JRPG's and in general hardcore games. InFamous is one of the few niche exclusive franchises that I think warrents a purchase of a PS3.

Niche stuff like Flower or Journey, or Demon's Souls and Heavy rain as previously mentioned?

Sure, it's not the line-up from the past, but neither is this market. Right here it's not so much on Sony or the PS3 as much as it is on how things have been going in recent years, how developers gravitate towards "safer" projects like Call of Duty knock-offs and other such things. It was once easier for niche projects to get off the ground because there were people who would play them for the novely factor alone (anyone remember Tank Racing for the PS1? Or Rollcage?). Nowadays, making a game is a multi-million dollar endeavor and luke warm sales will send studio to its grave in the blink of an eye.

Economics play, of course, a very important role. Again, I believe you're more unimpressed with the state of gaming in general rather than the PS3 in particular. The machine itself has suffered just as much as the others and right now is a product of the turmoil that encompasses our times. Making games is expensive => Games are expensive => Bad Sales = Grave consequences => Fewer risks, maximum profit from well know, well established ideas => Gaming as it is right now.


I'd write a bit more on the subject,  but I'm dead tired and wish to get some shut eye.

Good night all.

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Michael-5 said:

I don't think PS3 sales will surpass 360 sales by the time the successor consoles roll in, and definatly not before Wii U if it even passes 360 at all, but anyway....


I'm not impressed with PS3, and before anyone flips out, here is why. Compare PS3's exclusive lineup with PS1' and PS2's... It's a joke. Nevermind all the HD multiplatform games, what happened to all the niche titles and JRPG's? IMO 360 has better shooters and Nintendo has better action games. I've always loved my PS1 and PS2 for the JRPG's and in general hardcore games. InFamous is one of the few niche exclusive franchises that I think warrents a purchase of a PS3.

So while I think PS3 is a great console, and I am happywith it, it could have been so much better.

Exclusives like Tales of Xillia should be localized more quickly, and games like Lair and White Knight Chronicles could have been really cool if they had taken more time to develop. Because of all these missed opportunities, I think PS3 is okay at best. No better then the 360, and that's not saying much...

As it stands now, for me there are only 5 reasosn to own a PS3. InFamous, Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted, Gran Turismo and The Last of Us. I could live without Killzone and Resistance fine, and I'm not a fan of God of War or Demon Soul's.

5 franchises compared to 20 plus for PS1 and PS2 each is a joke. IMO the Wii has a better exclusive library in JRPG's alone.

The Wii only has four action games with Game Stat's scores of 9.0 to 10.0.  The Playstation 3 has 13.  And you might not like it, but God of War III's GameStat's score is as high as that of any action game on Wii.

Yes, I am, the only problems that PS3 had in the beginning were the high price of the blu-ray drive and its 256 Mb XDR(it'd be better if it came with 512Mb of main RAM like PSVITA, so we could see better textures in multi platform games on PS3).

ultraslick said:
We are always so focused on start and stop times, product total sell through... etc.
The PS3 sold the most this last week and the week before it (and virtually every week this year)

That means that Sony is in the lead in the video games market.

The company that is "winning" right now, is simply the winner.
Why is the beginning of this generation (where the wii built up its lead for nintendo) any different than the PS2 era for Sony.

The past is the past.
Right now is all that matters.

I agree with your principle, but the video games market is more than 3 home consoles.... Nintendo is selling more hardware and software than Sony at the moment.

Sony is indeed the current home console leader though, and should remain that way until the Wii U launches... and will likely (possibly swapping around with X360) take a few weeks at the top in December and maybe January until the Wii U supply levels normalise.

Michael-5 said:

I don't think PS3 sales will surpass 360 sales by the time the successor consoles roll in, and definatly not before Wii U if it even passes 360 at all, but anyway....


I'm not impressed with PS3, and before anyone flips out, here is why. Compare PS3's exclusive lineup with PS1' and PS2's... It's a joke. Nevermind all the HD multiplatform games, what happened to all the niche titles and JRPG's? IMO 360 has better shooters and Nintendo has better action games. I've always loved my PS1 and PS2 for the JRPG's and in general hardcore games. InFamous is one of the few niche exclusive franchises that I think warrents a purchase of a PS3.

So while I think PS3 is a great console, and I am happywith it, it could have been so much better.

Exclusives like Tales of Xillia should be localized more quickly, and games like Lair and White Knight Chronicles could have been really cool if they had taken more time to develop. Because of all these missed opportunities, I think PS3 is okay at best. No better then the 360, and that's not saying much...

As it stands now, for me there are only 5 reasosn to own a PS3. InFamous, Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted, Gran Turismo and The Last of Us. I could live without Killzone and Resistance fine, and I'm not a fan of God of War or Demon Soul's.

5 franchises compared to 20 plus for PS1 and PS2 each is a joke. IMO the Wii has a better exclusive library in JRPG's alone.

he's joking right? someone please tell this is a joke

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EdHieron said:
Michael-5 said:

I don't think PS3 sales will surpass 360 sales by the time the successor consoles roll in, and definatly not before Wii U if it even passes 360 at all, but anyway....


I'm not impressed with PS3, and before anyone flips out, here is why. Compare PS3's exclusive lineup with PS1' and PS2's... It's a joke. Nevermind all the HD multiplatform games, what happened to all the niche titles and JRPG's? IMO 360 has better shooters and Nintendo has better action games. I've always loved my PS1 and PS2 for the JRPG's and in general hardcore games. InFamous is one of the few niche exclusive franchises that I think warrents a purchase of a PS3.

So while I think PS3 is a great console, and I am happywith it, it could have been so much better.

Exclusives like Tales of Xillia should be localized more quickly, and games like Lair and White Knight Chronicles could have been really cool if they had taken more time to develop. Because of all these missed opportunities, I think PS3 is okay at best. No better then the 360, and that's not saying much...

As it stands now, for me there are only 5 reasosn to own a PS3. InFamous, Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted, Gran Turismo and The Last of Us. I could live without Killzone and Resistance fine, and I'm not a fan of God of War or Demon Soul's.

5 franchises compared to 20 plus for PS1 and PS2 each is a joke. IMO the Wii has a better exclusive library in JRPG's alone.

The Wii only has four action games with Game Stat's scores of 9.0 to 10.0.  The Playstation 3 has 13.  And you might not like it, but God of War III's GameStat's score is as high as that of any action game on Wii.

Okay.... I'm still not impressed, and I don;t care for GameStat. A lot of underappreciated low volume niche games never get uniformly high reviews. I mean InFamous is probably my favorite PS3 game, and it's not one of the better rated PS3 games.

Also this is my opinion, the question was am I impressed, and I'm not. PS3 shows a huge drop in quality from the PS2 and PS1.

I mean just count how many JRPG exclusives PS3 has and compare it to PS1 and PS2.

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JinxRake said:
Michael-5 said:

I don't think PS3 sales will surpass 360 sales by the time the successor consoles roll in, and definatly not before Wii U if it even passes 360 at all, but anyway....


I'm not impressed with PS3, and before anyone flips out, here is why. Compare PS3's exclusive lineup with PS1' and PS2's... It's a joke. Nevermind all the HD multiplatform games, what happened to all the niche titles and JRPG's? IMO 360 has better shooters and Nintendo has better action games. I've always loved my PS1 and PS2 for the JRPG's and in general hardcore games. InFamous is one of the few niche exclusive franchises that I think warrents a purchase of a PS3.

Niche stuff like Flower or Journey, or Demon's Souls and Heavy rain as previously mentioned?

Sure, it's not the line-up from the past, but neither is this market. Right here it's not so much on Sony or the PS3 as much as it is on how things have been going in recent years, how developers gravitate towards "safer" projects like Call of Duty knock-offs and other such things. It was once easier for niche projects to get off the ground because there were people who would play them for the novely factor alone (anyone remember Tank Racing for the PS1? Or Rollcage?). Nowadays, making a game is a multi-million dollar endeavor and luke warm sales will send studio to its grave in the blink of an eye.

Economics play, of course, a very important role. Again, I believe you're more unimpressed with the state of gaming in general rather than the PS3 in particular. The machine itself has suffered just as much as the others and right now is a product of the turmoil that encompasses our times. Making games is expensive => Games are expensive => Bad Sales = Grave consequences => Fewer risks, maximum profit from well know, well established ideas => Gaming as it is right now.


I'd write a bit more on the subject,  but I'm dead tired and wish to get some shut eye.

Good night all.

Yea, this is porbably why we have seen a shift in JRPG's from home consoles to the DS. It's cheap to make a great quality JRPG on a handheld.

I agree ith what you say, but it's not quite that simple. I agree that the amount of niche/small volume cosole games have dropped, but what makes me unimpressed about Sony is that the ratio of niche titles has dropped in favor of the competition. If I look at my PS2 library and compare to my Gamecube and X-Box library, PS2 has probably 60%-80% of the niche franchises. However this gen, I feel the Wii is in the lead, or if you count HD multiplatform games separatly then that is in the lead.

For instance last gen PS2 had 2 "Tales of" exclusives, and Gamecube had 1. This gen the 360 has 1, the Wii has 1, and the PS3 has 1 (with Tales of Xillia maybe coming). So the ratio went from 66% to 33%. That is why I'm unimpressed.

High rated JRPG's in general, PS3 is arguably on par, or second to a Western home console, and I would also argue on par with Wii. PS2 and PS1.....was well in the lead.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
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"PS3 shows a huge drop in quality from the PS2 and PS1"

totally agree
people are blinded by the HD graphics...

TWRoO said:
ultraslick said:
We are always so focused on start and stop times, product total sell through... etc.
The PS3 sold the most this last week and the week before it (and virtually every week this year)

That means that Sony is in the lead in the video games market.

The company that is "winning" right now, is simply the winner.
Why is the beginning of this generation (where the wii built up its lead for nintendo) any different than the PS2 era for Sony.

The past is the past.
Right now is all that matters.

I agree with your principle, but the video games market is more than 3 home consoles.... Nintendo is selling more hardware and software than Sony at the moment.

Sony is indeed the current home console leader though, and should remain that way until the Wii U launches... and will likely (possibly swapping around with X360) take a few weeks at the top in December and maybe January until the Wii U supply levels normalise.

IMO, dirty cheap single 360 and 199$ PS3 would annihilate WiiU during holidays

sure this holiday, but the next one the 300$ bundle WiiU+NSMBU would anihilate Nextbox and PS4 at 400$+...