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TWRoO said:
ultraslick said:
We are always so focused on start and stop times, product total sell through... etc.
The PS3 sold the most this last week and the week before it (and virtually every week this year)

That means that Sony is in the lead in the video games market.

The company that is "winning" right now, is simply the winner.
Why is the beginning of this generation (where the wii built up its lead for nintendo) any different than the PS2 era for Sony.

The past is the past.
Right now is all that matters.

I agree with your principle, but the video games market is more than 3 home consoles.... Nintendo is selling more hardware and software than Sony at the moment.

Sony is indeed the current home console leader though, and should remain that way until the Wii U launches... and will likely (possibly swapping around with X360) take a few weeks at the top in December and maybe January until the Wii U supply levels normalise.

IMO, dirty cheap single 360 and 199$ PS3 would annihilate WiiU during holidays