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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Wii U supports 1080p, CPU and GPU confirmed - UPDATE: Spec sheet! 1.5 GB RAM, 3 core PowerPC CPU etc. Thread now includes FREE Icelandic lessons!

pezus said:

Lol, what is Black Death doing there?

It is: Ekki eyðileggja síðuna mína

or: Ekki skemma síðuna mína

Those two senteces I can understand!!

Icke ödelägga sidorna/sidan mina/min - eyðileggjadoesn't LOOK like ödelägga, but I bet they sound alike!

Icke skrämma (?!) sidorna mina

What IS skemma?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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fillet said:

I will take you up on that challenge tomorrow on your wall if that's ok. It's a bit late now. But I will shoot you down, well i'll try lol, but as a quick aside there were virtually no games that looked better on the Saturn, most had a lower resoltion (Wipeout), worse lighting and crap shading (Resident Evil), lower frame rate (Doom), lower poly count, (VF vs Tekken), remember the first Virtua Fighter? It didn't even have textures at the same time Tekken was being released. :p

I know the saturn had 2 cpus, I remember reading some rubbish that 1 "processed" the foreground and 1 the "background" in the marketing spiel. Point is it's very hard to utilize 2 cpus at the same time efficiently for jobs that both are suitable for, especially in those days where programmers never had to thread things like engines and graphics over 1 cpu. Normally it was just 1 cpu for game and 1 for sound. (sorry if patronising).

I didn't know about the rendering method using quads to be honest. End of the day though, the lack of transparency effects is what truely showed up the Saturn and made it clearly look inferior, games like Crash Bandicoot with it's texture smoothing wouldn't even be possible on the Saturn.

I can tell you now that Sonic Racing youtube video is a fraud, the Saturn didn't support bilinear filtering so there's no way those graphics would be possible and that is clearly being run on an emulator. I played that game and it wasn't terrible looking but it didn't look that good. The only other reason I can think of for the smooth textures in it is down to the bad compression on youtube. I doubt that though as the edges still look crisp.

Saddly I was a die hard Sega fan and couldn't stand the idea of owning a games console from a company that isn't in the gaming business (Sony) and purchased a Saturn only to be treated to sub par ports with a few classics from Sega.

Sorry, said I wouldn't say anything now, but well anyway :)


Edit - Actually, just done a google to prove how bad the graphics were and turns out this was released on the PC, so that must be from the PC. The Saturn simply wasn't capable of graphics that good.

I'm not arguing that the Saturn was more powerful than the PSone (it clearly wasn't in the 3D department) but it's unfair of you to bring up ports of PSOne games as a measuring stick. And FYI VF didn't have texture mapping in the arcades hence nor did the Saturn version since it was a port. Later on it was released with texture maps and renamed VF Remix. And the highest res games released in that era were both on the Saturn. Texture mapped VF2 and Saturn Bomberman.

pezus said:
DanneSandin said:

Those two senteces I can understand!!

Icke ödelägga sidorna/sidan mina/min - eyðileggjadoesn't LOOK like ödelägga, but I bet they sound alike!

Icke skrämma (?!) sidorna mina

What IS skemma?

It basically means the same thing as 'eyðileggja'. Just a different way of saying it. Yeah, ödelägga and eyðileggja sound a bit alike!

That's how I understand Icelandic: it sounds similar!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

pezus said:
Bong Lover said:
pezus said:
Bong Lover said:

Jag har en tolv tummars penis

Ólíklegt myndi ég segja. Tólf tommur eru um 30 sentímetrar.

Ólíklegt that you have seen 'Splash' ég segja.

The heck?!

@Danne: Icelandic has barely changed from Old Norse!  "However, despite its arguable baggage, the remarkable conservatism of the Icelandic language and its resultant near-isomorphism to Old Norse (which is equivalently termed Old Icelandic by linguists) means that, to their delight, modern Icelanders can easily read the Eddassagas, and other classic Old Norse literary works created in the tenth through thirteenth centuries."

We read some of the sagas in elementary school lol.

Icelandic has "imported" words too, it's mainly the grammar that is extremely hard and much more complicated than Danish and Swedish for example, which makes it hard to learn for Nordic people even though learning Swedish and Danish is pretty easy for Icelanders!

Look at my profile if you want to see where I learned lol

Must be easy for you to read Beowolf then. I tried reading an English translation once. It was so dry I didn't get more than 20 pages in. I hope there is a good translation some day.

Well, that's not so great. But it could mean a $300 or lower launch.

Around the Network
BasilZero said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Well, that's not so great. But it could mean a $300 or lower launch.

That is good news to me, more chance of me buying it!

Good news to me as well for the same reason :)

If it's £200 and has 2 or 3 more exclusives, as well as ZombiU (assuming it stays exclusive), that interest me, I'll probably get it.

pezus said:
WiiBox3 said:
pezus said:
Bong Lover said:
pezus said:
Bong Lover said:

Jag har en tolv tummars penis

Ólíklegt myndi ég segja. Tólf tommur eru um 30 sentímetrar.

Ólíklegt that you have seen 'Splash' ég segja.

The heck?!

@Danne: Icelandic has barely changed from Old Norse!  "However, despite its arguable baggage, the remarkable conservatism of the Icelandic language and its resultant near-isomorphism to Old Norse (which is equivalently termed Old Icelandic by linguists) means that, to their delight, modern Icelanders can easily read the Eddassagas, and other classic Old Norse literary works created in the tenth through thirteenth centuries."

We read some of the sagas in elementary school lol.

Icelandic has "imported" words too, it's mainly the grammar that is extremely hard and much more complicated than Danish and Swedish for example, which makes it hard to learn for Nordic people even though learning Swedish and Danish is pretty easy for Icelanders!

Look at my profile if you want to see where I learned lol

Must be easy for you to read Beowolf then. I tried reading an English translation once. It was so dry I didn't get more than 20 pages in. I hope there is a good translation some day.

I have not tried to read it. Is it online somewhere?

Probably. But search for the original one. The English translation sucks.

WiiBox3 said:
Probably. But search for the original one. The English translation sucks.

I'm sure the movie is much better. The movie is always better.

^Your a real barrel of laughs, just like the monkey you are.

WiiBox3 said:
^Your a real barrel of laughs, just like the monkey you are.
