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What would you rate Halo 4?

Perfect 10 103 45.78%
9.5 - 9.9 28 12.44%
9 - 9.4 40 17.78%
8.5 - 8.9 5 2.22%
8 - 8.4 12 5.33%
7.5 - 7.9 5 2.22%
7 - 7.4 6 2.67%
6.5 - 6.9 1 0.44%
6 - 6.4 2 0.89%
Spartan IV 8 3.56%

Please don't forget to include me in your tally of interested users guys, I just enjoy browsing on this site more than posting these days. Those pics are very pretty but I want to see more pics with the hud present so there is less bullshot trickery going on. I've no doubt this will be one of the nicest looking games of this generation on the 360 but some of those shots cannot be running on 360 hardware given the resolution and effects going on (can they?).

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slowmo said:

Some of those shots cannot be running on 360 hardware given the resolution and effects going on (can they?).

While a lot of the "smaller" ones are of actual gameplay, I'm sure there's a bunch of the larger ones that will have been captured at a higher resolution than possible while running the game one your console.

Effects, lights, shadows etc will all be real though, the "hi-res" capture trick really only helps to remove your edges in shots.

slowmo said:
Please don't forget to include me in your tally of interested users guys, I just enjoy browsing on this site more than posting these days. Those pics are very pretty but I want to see more pics with the hud present so there is less bullshot trickery going on. I've no doubt this will be one of the nicest looking games of this generation on the 360 but some of those shots cannot be running on 360 hardware given the resolution and effects going on (can they?).

the pictures i posted have a higher resolution so sure, none of this gen games and i would say none of next gen will have a resolution of 2500x1600 or something like that on tv's. but i don't believe the game itself will look very different except the resolution (and you will see everything out of first person and not like the pictures out of a camera from the cinema mode or whatever)

Hmm, i'm also more of a browsing person than a posting person but halo 4 has me so excited that I take time to post :P.
Most anticipated game since halo 3 for me!

Around the Network


Looks amazing, I can't wait.


nice to see the thread up and running. srryi wasn't thier to finish up the the pre e3 halo4 thread but now you guys can get the ball steam rolling. nice presentation by the way.

I've yet to see anything from a hands-on or viewing or interview that wasn't very enthusiastic about Halo 4. A very, very positive showing at E3. I'm super hyped for it.

Can't wait.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

toadslayer72 said:
I wonder if that shield will stop a rocket ^

If I had to guess,it may stop a single rocket shot, but if your smart with the rocket you just shoot the feet or a little to the left or right. Atleast the shield has some weak points unlike armor lock(thank god it's not in 4).

I like how the thrusters work which basically just give you a short, but fast boost forward.

Native creatures in Halo 4 confirmed! From the video it looks like some sort of flying stingray? Will just have to wait and see for more details.