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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Wii U will be in 3rd place next gen


Andre is

Absolutely spot on 34 10.93%
Probably right 56 18.01%
Probably wrong 122 39.23%
Absolutely crazy 99 31.83%
PDF said:
If the WiiU is comparable to the rest of the next gen consoles I think they will be in a very good position, coming off of the Wii market share. They would make a very good argument to own their console, ninty exclusives, new intuitive controller, and 3rd party support.

WiiU is weak compared to the rest of the next gen consoles, its a much harder argument. Tablet-like controller doesn't turn heads like motion control. Lack of 3rd parties turn away your average gamer like me. I think they will be in 3rd if their machine cannot keep up.

Ever heard of the iPad?

What Nintendo has here with the Wii U is the first real tablet gaming console, and it is kid-friendly. It will sell like hotcakes. Mark my words.

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Microsoft IMO is poised to be the no.1 company next generation, they have both the hardcore audience and the casual crowd now too with Kinect.

That said, Nintendo can take Sony if they are smart and aggressive with Wii U. They have a 1 year head start, likely a cheaper machine, stronger exclusive franchises, and are much more stable financially (Sony is in massive debt, Nintendo had a rough fiscal year, but still have $10+ billion in the bank to spend).

The Vita being much more powerful than the 3DS hasn't stopped the 3DS from kicking the Vita's ass every which way. We're reaching a point where better and better graphics are becoming less important, though if Nintendo was smart IMO they'd future proof the Wii U by making it upgradable.

freebs2 said:
You're missing Gamboy, Gameboy Advance NES, SNES all best selling systems in their times.

The only thing I agree with in you argument is the price point, Nintendo should have a lower price point than competitors, because undeniably a large share of Nintendo the userbase is made by kids.
Do you really think 3DS is selling well because of 3D? :/

I did intentionally leave out systems before the fifth gen, since I think console game is much closer to post-that era than to pre-that era. 

This is no concrete opinion of mine and is subject to change, a lot of you make very good points.

scottie said:
"Low price = less power = no 3rd party support aswell as lackluster gimmick"

Indeed, just like the PS1 and PS2 didn't get 3rd party support because they were the least powerful.

Fact is, we know nothing about the PS4 and 720, so judging now is stupid.

@bolded That's very true, but I'm going off what we've seen happen with the Wii, and initially with the 3DS (pre-price cut). 

@underlined This takes multiple scenarios into consideration, so I'm not assuming too much when it comes to hardware capabilities.

So you are saying that Nintendo investing time and money into a "gimmick"? Then maybe you underestimate them.

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sam987 said:
So you are saying that Nintendo investing time and money into a "gimmick"? Then maybe you underestimate them.

I'm not using it as a derogatory term.

To be honest with you. I think 3rd parties are still pissed of that they took hits this gen ebcause non of them expected Wii to win. They backed the wrong horses and lsot money initially.

Every gen since N64, 3rd party devs complain about Nintendo's console for one reason or another. They always seem to find an excuse not to develop for it. Whether Nintendo tries Gimmick, or underpowered cosnole or overpowered console doesn't seem to make a difference.

I bet if NIntendo stole a nextBox and put the components in a WiiU case, 3rd party devs would still claim that Wii U is too hard to develop for without turning on the console (as according to IGN from their mystery survey).



RolStoppable said:

There are a lot of flaws in your analysis. It all starts with you subscribing to the price and gimmick hypothesis. If you know the actual reasons for the success of NIntendo consoles, you will be much more accurate in predicting success or failure.

NES and Gameboy define the Nintendo experience and it is defined by games.

I'm looking at recent Nintendo consoles, the Gameboy was the first mainstream handheld gaming device, which replaces the gimmick selling point, and the NES was the first console to make the industry feel inspired again after the crash, again replacing the gimmick selling point. I guess you could argue that it was the games on NES that made revitalized the industry again rather than the NES itself, but first party alone won't make the Wii U as successful, todays world is very different, that's why I only included recent consoles. (starting from the 64)

The farther away Nintendo goes from that, the lower their sales will be.

Nintendo is setting up the Wii U for massive failure, but we'll get a much better picture next week. Maybe they will be able to reduce the damage, but games development takes some time, so it's not possible to switch gears on a whim.

EDIT: Like amp316 correctly pointed out, Nintendo isn't doomed to third place per se, because somebody else could screw up worse.

That's a very good point.

Cobretti2 said:
To be honest with you. I think 3rd parties are still pissed of that they took hits this gen ebcause non of them expected Wii to win. They backed the wrong horses and lsot money initially.

Every gen since N64, 3rd party devs complain about Nintendo's console for one reason or another. They always seem to find an excuse not to develop for it. Whether Nintendo tries Gimmick, or underpowered cosnole or overpowered console doesn't seem to make a difference.

I bet if NIntendo stole a nextBox and put the components in a WiiU case, 3rd party devs would still claim that Wii U is too hard to develop for without turning on the console (as according to IGN from their mystery survey).

There's a rational reason why 3rd party is lacking on the Wii, it's not because developers are fanboys, it's because either the game they're building for ps360/PC just doesn't translate well to such a weaker system with such a different control scheme, or because the publisher of said game has had bad sales on the Wii or thinks it will have bad sales. Or both. 

Developers and especially publishers don't hate money, so if there isn't a rational reason to not develop for a Ninty console, they will.

Show me the next xbox and playstation, then we can talk but not now, too early to make statements.