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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy Versus XIII renamed Final Fantasy XV.

I think it's fake. I also think it's even been confirmed fake.

But despite the fact that I think it's fake, I see some reasons to believe it COULD be true. So I'm skeptical, I'd say there is 90% chances it's fake.

First I could see FF V13 being renamed 15 because first of all the 13 name IMO would hurt the game. There is no doubt in my mind that if this game was named FF15 instead of Versus 13 (witch is IMO a confusing name) the game would be more successful commercially. Also this would make it much easier for SE to eventually launch FF13-3. I think most ppl would agree that a FF13-3 will come eventually, with Versus 13 that would make 4 games in the 13universe, making it IMO confusing. (boy I cant wait for all this FF13 crap to be finally over and see SE move on...)

Also, SE revealed their E3 lineup, and Versus-13 is not on the list. This makes me believe that the game COULD be renamed ff15 and they want to keep it a surprise. Otherwise I see no reasons not to put V13 on the list since it's been announced a long time ago unless the game is actually not going to be at E3 but I also have a hard time imagining the game being absent after all this time being in development and with being the FF 25th anniversary.

For the ppl saying ''why Wii U and not xbox 360'' I THINK I've read or heard somewhere that the reason why versus-13 was being developed for the ps3 and not xbox 360 was because the xbox discs didn't have enough space to hold the game. We already heard of rumors of Wii U discs being similar to blue ray discs in size, this is why I COULD imagine the game being launch on Wii U and not Xbox360. (assuming I'm right about the xbox having to small discs).

But I still think this video seems fishy, most likely fake. (But hope it's true :P)


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Well I have good news. The official Final Fantasy Versus XIII site is still the same.

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5

It looks horribly constructed (i.e. FAKE)

It's fake since an Action RPG has no place as a main Final Fantasy game. If they renamed it (and they should Versus XIII sounds awful) they'd go with Final Fantasy __insert word here___ like with Chronicles or Tactics.

Signature goes here!

im expecting future ffs to be multiplatform

but them being on the wii u would be interesting.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

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deskpro2k3 said:
Well I have good news. The official Final Fantasy Versus XIII site is still the same.

IMO that's a good sign for now, but it could easily be changed. Everytime I watch that trailer I see something new. lol

All of this, of course, is just my opinion.

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Proud pre-orderer of 2 PS4's and an Xbox One. 

Currently Playing: Dark Souls II, South Park
Playstation 4: MGS V GZ, Killzone: Shadow Fall, NBA 2k14.

Well changing to FFXV would remove the stigma of being associated with FFXIII.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


TruckOSaurus said:
It's fake since an Action RPG has no place as a main Final Fantasy game. If they renamed it (and they should Versus XIII sounds awful) they'd go with Final Fantasy __insert word here___ like with Chronicles or Tactics.

You might be right, but I do point you to FFXII where the battle system was designed to mirror their MMO offering and was definately outside the norm of turn based RPG's.

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.

So long as it is a good game... I will get it and most likely on Wii U if that means HUDLESS display for game on the big screen. I really hope all damage is communicated visually through graphics instead of numbers popping over character heads.

Metrium said:
I think it's fake. I also think it's even been confirmed fake.

But despite the fact that I think it's fake, I see some reasons to believe it COULD be true. So I'm skeptical, I'd say there is 90% chances it's fake.

First I could see FF V13 being renamed 15 because first of all the 13 name IMO would hurt the game. There is no doubt in my mind that if this game was named FF15 instead of Versus 13 (witch is IMO a confusing name) the game would be more successful commercially. Also this would make it much easier for SE to eventually launch FF13-3. I think most ppl would agree that a FF13-3 will come eventually, with Versus 13 that would make 4 games in the 13universe, making it IMO confusing. (boy I cant wait for all this FF13 crap to be finally over and see SE move on...)

Also, SE revealed their E3 lineup, and Versus-13 is not on the list. This makes me believe that the game COULD be renamed ff15 and they want to keep it a surprise. Otherwise I see no reasons not to put V13 on the list since it's been announced a long time ago unless the game is actually not going to be at E3 but I also have a hard time imagining the game being absent after all this time being in development and with being the FF 25th anniversary.

For the ppl saying ''why Wii U and not xbox 360'' I THINK I've read or heard somewhere that the reason why versus-13 was being developed for the ps3 and not xbox 360 was because the xbox discs didn't have enough space to hold the game. We already heard of rumors of Wii U discs being similar to blue ray discs in size, this is why I COULD imagine the game being launch on Wii U and not Xbox360. (assuming I'm right about the xbox having to small discs).

But I still think this video seems fishy, most likely fake. (But hope it's true :P)

I think the name change would be wise. As pointed out, XIII has been associate with an average RPG, while V XIII looks to be more what all of us FF fans really want (i.e. a more mature story line with the incredible story delievery that SSoft has been known for in past years.) At this point it looks to me what they really plan to do is continue expanding XIII stories with DLC and perhaps a thrid entry and removing any other XIII related products into some kind of new subtitle. They already did it with Agito, so it makes sense they would also do it with V XIII.

On the second point, I think this really does bolster the idea that there will be a name change. One of the last messages we got about V XIII Was refering to there being some things that they were unable to reveal at this point. Whether that refers to it actually being multi plat or there being a name change that had not been finalized at that point, it makes sense. Surely they wouldn't want to confuse the audience with revealing a brand new trailer with the V XII name then a few months later announce the same game with a new title. The name change throw people for a loop as it is. People that want the game, but might not spend a lot of time reading up on the development are already going to be saying ,"What happened to V XIII" as shown in the Youtube post.

On the last point, my biggest question, is the Luminous Engine cross platform (they've confirmed they've been using this for advanced lighting.) If a cross platform version of this engine is not implemented, how would that impact a 360 port of the game visually? The one thing that SE has not skimped on has been graphics (XIII looked incredible despite being boring) so I would assume graphical integrity of V XIII would be a great factor as well (assuming people don't mind a 4 + disc game which more than likely V XIII will end up being.

That being said, I don't buy this video's legitimacy, but it does raise a few questions.

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.