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I think it's fake. I also think it's even been confirmed fake.

But despite the fact that I think it's fake, I see some reasons to believe it COULD be true. So I'm skeptical, I'd say there is 90% chances it's fake.

First I could see FF V13 being renamed 15 because first of all the 13 name IMO would hurt the game. There is no doubt in my mind that if this game was named FF15 instead of Versus 13 (witch is IMO a confusing name) the game would be more successful commercially. Also this would make it much easier for SE to eventually launch FF13-3. I think most ppl would agree that a FF13-3 will come eventually, with Versus 13 that would make 4 games in the 13universe, making it IMO confusing. (boy I cant wait for all this FF13 crap to be finally over and see SE move on...)

Also, SE revealed their E3 lineup, and Versus-13 is not on the list. This makes me believe that the game COULD be renamed ff15 and they want to keep it a surprise. Otherwise I see no reasons not to put V13 on the list since it's been announced a long time ago unless the game is actually not going to be at E3 but I also have a hard time imagining the game being absent after all this time being in development and with being the FF 25th anniversary.

For the ppl saying ''why Wii U and not xbox 360'' I THINK I've read or heard somewhere that the reason why versus-13 was being developed for the ps3 and not xbox 360 was because the xbox discs didn't have enough space to hold the game. We already heard of rumors of Wii U discs being similar to blue ray discs in size, this is why I COULD imagine the game being launch on Wii U and not Xbox360. (assuming I'm right about the xbox having to small discs).

But I still think this video seems fishy, most likely fake. (But hope it's true :P)


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

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