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Forums - Website Topics - I thought we were suppose to be working to return some quality back here?

Khuutra said:
Don't put "Nintendo news" in one thread

Put that news in thread relevant to the games to which it refers.

This is not a hard problem

i think this is a better way but i still want to keepp elimination threads :)

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pezus said:
Jay520 said:
spurgeonryan said:
No, I made it Official, he just thought it was a good thread. Everything is turned around with you two. Here I am again in this thread.

Jay! Serious face here. You post a reply to almost every one who posts in your threads. Your real goal is to get popular threads. Do not try to trick us and say other wise.

I may have done that one or two times, but that was just to make the thread more personal. If I wanted to be popular, I'd make more threads and make more controversial threads. None of my recent threads have even had the potential to be huge. I was just saying what was on my mind at the time. Look at my recent threads & tell me if they look like they were created with intention on being popular.

I seem to recall you wanting to increase your posts per thread average just recently.


pezus said:
Jay520 said:
pezus said:
Jay520 said:
spurgeonryan said:
No, I made it Official, he just thought it was a good thread. Everything is turned around with you two. Here I am again in this thread.

Jay! Serious face here. You post a reply to almost every one who posts in your threads. Your real goal is to get popular threads. Do not try to trick us and say other wise.

I may have done that one or two times, but that was just to make the thread more personal. If I wanted to be popular, I'd make more threads and make more controversial threads. None of my recent threads have even had the potential to be huge. I was just saying what was on my mind at the time. Look at my recent threads & tell me if they look like they were created with intention on being popular.

I seem to recall you wanting to increase your posts per thread average just recently.


None. Other than my infallible memory. 

It was around the time when you created the "I'm going to fight a fat guy" thread.

Who knows what I said months ago? I don't even remember. I wouldn't consider that 'recent' anyway if you can't even remember where I said it.

hey what about my official pre E3 Halo 4 thread! it's the most organized official thread on the site. everything listed in the title is always listed in the op by link and contributor.

well time to update it . i haven't been here in over a month.

i tried to get ryan and mugen to do this but i understand how much work it is. now all the info is cluttered and annoying to look for.

PDF said:


I know I don't post much, so my contribution level to the site is small.  However this is my two cents:

I like and dislike some of whats being said here.

The good:  Making the forum index simpler,  I really think the old index is ideal.  MS/Sony/Nintendo/Sales/Gaming/website/off-topic.    I like the idea of bringing back the drop down forum index menu.  It made it easy to transverse from forum to forum.  I used to never use hot topics and now thats all I use.

The Bad:  The effort to get rid of so many off-topic threads.   They are there just for fun to pass time, I ignore most of them but every once in a while I like to partake in them.   I do not think they are such a problem.  I think people are being oversensitive.

The Official threads :  At first I was totally against official threads, I always disliked them but then I read some pro arguments.

Bad:  My problem with official threads are that they are overwhelming.  I personally much rather go to a new thread dedicated to that news.  When I go to an official thread, I don't know where to start reading.  I don't go to forums for news, I go to see peoples opinions but I only want to read about opinons of the news I care about.  I do not like the idea of official threads monopolizing the news on certain topics, It leads to people creating officials just to claim certain subjects to be talk about in their threads.

The Good:  Some people go there for updated news, news that may other wise get drowned out by itself.  It helps create a community sense and avoids trolling.  Can help limit so many pointless threads.(Non news worthy ones)

My take:  I think officials and not official threads can co exist, as long as officials don't get a special sticky.   It is dependent on the owner of the thread to make it appealing, and aslong as it is, it will continue to thrive.  At the same time there should be allowed to post duplicate info in a seperate thread for people like me who don't want to fish through an official thread.  I was against them but in the end I realize they are not hurting me.

I would also love to see Official threads use a index at the top of the OP directing to the page where discussion of certain topics roughly start.  I would probably use them if they were really easy to navigate.


I agree with everything. Not so much with the last paragraph, but for the most part, good points.

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spurgeonryan said:
Maybe gaming threads and elimiination threads along with nsfw threads should be in a seperaate forum that does not show up on hot topiics. If you want them, then you go there to get them. But many forums have those types of threads.

There's already a convenient way to not see them: unclick their filter boxes. My "Hot Topics" omits nearly half the Discussions. If the spam from these areas are a problem, just block them out. Until this thread, I'd forgotten anyone even talked about MMOs here.

Although now that I've browsed through it, that may have to do with the fact that it's basically a dead area.

Carl2291 said:
Sales website attracts fantastic users due to varied, interest sales data.

Sales site removes majority of sales data.

Forums suddenly turn shit.


Too many forums. Too many "games" that aren't videogames. Not enough sales data.

E3 will be a real good test to see where this site is at. Its gonna be a huge event this Year with new HW and huge games. New generation incoming, so lets hope it brings in some new, exciting posters. Not spammers.

You and amp both brought up this really good point. Without data, a discussion is just idle chatter, and an argument is merely a pissing contest.

RolStoppable said:
morenoingrato said:

That... burned. Was I even speaking english? Wow, that was laughable.

NSMBWii is vastly overrated now, DKCR is the masterpiece that NSMBWii was meant to be.

In order for a game to be vastly overrated, a large amount of people must praise it beyond its merits. There aren't all that many Super Mario Bros. fans to begin with on this site and many of them don't think highly of NSMB Wii, so it's certainly not overrated.

In fairness, it's a crappier game than Splosion Man, so...

KylieDog said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Let's face it...those who complain do jack shit to improve this site. I'm going to be frank here but as Aj said above, these 'old' members coming in and whining is just tiresome. Don't like things? Do your own work. Do something to contribute? What was the last great discussion thread you made?

I don't know about the others but I will say this, The official vita thread is the ONLY place on this site where you can actually share and discuss the news without trolls. People like it. We had quite a few who joined this site just for that. Don't like it? Don't use it. Plenty of others find it a great place and we have a nice lil community going in there

THe problem with creating a thread for a decent discussion is it gets quickly knocked off the front page and then buried by the mass of crap spam threads.  People cannot discuss something if they never see the thread.

i agree with this, its much harder to find the threads on topics from the front page these days, maybe if we could set customizations in our profile for the thread feed on the front page. man there used to be some epic sales/ revenues breakdown on this site. i dont get on  as much as i used to due to work right now, but i remeber being in awe of some contributions to the site through forums back in the day 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

VGC used to be brilliant for sales.

We had a top 200. We could view sales by console. We had publisher totals. We had graps and charts, that WE could use. We had a prediction league to add even more interest to the sales.

Looking at what we have now, it's bare in comparison.

Add in the above features again, give us an easier/quicker to navigate chart page (dropbox style for Y/M/D), give us Monthly totals and sales discussion here will grow massively.