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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Dragon's Dogma Discussion Thread

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Is Dragon's Dogma the Best Game, Ever?

Hell yeah! 17 62.96%
Fuck yeah! 10 37.04%

IGN's review.  I think I'd score it higher but the actual info from the review is spot on.

Also, watching that review has shown me that I still have A LONG way to go before I finish this game.  Level 31, right now.  I played it for about three hours today and didn't even do a single quest.  I just ran around fighting and exploring, trying to see how big the map is.  Still haven't filled out much of it.

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Pretty good review, especially for IGN. Double that score, IMO.

And I forgot just how awesome that opening CGI with the dragon and all the harpies was!

Fin ~

I will post my personal verdict later today, or maybe tomorrow. cant wait to discuss the game properly once u guys are done too.

edit: 11 Hours a day for 3 days.. xD .. i am pretty happy about the fact that i can properly work again without my mind beeing stuck by a girl or a game, lol.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

still dont have the game, getting this week if i have time, but then i have finals for the next 3 weeks zzzzz

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

*shakes fist* damn you people for making me going to buy this game!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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NiKKoM said:
*shakes fist* damn you people for making me going to buy this game!

You will thank us later. With sex.

in that review,she said she didn't like the ye olde chat,does she want it a bit more urban and stuff innit,nuff said an all dat

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


d21lewis said:
I'm afraid we may be building this game up a bit too much. Some people have said it's like a poor man's Skyrim. I've never played Skyrim. Some people say it's a bit like Monster Hunter. I"ve never played Monster Hunter. Others have compared it to Demon's Souls. I haven't played that one, either.

It's possible that this game is just a watered down version of all of these other games that I've never given a chance. If that's the case, I can understand people being disappointed in it. All I know is that I'm going out of my way to make time to play this game at every opportunity. Usually, when I get a good game, I play it when I get bored or have some free time. With this game, I'm neglecting other things just to play it and I never feel like I'm wasting time.

That is a sign of a good game if any. I know that this is my GOTY.

My copy just arrived! I only have to go the post guy nearby and pick it up. Very excited.

I don't quite understand the save game function in this game. It's like it autosaves every time I go into an area but it doesn't seem to always save my game. I started a mission and saved my game but when things started to get rough, I chose "go back to last checkpoint" which was an hour earlier. Then, I quit and restarted from the title screen and it started exactly where I saved.

Today, I was in a cave leading up to a tribe of almost naked thief women and I saved. Then, I went and tried another fork in the road where everything went to hell. I lost a lot of health and the two Pawns I had with me died. I went back to my older save and it was overwritten by an auto save.

Auto save needs to make up its mind. Either it's going to overwrite my save data or it's going to let me load it. It can't do both. On a positive note, I found a g-string and I dressed my pawn in it. That should get her noticed by a lot of people in the Rift!

And one thing I thought was cute--killed a Cyclops that was hanging out with some lady. A few minutes later, I found a tribe of women that were pissed because "Some group of whores killed our leader's pet cyclops." They should have told me it wasn't hostile! When I see a cyclops acting all high and mighty, I kill it!

d21lewis said:
I don't quite understand the save game function in this game. It's like it autosaves every time I go into an area but it doesn't seem to always save my game. I started a mission and saved my game but when things started to get rough, I chose "go back to last checkpoint" which was an hour earlier. Then, I quit and restarted from the title screen and it started exactly where I saved.

Today, I was in a cave leading up to a tribe of almost naked thief women and I saved. Then, I went and tried another fork in the road where everything went to hell. I lost a lot of health and the two Pawns I had with me died. I went back to my older save and it was overwritten by an auto save.

For some reason if you reload from the pause menu, it will make you go all the way back to the last time you used an inn or entered the rift. Which could have been forever ago. I've had this happen a few times and nearly shat myself at having lost hours of play (fortunately, I did the main menu thing and was back where I was supposed to be). But if you die, you can choose to reload your last manual save. However, reloading the "checkpoint" means going back to the aforementioned inn or rift save for some fucking harebrained reason. Pretty janky, sis!