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d21lewis said:
I don't quite understand the save game function in this game. It's like it autosaves every time I go into an area but it doesn't seem to always save my game. I started a mission and saved my game but when things started to get rough, I chose "go back to last checkpoint" which was an hour earlier. Then, I quit and restarted from the title screen and it started exactly where I saved.

Today, I was in a cave leading up to a tribe of almost naked thief women and I saved. Then, I went and tried another fork in the road where everything went to hell. I lost a lot of health and the two Pawns I had with me died. I went back to my older save and it was overwritten by an auto save.

For some reason if you reload from the pause menu, it will make you go all the way back to the last time you used an inn or entered the rift. Which could have been forever ago. I've had this happen a few times and nearly shat myself at having lost hours of play (fortunately, I did the main menu thing and was back where I was supposed to be). But if you die, you can choose to reload your last manual save. However, reloading the "checkpoint" means going back to the aforementioned inn or rift save for some fucking harebrained reason. Pretty janky, sis!