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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Want to get screwed by EA? Get BF3 now!

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pezus said:
Glorious PC gaming master race!

forever pc !

All of this, of course, is just my opinion.

Skyrim 100%'d. Dark Souls 100%'d. 
Dark Souls > Skyrim.
Halo 4 is the best damn FPS since Halo 3.
Proud pre-orderer of 2 PS4's and an Xbox One. 

Currently Playing: Dark Souls II, South Park
Playstation 4: MGS V GZ, Killzone: Shadow Fall, NBA 2k14.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Ji99saw said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Ji99saw said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Ji99saw said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
VGKing said:
Euphoria14 said:
Gamers will bitch and moan, bitch and moan, bitch and moan, but at the end of the day they will then go out and buy the next EA title, Call of Duty, etc..., further enabling this stuff to go on.

Stop complaining and just stop buying their games. It is really that simple and is the only way to make things change.

Wait, what's so bad about Call of Duty?
What are we "enabling" by buying this game every year?

Is Activsion screwingn people with "rented servers" or "online passes"? Are they removing content from their games in favor of Call of Duty Elite?
That answer to all of this is NO.

Activision is a SAINT when compared to EA and Ubisoft.

The worst things in this industry such as Day 1 DLC, Online Passes are NOT supported by Call of Duty. So naturally, you should support these games over ones that do, should you?

Microsoft, EA and Activision are going to take the gaming industry into a full pay to play methodology next generation for sure if you don't keep your mind sharp to how this gen is going to end. Everything will have a dollar price and if they can't get it straight out of you they'll find other ways. I really do wish it was the days of fun gaming when the Japanese ruled the industry, but I am sure that is going to take a harsh turn now.

I love how you fail to mention Sony has implemented an online pass for every first prty game and a PS+ sucription. MS does not require an online pass for first party games a policy that was invented by EA pay ten dollars if you buy the game used. I don't mind that because I buy most of my games new. I was talking about BF3 server charge...but ok. Not my point, but you made a point nonetheless.

Actually I know it's when you buy it used I'm just making a point, You say MS is wrong for charging for Live even though MS  has to pay for the bandwidth and you are essentially saying you should have it all for free. But in the same thought defending Sony for online passes because they are not compensated for a used sale. When in reality MS has to pay a price for online so they charge for the service and Sony loses a used game sell so they charge also, if you would stop being a fanboy maybe you would see this.

Sony puts out a lot of games dude on a larger scale than Microsoft. The sales aren't exactly stellar for most (as is to be expected)and they are great games but I doubt most discount the quality or the risk. Marketing is a huge problem there on Sony's party.  Used sales could possibly contribute to this and if I buy a used game and get locked out because a title was too expensive I don't mind paying ten dollars. Xbox Live isn't justifying the cost when compared to PSN or even PC. As I said before to someone else as well I don't take kindly to paying Activision in my subscription because I don't play COD, I don't like the feeling that if I dont pay for Live I could be kicked out of my entertainment subscriptions as well. This is why more people watch Netflix on the PS3 than the 360. Does Microsoft really believe more people will opt for Xbox Live to watch UFC than their cable or satellite provider box which is next to the 360 in the house? It's an option yes, but it's not a selling point for Xbox Live in truth. ESPN? MSN? Am I paying for that? Are you? I don't even think casuals would over the alternative.

Stop just Stop, because your ramblings are getting off point and resemble a rehearing. Weather or not it is worth it is completely up to person paying for it and like you said it's optional. My only point was that it costs MS money so they charge for it that's all.

What ramblings? You made your point and I am just responding. It's called breaking down reasons for the cost. If Microsoft pays for bandwidth then so does Sony and Nintendo. If you're making that argument for Microsoft one would assume its the same for Sony since they are doing essentially the same thing, correct?

Well actually Sony makes company's pay for the bandwidth although I'm not sure about Nintendo although I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same. And I think Sony may eventually start to charge for PSN because its obviously lost enough money that they had to implement  PS+ to generate revenue  

Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.

"I don't debate, I just give you that work"- Ji99saw

KylieDog said:
Cannot understand people who defend XBL fees.

I subscribe to Lovefilm, a movie streaming service. I can access this free on my PC, or free on PS3. If I want to do the same on my 360 I need XBL Gold.

Why? Where the hell is the cost on Microsofts part? I pay lovefilm for the subscription, Lovefilm stream it from their servers to me. The 360 is just a connection device between my router and TV. So why exactly do I need pay MS for the privilege of using my paid for subscription on my own internet line which I pay for and get data from Lovefilms servers.

Lovefilm is not even close to being the only example like this.

XBL Gold paying for MP servers is a complete farce also, most games are P2P hosting, that is a player using their own internet connection, no XBL servers. Some games like many of EAs use dedicated servers, again nothing to do with XBL.

Activision gets a cut of XBL fee, well I don't play any Activision games...I take it I pay less because of this? What, no? I'm paying for other people to play and not myself? Amazing.


S.T.A.G.E. said:

LOL..@ Commies. Theres no commie here (a utopian way of life that in reality doesn't work). Don't get mad at me because I know how the American economy works. I'll give you one thing, you're correct that all of those things are optional, but what if someone who is a shooting fan wants all those games on an Xbox?  Free market? Microsoft and competition don't mix if you know their history, just saying. They like being a monopoly and thank god for Apple that the "free market" continues. 


Anyway as for the Xbox Live fee hike:

Bobby Kotick complaing that he doesn't get a cut of the Xbox Live subscriptions after Microsoft boasted about the majority of Xbox Live players being COD players.


"So, with $60 a year out the door for many Call of Duty players – that would be those playing on Xbox 360, as opposed to PC or PlayStation 3 – it's already a significant $5 a month expense and Activision has only snagged a "modest amount" of that $5. So, subscription service, right? "We have an obligation to provide a return for our shareholders,"

A good enough portion of the money you pay yearly goes to Activision even if you don't play their games.

What if you want all those shooters on Xbox? Then you pay the fees! If you feel the product isn't worth the price, don't give them your money. Simple as that.

Microsoft and competition don't mix? What the fuck are you talking about? Microsoft has a ton of competition. I won't even bother getting into this.

I already know Activision is getting a piece (which I feel they deserve). But clearly you were talking out of your ass when you said its $10.


"A good enough portion of the money you pay yearly goes to Activision even if you don't play their games." This is a ridiculously stupid argument.

If you pay for cable, do you only pay for channels you want? No, you pay for the whole package. Don't like that? You can cancel.

If you pay for PSN Plus, do you get to pick the free content and discounts you want? No. Don't like that? You can cancel.

If you pay for Netflix do you just pay fees for programs you enjoy? No, you pay for access to everything available. Don't like that? You can cancel.

If you pay taxes do you pay only for the services you use? Nope, but we have to pay anyway.

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Ji99saw said:
pezus said:
Ji99saw said:
pezus said:
Ji99saw said:

I love how you fail to mention Sony has implemented an online pass for every first prty game and a PS+ sucription. MS does not require an online pass for first party games a policy that was invented by EA

You only need to buy online passes if you buy it used. If you do buy it used, I do not feel sorry for you.

I know it's when you buy a Used game I was just making the point that just like Sony needs to be compensated for a used game sale, Microsoft needs to compensated for bandwidth and other XBL perks. Also don't ever try to make assumptions on my purchasing habits because actually I buy all my games new but I would never talk down too people who do not buy new.

I did not make an assumption, I simply stated that if you buy used I don't feel sorry for you needing to pay extra for online. The developers get nothing from a used sale.

Yes I understand that devs get nothing from used game sales, but if they were truly hurting from it why would they go after the consumer instead of the people profiting off used game sales? It's because no matter how you twist it devs nickle and dime just like everyone else except they target the consumer directly instead of places like gamestop which makes billions, which makes them no better than them,that's why I don't care when people buy used games and will continue not too.

Publishers are going to go after Gamestop sooner than you think. The EA ten dollar plan is merely prodding at Gamestop and consumers. Devs cannot stand Gamestop but consider them a necessary evil. Gamers see Gamestop as an accessible way of getting their hands on games that haven't dropped in price, it's their trade in value habits that are a sham. If Publishers could they would have it so most would buy games new and others would just have to wait for price drops. It's just a more accurate way of gauging sales. With American companies, the people used to run the market, but mega corporations now have the power to sway a dedicated audience in which ever direction they deem fit (especially if they lack competition).

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Oh you meant Electronic Arts, I was wondering why Erin Andrews would screw me if I bought BF3. Oh well at least I kept receipt

Mr Puggsly said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

LOL..@ Commies. Theres no commie here (a utopian way of life that in reality doesn't work). Don't get mad at me because I know how the American economy works. I'll give you one thing, you're correct that all of those things are optional, but what if someone who is a shooting fan wants all those games on an Xbox?  Free market? Microsoft and competition don't mix if you know their history, just saying. They like being a monopoly and thank god for Apple that the "free market" continues. 


Anyway as for the Xbox Live fee hike:

Bobby Kotick complaing that he doesn't get a cut of the Xbox Live subscriptions after Microsoft boasted about the majority of Xbox Live players being COD players.


"So, with $60 a year out the door for many Call of Duty players – that would be those playing on Xbox 360, as opposed to PC or PlayStation 3 – it's already a significant $5 a month expense and Activision has only snagged a "modest amount" of that $5. So, subscription service, right? "We have an obligation to provide a return for our shareholders,"

A good enough portion of the money you pay yearly goes to Activision even if you don't play their games.

What if you want all those shooters on Xbox? Then you pay the fees! If you feel the product isn't worth the price, don't give them your money. Simple as that.

Microsoft and competition don't mix? What the fuck are you talking about? Microsoft has a ton of competition. I won't even bother getting into this.

I already know Activision is getting a piece (which I feel they deserve). But clearly you were talking out of your ass when you said its $10.


"A good enough portion of the money you pay yearly goes to Activision even if you don't play their games." This is a ridiculously stupid argument.

If you pay for cable, do you only pay for channels you want? No, you pay for the whole package. Don't like that? You can cancel.

If you pay for PSN Plus, do you get to pick the free content and discounts you want? No. Don't like that? You can cancel.

If you pay for Netflix do you just pay fees for programs you enjoy? No, you pay for access to everything available. Don't like that? You can cancel.

If you pay taxes do you pay only for the services you use? Nope, but we have to pay anyway.

Nothing wrong with paying for bundles, but because of competition with the online market companies are breaking up their channels into bundles. As time goes by and the online market with Hulu, Netflix and more keep putting pressure on cable and satellite providers they will have to break down the cost of their bundles. Internally the satellite and cable companies make you pay for bundles of channels from one small amount to the largest. Theres actually choice...not my way or the highway. Bad example.

Want to buy a song on Itunes instead of buying the whole package? Itunes microtransactions. Half the reason Apple is is gouging out the gaming market. It's called Microtranactions. You pay for what you want.

If you pay for PSN Plus everything they have thats available to be played for free is up and ready to be seen before purchase of PSN Plus. Theres a lot of good stuff there and it's optional. Sony doesn't lock you out of your own personal subscriptions that you pay for. Microsoft should have Hulu Plus, Netflix and more on Silver beside you pay for all of those things despite their existence.

You're comparing the US tax system to an online OS subscription? Ok...this argument is over.

Euphoria14 said:
VGKing said:
Euphoria14 said:
Gamers will bitch and moan, bitch and moan, bitch and moan, but at the end of the day they will then go out and buy the next EA title, Call of Duty, etc..., further enabling this stuff to go on.

Stop complaining and just stop buying their games. It is really that simple and is the only way to make things change.

Wait, what's so bad about Call of Duty?
What are we "enabling" by buying this game every year?

Is Activsion screwingn people with "rented servers" or "online passes"? Are they removing content from their games in favor of Call of Duty Elite?
That answer to all of this is NO.

Activision is a SAINT when compared to EA and Ubisoft.

The worst things in this industry such as Day 1 DLC, Online Passes are NOT supported by Call of Duty. So naturally, you should support these games over ones that do, should you?

There is nothing wrong with it, I am just saying that the same people who bitch about something end up being the same ones who buy those games and enable it to happen.

Call of Duty is mentioned just because it seems to be the game everyone cries about. I don't play them so I have no clue what these "issues" are.

So you're just spreading misinformation. Cool, gotcha.

KylieDog said:
Cannot understand people who defend XBL fees.

I subscribe to Lovefilm, a movie streaming service. I can access this free on my PC, or free on PS3. If I want to do the same on my 360 I need XBL Gold.

Why? Where the hell is the cost on Microsofts part? I pay lovefilm for the subscription, Lovefilm stream it from their servers to me. The 360 is just a connection device between my router and TV. So why exactly do I need pay MS for the privilege of using my paid for subscription on my own internet line which I pay for and get data from Lovefilms servers.

Lovefilm is not even close to being the only example like this.

XBL Gold paying for MP servers is a complete farce also, most games are P2P hosting, that is a player using their own internet connection, no XBL servers. Some games like many of EAs use dedicated servers, again nothing to do with XBL.

Activision gets a cut of XBL fee, well I don't play any Activision games...I take it I pay less because of this? What, no? I'm paying for other people to play and not myself? Amazing.

This post should not go unnoticed. Although I can see the benefits of paying for an online service, I don't like how Microsoft handles it.

KylieDog said:
Cannot understand people who defend XBL fees.

I subscribe to Lovefilm, a movie streaming service. I can access this free on my PC, or free on PS3. If I want to do the same on my 360 I need XBL Gold.

Why? Where the hell is the cost on Microsofts part? I pay lovefilm for the subscription, Lovefilm stream it from their servers to me. The 360 is just a connection device between my router and TV. So why exactly do I need pay MS for the privilege of using my paid for subscription on my own internet line which I pay for and get data from Lovefilms servers.

Lovefilm is not even close to being the only example like this.

XBL Gold paying for MP servers is a complete farce also, most games are P2P hosting, that is a player using their own internet connection, no XBL servers. Some games like many of EAs use dedicated servers, again nothing to do with XBL.

Activision gets a cut of XBL fee, well I don't play any Activision games...I take it I pay less because of this? What, no? I'm paying for other people to play and not myself? Amazing.

Why do you have to pay to use a service free elsewhere but not on the 360? Here's a better question, why do you have to use that service on the 360? Its no secret MS charges to access online services. If you don't like that than go use some other piece of hardware and stop the bitching.

All XBL games are actually using servers. Even games that don't have dedicated servers still need to access servers for match making. Safe bet the Live infrastructure is a lot more complex than you imagine.


"Activision gets a cut of XBL fee, well I don't play any Activision games...I take it I pay less because of this? What, no? I'm paying for other people to play and not myself? Amazing." DEJA VU! I Just responded to a ridiculous argument like this. I'll give you the same response.


If you pay for cable, do you only pay for channels you want? No, you pay for the whole package. Don't like that? You can cancel.

If you pay for PSN Plus, do you get to pick the free content and discounts you want? No. Don't like that? You can cancel.

If you pay for Netflix do you just pay fees for programs you enjoy? No, you pay for access to everything available. Don't like that? You can cancel.

If you pay taxes do you pay only for the services you use? Nope, but we have to pay anyway.

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