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Forums - Sales Discussion - April 2012 NPD 360 HW 236k, PS3 175k, Wii 91k

kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
360 relatively good (market share), but in absolute terms not very good.

PS3 and Wii poor.

All overtracked, PS3 and especially Wii quite heavily in % terms.

Adjustments will be incoming for PS3 and possibly Wii too following this and the Sony shipment numbers.

Next gen required...

Errr the 360 is overtracked more than the ps3 this month in terms of raw numbers.

sigh.   which is why I said % terms...  



Why cherry pick that one stat and present the data in that way? Why not just say the 360 is overtracked more than the ps3 this month yet again? It's the same old story.

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pezus said:
shanbcn said:

America April 2012: $630.4 million
Japan April 2012: $412.9 million

Software only is even closer:

US: $292.1 million
Japan: $266.2 million

Holy shat lol. You know the American market is doing bad when it's doing almost the same numbers as the abysmal Japanese market.

And Europe isn't doing much better. It seems the market can't accept 7-8 years long generations, it reaches saturation in less years.

kowenicki said:
I'm trying to think of new ways to keep saying handheld gaming is screwed in the west due to phone and tablets without getting slaughtered and told I'm wrong... but there aren't any ways of saying it other than just saying it... so I will keep on saying it.

Dedicated handhelds are screwed in the west.

There, I said it and have been saying it for ages... any of the doubters starting to believe me yet?

If people aren't able to spot trends going on around them then its very odd.

*sigh* you are flat out wrong. Case and point? After only a little over a year the 3DS has sold over 10million units in the West. Basically it's not going to take too long to beat the Gamecubes LTD. A system which Nintendo profited off heavily. Not only this but it is also outpacing the DS despite the 3DS having had only 1 holiday season while the DS had two by this point. Now there were 2 things that made the DS sales explode. The redesign and NSMB, a game which sold over 25 million copies. And hey guess what? The new one is coming this August. A redesign is also yet to come, although I think a revision is more likely (possibly one at E3. Think more PSP-1000 to 2000 differences)

Not only this but you are the one who can't spot trends. Remember handheld sales before the DS and PSP? The GBA practically had no competitors and only reached 82m worldwide. You want to know why handhelds are struggling? When the DS Lite launched with NSMB (when sales suddenly took off) do you know the price of the system? $130. Heck even when the original DS launched it was only $150. 

The PSP launched at $250 and it's sales died down very quickly and only picked up after a price drop and some big games. It's price dropped to $200 within a year iirc. 

Whereas the 3DS launched at $250 and is now $170. While the PSV launched at $270 ($250 launch price but a memory card is needed). The simple fact is both Nintendo and Sony made huge mistakes with trying to launch with too high a price. Once the 3DS reaches $150 it will do fine. For the Vita? Harder to judge. $150 would definitely help but it might be okay at $200 (memory included). Especially considering Nintendo and Sony BOTH conditioned consumers to wait to buy handhelds. Nintendo with their drastic redesign and Sony with their fast price drop. People are waiting on these price drops and revisions to hardware.

The 3DS is all but guaranteed to be a success in the West. The Vita? Well it depends on how fast Sony react. Now I'm not saying they will reach the market levels of the DS+PSP combo (over 220m) because that was simply a golden time for handhelds. However you would have to be insane to not see there is still a huge market there. The GBA only managed lifetime sales of 82m and the gameboy only around 120m. The DS and PSP years were simply a massive boom. The 3DS and Vita will have carved out a very nice market size when they stop selling. And all your posts are going to be incredibly laughable. It seems you think the handheld market can only exist if they manage to reach DS and PSP sales levels. Which is just absurd.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

This is for a certain someone so we can stop being babies and throwing bias accusations around:


Can we move on now?

Millenium said:
This is for a certain someone so we can stop being babies and throwing bias accusations around:


Can we move on now?

Sure because going to that exreme makes everything better....

P.S. Nice Halo/Master Chief sig. pics....

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cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
360 relatively good (market share), but in absolute terms not very good.

PS3 and Wii poor.

All overtracked, PS3 and especially Wii quite heavily in % terms.

Adjustments will be incoming for PS3 and possibly Wii too following this and the Sony shipment numbers.

Next gen required...

Errr the 360 is overtracked more than the ps3 this month in terms of raw numbers.

sigh.   which is why I said % terms...  



Why cherry pick that one stat and present the data in that way? Why not just say the 360 is overtracked more than the ps3 this month yet again? It's the same old story.

maybe because it isn't cherry picking to talk about the percentual change which shows much better the change of the success of a product/country/whatever?

if ford would lose 3% of customers and porsche would lose 60%, ford would have lost many more customers and you will tell me porsche's situation would be better because of that? no, porsche's situation would be worse, customers lost their interest much more in porsche than in ford even with a lower decline in sales numbers.

or compare usa with netherlands. if usa's gnp would grow 1.5 percent and netherlands would grow 15 percent, usa's would grow more in raw numbers, but who would have the better situation?

This year has been really slow for console sales, and yes i know im stating the obvious

pezus said:
slowmo said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
360 relatively good (market share), but in absolute terms not very good.

PS3 and Wii poor.

All overtracked, PS3 and especially Wii quite heavily in % terms.

Adjustments will be incoming for PS3 and possibly Wii too following this and the Sony shipment numbers.

Next gen required...

Errr the 360 is overtracked more than the ps3 this month in terms of raw numbers.

He said they were all overtracked and that the Wii particularly so, no mention of the 360 being overtracked more or less than the PS3.

He only mentioned adjustments for PS3 and Wii because it is on regards to the recent Sony shipping numbers.  I think you've jumped the gun in your eagerness to bash him and should read his post again. 

The 360 probably will need adjusting too but the issue is masked in the overall numbers by the poor tracking of sales in the EU for the 360.  I think the issue with the 360 is we overtrack it in the US and undertrack in the EU consistantly, but thats just my opinion. 

Comparing VGC Europe sales with the numbers from Nintendo the tracking wasn't poor at all. What was it, 100k under for the whole quarter?

Which is why I stated it was just my opinion.  Data generally seems to point the overall sales figures we have for 360 are about correct, the issue seems to be where those sales occur.  At the end of the day I said it was my opinion as it's marginal but I stand by the fact that I suspect we are undertracking in the EU and overtracking in the US.  Adjustments in the future are the only way to prove me right though.  Perhaps poor was the wrong word to use I conceed though, I should have just said "due to undertrakcing of EU sales for the 360 imo".

Don't be childish Cookingyourmama, someone liking a brand or game enough to use the art as a avatar doesn't instantly make their opinion stereotypically a certain type.  On the point you seem to be making that VG Chartz overtracks the 360 every month, could you post the last 5 months VG CHartz and NPD numbers for PS3 and 360 to prove your case please, I'm not so sure you have a point at all but I'll happily conceed if you're right.


crissindahouse said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
360 relatively good (market share), but in absolute terms not very good.

PS3 and Wii poor.

All overtracked, PS3 and especially Wii quite heavily in % terms.

Adjustments will be incoming for PS3 and possibly Wii too following this and the Sony shipment numbers.

Next gen required...

Errr the 360 is overtracked more than the ps3 this month in terms of raw numbers.

sigh.   which is why I said % terms...  



Why cherry pick that one stat and present the data in that way? Why not just say the 360 is overtracked more than the ps3 this month yet again? It's the same old story.

maybe because it isn't cherry picking to talk about the percentual change which shows much better the change of the success of a product/country/whatever?

if ford would lose 3% of customers and porsche would lose 60%, ford would have lost many more customers and you will tell me porsche's situation would be better because of that? no, porsche's situation would be worse, customers lost their interest much more in porsche than in ford even with a lower decline in sales numbers.

or compare usa with netherlands. if usa's gnp would grow 1.5 percent and netherlands would grow 15 percent, usa's would grow more in raw numbers, but who would have the better situation?

That's just a strawman arguement, in this case the percentile change doesn't show how much vgchartz has overtracked the 360 compared to the ps3 any better then just posting the actual numbers.

This month in america vgchartz has overtracked the 360 by 52,000 which is 22% overtracked.

The ps3 is overtracked anything from 22,000 to 54,000 which is 11%-32% overtracked.

Using the actual real numbers the gap of overtracking is either roughly the same or in the Ps3's favour. Using the Percentile numbers it could be above, below or the same and nobody has a clue.

bertlsenix said:

Thats the problem with the USA and why you shouldn't take those numbers seriously.
In Europe Fifa and Battlefield are destroying Call of Duty...And even CoD is selling better on the PS3 in Europe.
Its just insane how much the USA is pushing the 360,Call of Duty and Halo....and Kinect.
Its hardcore how much they dont care for quality and rather play the stuff that is cool at school.

Wait, FIFA one of the buggiest games available, and you're talking trash about CoD? 

The reason why FIFA sells so well in Europe is because you folks like football (soccer).  A lot.  Like as in, we consider people on your level of like for something  mentally unstable and on the verge of insanity.  In Europe, they're just known as football fans.  In the US, when people live and breath their teams, they wear the colors, the gear, maybe fly a team flag, sport a bumper sticker on their car, or paint their house in team colors.  In Europe, people live and die by their teams, like litterally.  I doubt a day goes by in Europe that a fan of one football club isn't brutally attacked or killed by a fan of some other team.   In Scotland, they're having to have a referendum on bigotry in the Scottish Premier League because football fans there have turned it into a religious war between Catholics and Protestants.

So, mind what you say about how insane North American's are about First Person Shooters.  After all, Europeans seem to go ballistic for any slight offense against their football club.  If that isn't the definition of insanity, than I don't know what is.