cookingyourmama said:
Why cherry pick that one stat and present the data in that way? Why not just say the 360 is overtracked more than the ps3 this month yet again? It's the same old story. |
maybe because it isn't cherry picking to talk about the percentual change which shows much better the change of the success of a product/country/whatever?
if ford would lose 3% of customers and porsche would lose 60%, ford would have lost many more customers and you will tell me porsche's situation would be better because of that? no, porsche's situation would be worse, customers lost their interest much more in porsche than in ford even with a lower decline in sales numbers.
or compare usa with netherlands. if usa's gnp would grow 1.5 percent and netherlands would grow 15 percent, usa's would grow more in raw numbers, but who would have the better situation?