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Forums - Sales Discussion - Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale will outsell Smash Bros

I think i am convinced that some people in this thread have lost their MOTHER-F**KING-MINDS


this game is just not going to hit Brawl or Melee's sales especially on the 1st release in its franchise

and this game has no chance in hitting 3-4 million this holiday season

i see this game selling similar to the 1st Little Big Planet but maybe a bit more in its opening weeks

the highest i see it doing is like 6.5 and thats pushing it.

i do think this game could hit like 2.3-2.7 million by the year but hopefully it will do a bit more

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AndrewWK said:
Sal.Paradise said:

But I'd wager that Cloud/Sephiroth alone are +1m sales confirmed. 

Oh, and some Resident Evil characters. Wesker maybe. 


And there won´t be any Capcom Characters

They are the protagonist and antagonist of the most famous RPG of all time.

PDF said:
crissindahouse said:
if the post count in battle royal threads of the last days is any indicator, it will sell huge numbers.

Too bad internet hype hardy translates to massives sales, at least for Playstation games.   I thought KZ2 and LBP was gonna sell much more based of the hype.

i agree with the bolded

i thought that game was going to sell millions more than it did

i dont remember much hype about LBP that would make me think it was going to explode sales-wise

S.T.A.G.E. said:

While I dont think this game will outsell the Smash bro's games, I believe it will hoist the PS3's sales over the holidays over the 360. Sony needs to market the shit out of a game like this. With the Kinect selling more stable than stellar all Microsofts got now is Halo. Sony's got the whole year to keep closing the gap and then the holidays to bring this celebration of nearly 20 years of characters into peoples homes.

you think so?

come on, you know how serious the Kinect-effect is lol and the 360 might have a price drop this holiday

hmm i dont know...

Mr Puggsly said:
I believe it. Every time Sony has attempted to clone something similar to a Nintendo product, Sony always crushes Nintendo.

This will be no exception!

in terms of quality? yes

in terms of sales? no


hopefully this really will be no exception ;)

either way i will still always buy Smash Bros even if Battle Royale turns out to be a better game

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leatherhat said:
No. This game will be mishandled by sony and the dev very badly and barely scrape past 1 million.

Pretty much my thoughts.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

3-4mil Lifetime i reckon

I think this game doess 4 million in sales if everything is handled PERFECTLY, and by that I mean good marketing great reviews, and a very strong list of fighters including Final Fantasy characters.

If not I expect around 2 million. This holiday is unbelievably stacked with games and if the game just ends up being mediocre it will be swallowed up and passed on in favor of the bigger franchises.

enditall727 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

While I dont think this game will outsell the Smash bro's games, I believe it will hoist the PS3's sales over the holidays over the 360. Sony needs to market the shit out of a game like this. With the Kinect selling more stable than stellar all Microsofts got now is Halo. Sony's got the whole year to keep closing the gap and then the holidays to bring this celebration of nearly 20 years of characters into peoples homes.

you think so?

come on, you know how serious the Kinect-effect is lol and the 360 might have a price drop this holiday

hmm i dont know...

Yeah, theres tech....but what of the games for Kinect this holiday season? Halo will sell well but mostly amongst people who already own 360's. People haven't seen a game like this out of Sony yet and if its marketed well to people without PS3's as a fun party brawler many will probably buy into it.

d21lewis said:
Gilgamesh said:
d21lewis said:
Gilgamesh, I don't believe for one second that you believe what you posted in the OP. You're just trying to create another epic thread.

You must have faith Lewis! You see the potential, no?

If anything, this game is going to make sales of Super Smash Bros. Brawl explode again and make more people buy the Wii.  Think about it.  Sony fans will get a taste of the mascot fighting scene.  Then, they're going to want some more.  Are they going to wait for Sony to make a sequel?  NO.  They are going to buy Nintendo's ready to play games, obviously.

Damn it! That sounds expensively accurate Batman, to the bat cave!